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Help Converting Ogres into ogryns


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Well my first attempt to reply got deleted, so let's try again.


First off, if you have a question like this in future, I'd suggest a quick google search first to see if anyone else has asked a similar question before. :)


This link is the first one you'll come across on Google. It doesn't require any greenstuff so long as you are careful with your cuts, and have a decent bits box.




Alternatively, you could bite the bullet and try using greenstuff. I know you said that you are rubbish, but so is everyone before they put in some practise. There are a number of great looking examples using greenstuff.


If you don't like that idea, it may just be easiest to simply buy ogryns instead. That, or pick up some ogryn guns etc from ebay and give them to your ogres, for a minimal effort conversion.


Hope this helps.



It is very straight forward, and requires a small amount is Greenstuffing. I have pics, which I'll post when I get home. 





Actually, IIRC, there's already a thread on this, here in this forum....


HERE http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/294308-converting-fantasy-ogres-into-bullgryns/?p=3771973


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