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IG Vendetta formation in Mont'ka

Castellan Cato

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FYI: title.


IG get a new formation that is 1-3 vendetta/valk squadrons. One successful reserve rolls brings in the rest and they have a special rule for no scatter air drop.


This seems very interesting for another way to get skitarii downfield.



If this is true, that would be a great idea to add for us skitarii. Air drop tin men!

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Rangers already love air drops since they don't have to worry about the terrain check. Having a formation that just gives you three vendettas without having to take associated HQ/troop taxes is pretty awesome.

Not sure about the low-altitude drop, though, on most tables that will probably get you several difficult terrain checks on the flier and no jinking!

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Many problems with this idea in comparison to drop pods or other forms of transport:


1) You have to pass the reserve roll to get the Valkyrie formation on the table, without reserves manipulation rules they are much less reliable than a drop pod which is guaranteed a certain number coming in starting turn 1.

2) The Valkyries are easily intercepted and give up jink for the no scatter rule, that's a pretty big deal. 

3) This formation is way more expensive than drop pods, rhinos, or chimeras.

4) This formation's rules kind of suck for the points you spend TBH even for just Guard armies. Honestly not having your Skitarii on the board turn 1 or at least a few of them thanks to drop pods is detrimental, especially if you fail the reserve roll a couple times... we've all been there.

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Best news of the day. Still have valks around, now I can use one or two. Might not be tournament-grade stuff, but more flexibility than usual.


In terms of not being able to jink, the good part is that the rule doesn't prevent the regular air drop. So, if there's lots of AA, you can use the regular, scattering air drop.

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I agree here. It's nice for the valks, but landing on the table and loosing jink sucks so bad x.x . Tau will thank you for saving them the marker lights. As term said rangers are best to drop ignoring that dangerous terrain and still getting your jink. 


I'd say.... <.< maaaaaaaybe electro priest would like to drop from these. They have pretty good shooting when they get to use it, and not sure how squadrons and transports work, but with the electro priest formation. It'd be nice to get 3 shots per guy. On top of that invuln + FNP would help with the dangerous terrain?? I mean come on the models look so cool x.x. 


Main problem would be that scatter. No matter what you throw down it's got a good shot of just being blown off the map or whatever. 


edit:  MajorNese makes a good point. You really only use the special drop when you know it's say or you'll get a lot of it. Also you get 3 chances to bring a good number of your valks in. First roll can bring all 3 second and bring 2 squads, and the last is for one squad.

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When it comes to transport formations, Id rather run the triple landraider one. Starts on the board turn 1, ignores the armor pen chart aside from explosions, and you can charge out of them.
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When it comes to transport formations, Id rather run the triple landraider one. Starts on the board turn 1, ignores the armor pen chart aside from explosions, and you can charge out of them.

While useful, it has it's drawbacks too. Firepower and resiliency, but not the speed and flexibility of flyers, while being really expensive. Different tools for different approaches...


In my case, I'm considering which to build, valkyrie or vendetta. Both have their roles, being AP2 (3x TL LC) and 6-man squads (vendetta), or massed shots/templates and 10-man squads. Considering the lack of AA and ranged AP2 in the skitarii codex, I guess the vendetta will be more useful. Skitarii have enough weapons against mass armies, from vanguard to rangers to eradication beamer onagers, but the plasma caliver is both overpriced and short-ranged, and the AA onager is only really good at AA, so it's a hit-or-miss.

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