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Plains of War

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Hey Everyone!


Name is Fabio (yes literally) and I am a 40k gamer from Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. I have been playing for little over 13 years now and aside from back story (fluff) i have grown to love all aspects of the hobby. I play CSM (Tsons & Nurgle), Necrons, Eldar, GK, Harlequins, and DA. I enjoy travelling for major tournaments which I have been doing now for a little over 5 years. My goal each year is to attend 2-3 major events outside of winnipeg (usually in the USA) just to meet new people, and work on my generalship.


6 months ago I decided that I wanted to run a 40k GT under the ITC (independent tournament circuit) here in winnipeg. So, with the help of a few other locals we have formed the group "Plains of War". With this group formed we host free open gaming at a video game bar here in winnipeg on the first tuesday of every month, provide gaming tables and terrain. All people need to do is show up with their armies and ether grab an opponent or we can grab random opponents for them. The reasoning behind this was A. to build the community and B. get people out and playing / play testing for our annual tournament the "Plains of War GT".


If anyone is interested in checking out any further info on ether the open gaming or the tournament feel free to check out: http://www.powgt.ca


I look forward to 'shooting the breeze' with everyone!


-Plains of War-

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