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Goodday all,

I am building a 2.5K Nightlord list could you please shed some light on the list for improvements.

I tried to build a list which could take down Hvy armour and infantry,

Here goes! :

Total 2495pts

Rite of War: Terror Assault


-175pts Servatar

-135pts Legion Primus Medicae (Artificier armour, Jumppack, Meltabombs, Nostraman Chainglaive)


-255pts 9 man TerrorSquad (9 Volkite Chargers) + Headsman (Volkite Charger, Meltabombs)

-255pts 9 man TerrorSquad (9 Volkite Chargers) + Headsman (Volkite Charger, Meltabombs)

-355pts 8 Man TerrorSquad (8 Hvy Chainblades) + Headsman (Power Fist, Meltabombs, Artificier Armour)

With Dreadclaw Droppod


-195pts Contemptor-Mortis Dreadnought (2 TL lascannons, Extra Armour)

-195pts Contemptor-Mortis Dreadnought (2 TL lascannons, Extra Armour)

-250pts 5 man Terminator Squad (5 Chainfists, Hvy Flamer, Teleportation Transponder)

Fast Attack

-490pts 15man Night Raptor Squad (4 Nostraman Chainglaives, 3 Poweraxes, 3 Meltaguns)

-95pts Legion Javelin Attack Speeder (TL lascannon, Multimelta)

-95pts Legion Javelin Attack Speeder (TL lascannon, Multimelta)

Servatar joins the hvy chainblade squad in a Dreadclaw and the medicea Joins the Raptors.

The Terminators are a reserve unit who teleport on the board on turn 2. (Hopefully in Servatars vicinity, but can deepstrike annywhere)

Advise or ideas would be much obliged smile.png


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Thx You both :)


Nice army you have there Black-Out ;D.


Well the super hvys in our group are maybe coming in 3K (or more lists). Titans will not be played (expensive little buggers ;p )


An occasional Primarch can be in a 2.5K list (talking to you Fulgrim/ Vulkan) And I am afraid of them. But if they spend so much points on a primarch in a 2.5K list I outman and probably outgun them.


It was real hard to stay in a NL feeling Theme in the army ;p.


I have got a Salamander legion but that plays and feel much different I hope ;).  I want this to be fast and versatile.


In my concepts I was playing with 3 dreadclaws... but that is a lot of points for units who can infiltrate anyway ;p. And with one I am for certain that it will be on the table turn 1.

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My 2 cents:


- Your centurion doesn't have an ++ save (that's ok, but just to check that you are aware)

- You have 2 Mortis with Lascannons, maybe switch one to Autocannons (statistically better Anti-Air), and it looks more versatile :)

- Your speeders have Lascannons and Multi Melta. I would remove those multi melta's, for you should never bring those speeders close to anything. Keep them long ranged, add Hunter killer missiles (really cheap on speeders!). Maybe make one with cyclone missile launchers and 2 HKM?

- You're paying top dollar for 5 terminators, maybe consider adding a few? They get cheaper after 5 and 5 are quite easily countered (especially cause they can't assault after DS, so they will face a turn of shooting/counter charge.



This is just from first glance, I'll look better later :). I'll have to take a look at the NL special units before I can say more.

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Thx Morgoth,

I See that I am lacking in the antiair departement. Light Fighters are better to take down with autocannons.

True Speeders dont want to be in melta range ;p. I dont want to use them as "Glasscannons" and the hunter missles will help bring down rhinos,

With the points I spare with these adjustments an extra terminator becomes available:

Total 2500pts

Rite of War: Terror Assault


-175pts Servatar

-145pts Legion Primus Medicae (Artificier armour, Refractor Field, Jumppack, Meltabombs, Nostraman Chainglaive)


-255pts 9 man TerrorSquad (9 Volkite Chargers) + Headsman (Volkite Charger, Meltabombs)

-255pts 9 man TerrorSquad (9 Volkite Chargers) + Headsman (Volkite Charger, Meltabombs)

-355pts 8 Man TerrorSquad (8 Hvy Chainblades) + Headsman (Power Fist, Meltabombs, Artificier Armour)

With Dreadclaw Droppod


-175pts Contemptor-Mortis Dreadnought (2 TL Autocannons, Extra Armour)

-195pts Contemptor-Mortis Dreadnought (2 TL lascannons, Extra Armour)

-285pts 6 man Terminator Squad (3 Chainfists, 2 pairs of lightning claws, Power Fist, Teleportation Transponder)

Fast Attack

-490pts 15man Night Raptor Squad (4 Nostraman Chainglaives, 3 Poweraxes, 3 Meltaguns)

-85pts Legion Javelin Attack Speeder (TL Cyclone missle launcher, 2 Hunter Killer Missles)

-85pts Legion Javelin Attack Speeder (TL lascannon)

So I think this will do smile.png and its a fluffy army in my eyes msn-wink.gif

(EDIT): Point Value Lascannon speeder was not correct. pointed out by Morgoth

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I think you've got a nice list there, I'd suggest to playtest it with proxies once or twice (against different types of armies) and see if it functions the way you want it to. Sometimes it works well on paper and in practice, but just doesn't play they way you wanted it too (my experience).

