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Mind if SM borrows your models?

Ahazra Redth

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So I want to model some scouts with shotguns, and came accross the Cadian Hardened Veterans w. Shotguns upgrade pack from Forgeworld. I know there are usually rules against non-GW models being used. Has anyone ever come accross a case where the aforementioned idea would be banned?

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Forge World is Games Workshop. If there is a Tournament that bans Forge World models...don't do that Tournament because they're idiots.


Your idea is 100% fine and is what Forge World wants you to do, in fact.


Am I missing something important here that no one told me about?

Check with your local club my friend, they might have rules we don't know.


The places that say 'GW only' usually accept forgeworld counts as similar to 40k conversions and counts as (what, lemartes is a bitching chaplain ill let you know).


However when you say forgeworld like that it sounds like the rules, which is another kettle of fish entirely

I've never heard of such a thing, most likely because it would be incredibly petty and pointless - plus FW is GW! The only thing I can see is that Guard models are noticeably smaller than Marine Scouts, but it depends on how you plan to use the bits :)

Sounds like a good idea to me.


Size wise, according to the fluff I have read, Scouts are not yet fully grown so being smaller than full battle brothers should not be a problem model wise.


Some tournaments have been known to ban FW models as there is a perceived advantage to FW rules even though I personally find them more balanced than many of the GW codex units. These tournaments seem to be getting fewer and fewer and it is best just to vote with your feet if you are not happy and if your "counts as Scouts" models are not allowed I would be surprised but it is always best to ask first to avoid disappointment.


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