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Using drying retarder

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I was just wondering if it's possible to add a few drops of drying retarder to my paint pots directly without any chance of ruining the paints?

I think sometimes with the lamp I use it dries the paint on the tip of my brush quite quickly and I end up getting that crumby texture afterwards with multiple trips to the paintpot to clean it up.



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Generally speaking, you can add any acrylic medium you like to GW pots, with no ill effects. However, as Lucien Eilam says, it's a one-way trip; there's no way to remove drying retarder from the pot so you have to be sure on the proportion you're adding.


For colours that I use a lot of, or specific consistencies, I sometimes add flow improver directly to the pots. Some mediums may separate out over time, so if you do decide to alter your paint, be sure to mix thoroughly every time.


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