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Liber Challenge VIII - 11th Dark Angels Expeditionary Force

Grand Master Belial

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11th Dark Angels Expeditionary Force

Dark Angels 11th Expeditionary Fleet


Faction Side

Emperor and the Lion


Color Scheme 

Standard Black with White Iconography


The Dark Angels Insignia reflects the 11th by having the left third of the background in red. 


General Background

The 11th Expeditionary force was one of the many selected to reconquer the stars and establish the Imperium during the Great Crusade. The 11th had the singular honor of finding their own lost  primarch when the vessels entered the Caliban system and found the Lion in control of the planet. After the integration of Caliban into the Imperium and the Lion in charge of the Dark Angels, the 11th returned to their original mission and set course away from Terra and Caliban.  

They were again amongst the first to encounter the Orks and the Hrud as well as a number of human and abhuman worlds. Few fleets achieved the number of victories and worlds in compliance like the 11th. 


Being so far from the Caliban and Terra, the 11th did not receive news of the betrayal of Horus until well into the Heresy and nothing about the betrayal of Luther until the fateful events on Caliban. This later would haunt Chapter Master Bronson, Supreme Commander of the 11th, as he would discover in hindsight the indicators of the treachery. The lack of replacement and resupply shipments as well as fewer reports and inquiries to their progress and the status of the worlds they brought into compliance being but a few. Bronson himself was selected for the position because of his forward thinking and vision and not looking back. A painful lesson he would share with the Lion.


Notable campaigns/battles

Hrud Attack over Gamma Centaurus 359

The 11th stopped in the Gamma Centaurus system to resupply. Stowed away on the containers were the Nocturnal Hrud. The Fleet’s efforts at gaining compliance had seen several Hrud Infestations purged from compliant worlds. In an unusually aggressive move, the Hrud got onboard the ships of the 11th fleet and began to sabotage the systems and kill the ratings on board since they would not be cowed by the terror tactics of the nocturnal warriors. The fleet stayed in orbit an additional month to find every xenos on board and repair the damage to their systems.


Battle of Caliban

The 11th were too far away to make it back in time to meet up with the Lion in the aftermath the Battle of Terra, but they were able to arrive shortly after the first salvos were fired. The 11th were also quick to respond in the Lion’s order to commence bombardment of the planet.


Notable characters

Chapter Master Bronson 

Bronson was a Terran born and assigned to become a part of the First Legion. A natural tactician, he has been at the forefront of every battle the 11th Fleet encountered. Both of his legs were lost when he encountered corrosive quicksand purifying an alien world that had taken up residence in an old human settlement. The corrosive agent was found to be organic in nature and when it contacted the skin, it turned into a flesh eating virus that even the enhanced physiology of an Astartes could not stop. He was saved by his battle brother and now Third Captain, Samuel, who cut off his legs with his power axe before the virus could spread too far up his legs. Even with bionic legs, Bronson was never one to shy away from battle and as an officer, he has claimed many victories through his astute observations of his opponents. When the previous Chapter Master was killed, the captains elected Bronson unanimously to succeed him and become the new Chapter Master.


Third Captain Samuel

Samuel is a man of few words and prefers to keep his own council. While this may have stopped him from any further opportunities at promotion, he is quite happy to remain a captain of a company of warriors. When not in battle, he can be found watching his warriors train and helping them with their training as necessary, but his real purpose is to learn the capabilities of each squad and each member within. When in battle, he can summon the right squad for the job that needs to be done based on each squad’s proficiency. When Samuel takes the field, he is usually with 4th squad as they are the best assault squad in the company where his power axe can be put to good use.



Battle cry/catechism

“For the Glory of the Imperium! This we’ll defend!”

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