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Blood Dragon WIP


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So, it's been awhile since I've had any updates. I fell out of the hobby for many years. Picked it up for a sprint last year for just long enough to buy a bunch of stuff. Now much of it is put together, and I'm relearning how to paint. This weekend, I did some stuff. I'm obviously going for spaeeescevampires! but, I noticed early on, a little goes a long, long way. So, now they just... look marginally renegade. I'm okay with that. I hope you are too. Hah. 





My first DC. Testing out the color scheme. Obviously I used the Night Lord Raptors. I really need to get better at thin lines for highlighting. 






Bought a Knight. I play a lot of Orks. 3 of the 6 players of our regular group play Orks. So I needed some Dakka, and a Baal Predator just wasn't enough. Introducing: Batknight.





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Exactly, the bat head came from that god awful expensive 3 in 1 mount from end times. Bought it for bits. Great selection of skulls and skull related stuff. So, yeah! That's the head.


I wanted the knight to, look like a member of the possibly renegade Succrssor chapter. Which, I just ripped off all flesh tearer colors.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Charlo, haha. Thank you. I started with my chapter of making "space vampires", and found out quick, a little bit goes a long way. It can get real novelty, real quick. But using some actual marines, like these guys, can achieve the affect without getting hokey.
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Impressive work. I can imagine the following scene in every field your Marines face the enemy.

Night Lord (storms the Imperial trenches): "We bring the...!"


Night Lord (falls to his knees, terrified as a Blood Dragon nears his position): "Mommy."


Night Lord (curls into the fetal position, insensate as the Blood Dragon slaughters the Night Lords around him): "Mommy, Mommy, Mommy, Mommy..."

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I see that the stuff I've uploaded looks fairly heretical. So I'll post some stuff that hopefully avoids the Inquisition. Like I've said above, trying to avoid the Novelty vampire army. With Brides of Dracula riding on Stormraven's etc. 





Vanguard Vets. I made my own wing helms, because I thought the Blood Knights from Fantasy were so stupidly expensive. I bought a box last week, of those blood knights, and it was the worst moulded resin thing I've ever seen. $80, and almost totally useless.



Sanguinary Priest. Pretty much done. 



From Left to right: Chaplain in Termie, Mephiston, and Astorath.



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