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Retooling my Vanguard Veterans

Servant of Dante

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I have ten vanguard veterans (5x TH/SS, 4x LC/LC, Sergeant with power sword and hand flamer). I bought them for the old heroic intervention, but now they never see play because they cost so many points.


I'm thinking of keeping the TH/SS marines together (because the shields are why you take VV anymore) and giving the other five dual plasma pistols because I really like them. It would be 260 pts for the 5 with jump packs. I could do inferno pistols, and go full meltacide.


but real men use plasma.





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Dual plasma pistols on ~50pt W1 veteran models is simply asking for trouble; I mean, I usually don't mind taking my chances with Gets Hot! (I love plasma) but this is just pushing your luck too far.  Either go for dual grav pistols, or just go for hand flamers.  You could even consider Plasma Pistol + Grav Pistol combinations.  Inferno Pistols have terrible range to be a consideration imo.

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Gets hot is part of the reason I like plasma. I think the pistols look cool, and I know it's a lot of points per model but it's just for fun. If I play them once every 10 games it'll be more often then I do now.


I will run them for style points, and that moment when an honor guard runs face first into 10 plasma shots


You could say I have an obsession with plasma. The pistols go well with my obsession with the assault phase. I have a plasma gunslinger assault sergeant, and he's so cool.


That's it I guess. I'm going full plasma. I'll see how many pistols I have, thought I'll have to save a few for making combo weapons,because AUXILIARY ATTACHMENTS DO NOT GO ON TOP OF THE MAIN GUN! A BOLTER DOESNT GET SMALLER JUST BECAUSE IT HAS A COMBI ATTACHMENT


But I digress

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The Ad Mech beg to differ.


Looking forward to another gunslinging squad. I have a 4x plasma pistol assault squad, great fun, but not the most efficient use of points...

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I didn't think anyone wanted pictures, these guys have been done for a day or so. The group pictures where a pain, because I had very little idea what I was doing.

Also, I tend to run my assault squads with 5 guys, 2x meltaguns, and a plasma gunslinger sergeant, so yes, I have 6 models with dual plasma pistols.



Here's the other 5, I didn't do any work on them this time



This guy works as the sergeant. He was normal, but then he ended up on his own in a cc with a ton of chaos stuff. He made something like 13 consecutive saves over several assault phases. I had fun making him look cool. His current head is from the sanguinary guard kit. The things on his jump pack are dreadnought bits. the thing on the bottom of his shield is the flag topper from the sanguinary guard kit, because you never need more than one of those banners.


VV 4

VV 3

VV 2

VV 1

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Looking cool dude! The bling on that sarge is unreal - just like a BA should be!


Props for the gun-slinging! How many points do these guys work out as?


I'd almost be tempted to say to you run them in that charge on deepstrike RG fomation for Vanguards to ensure they get thier points back.

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I refuse to use other space marines as allies. I play Blood Angels, not an amalgamation of chapters.The 5 gunslingers will run you 260.


The TH/SS marines go for 310 points.


I don't know why I like plasma so much... actually, I do. Your enemies just melt without saves, and you wound on 2s.


Thanks for the complement on the TH/SS sergeant. If you notice the lump of plastic at his feet, that's his original head. By the time I twisted it off the torso with pliers, everything else had fallen of the model. Even then It didn't come off cleanly, and I had to file down the bottom of the new head to make it work.


Now if I could only figure out how to make an inquisitor out of my space marine bits... (I'm thinking maybe a floating Librarian Dreadnought sarcophagus)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I think I officially have a bro crush on Charlo after seeing that squad.......Wish I had the balls to put a squad like that together hobby wise let alone playing them on the TT.

I just need to get them painted then I'll let you know how that goes....

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Cool models; not into the unit from a TT perspective.


What I do Love is that your sarge got honorifics from TT success. That is an idea that has been rolling around in my head for awhile and it is cool to see it in effect.


He wasn't even the sergeant! Just some dude. I marked my battle sister who survived far to long in some ruins alone (even had to take some caver saves from an assault cannon (rending), then she was charged by some bikers and a Captain with the BURNING BLADE. The captain proceeded to roll three hits. Then triple ones to wound. The next round he missed entirely. He may have missed a third round too, but he eventually killed her. Imperial Saint anyone? I've yet to spruce her up, because I'm really not sure to do with a metal model like that. It's just one of the generic battle sisters with a bolter.


Also, I agree they aren't the most points effective, but to me its worth the points for the plasma (and nobody runs VV competitively anyway, at least not very often)! Rule of cool. It'll be great to deep strike them behind a tank. OVERKILL!


I have to say I like the Gets Hot rule. I just find it's a lot of fun. Maybe I'm just weird.

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