Btw, I think you forgot to add hunter killer missiles to your lascannon speeder. You seem to have paid the points for them, but you didn't list them :). (or did you keep the multi melta on that one... in which case.. go for the missiles tongue.png )

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  • 1 month later...

Draistlin, I've been looking into Nightlords and I reviewed your list while doing this.


One thing that got me 'worried' about Nightlords, and with that also your list, is that I believe Servatar cannot join Terror Squads.. ever.


FAQ say: Page 166 - Independent Character, Independent Characters and Infiltrate Change this sentence to read: ‘An Independent Character without the Infiltrate special rule cannot join a unit of Infiltrators during deployment, and vice versa.’


And from the MRB: Combined Reserve Units

During deployment, when deciding which units are kept as Reserves, you must specify if any of the Independent Characters in Reserve are joining a unit, in which case they must arrive together.
So I don't think Servatar can join a terror squad in any way, not normally, not in reserves. Unless you somehow manage to give Servatar infiltrate.
If I'm wrong, someone can correct me.
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As cool as sevetar is, you'd probably be better off with a jump pack preator to put with the raptors anyway.


Also why take a dreadclaw drop pod when terror assault let's you take a normal pod? Third of the price and you gain internal guidance.

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Agreed on the Dreadclaw. Terror Squads with Volkite chargers are a shooty unit primarily; Assault when needed. Save 65 points and take a normal Drop Pod.


With the Javelins, load them up with as much as you can - multi-melta, Cyclone missile launcher and 2 HKMs. All S8 shooting and they can fire them all when they arrive. Multi-melta is still worth taking. Sevatar works nicely with them as they can Outflank and he gives everyone Acute Senses, but will be hard to find a home for him.

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  • 5 months later...

I am sorry for not answering or checking this topic in a long time.


I was hospitalized for a couple of months due to a motorcycle accident.


And I began completing my NL list again this week.


I have the following list to crunch over it is almost the same as above but more thought over I think.:



Total 2500pts


Rite of War: Terror Assault




-175pts Servatar (sorry I rly like the guy)




-225pts 9 man TerrorSquad (9 Boltpistol,Chainswords) + Headsman (Nostraman Chainglaive, Artificer Armor, Meltabombs)

-265pts 9 man TerrorSquad (9 Volkite Chargers) + Headsman (Volkite Charger, Artificer Armor, Meltabombs)

-265pts 9 man TerrorSquad (9 Volkite Chargers) + Headsman (Volkite Charger, Artificer Armor, Meltabombs)




-165pts Contemptor-Mortis Dreadnought (2 TL Autocannons)

-395pts 8 man Legion Vetrans (Meltabombs, Vexilla, Furious Charge, 4 Power Weapos, 1 Meltagun) +  Sergeant (Artificer Armor, Nostraman Chainglaive)

with Anvillus Patern Droppod

-340pts 7 man Terminator Squad (3 Chainfists, 2 Power Fist, 1 Plasma Blaster, Teleportation Transponder) + Sergeant (Powerfist)


Fast Attack


-315pts 9 man Night Raptor Squad (3 Nostraman Chainglaives, 2 Poweraxes) Huntmaster (Artificer Armor, Meltaboms, Nostraman Chainglaive)

-85pts Legion Javelin Attack Speeder (TL Cyclone missle launcher, 2 Hunter Killer Missles)

-85pts Legion Javelin Attack Speeder (TL Cyclone missle launcher, 2 Hunter Killer Missles)


Heavy Support


-175pts Sicaran Battle Tank (Lascannons)




Sevatar Joins the vetrans. The termie group can teleport in proximity of Sevatar or the Tacticals. The situation aquires you to first deploy Sevatar or the Tacticals. 


(Edited: Replaced the Tacticals for Terrors, some weapons here and there)

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Just so you're aware the compulsory troops choices in a Terror Assault list MUST be Terror Squads. You can take tacticals as additional choices but the first 3 have to be Terror squads

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