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Alternate Primaris Psyker Models?

Lunar Centurion

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How about a Renegade Psyker from Forgeworld?





Or if they're too Chaos-ey, you could always do something with the Empire Wizards kit? Found this via Google images:





I too will throw in a vote for the Empire Battle Wizards.

Images of mine:

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Rather happy with how the resurrection orb turn out that this one is (probably rather ill-advisedly) fiddling with...




Attaching the left arm-section of the orb-holder and the right-arm section of the pistol holder after painting the `inside` meant there is a bit of a seam down the outside of their cloaks, but I'm not over bothered about it.

The pistol-wielder got the eye-in-a-ring-upon-an-I Adeptus Astra Telepathica icon on his scripture-streamers, while the orb-fiddler got a different AAT icon (I found in my 7th ed. eRulebook) on the back of his collar (not my best freehand, I'll admit).

Dude I love that orb how did you do it?

Thank you.

I wrote up how I did it in my army thread. I'll link to the post:


If you can get hold of them (and you like collars and feathers) there is the Psyker's from 2nd ed




3rd ed




Necromunda Telepath (though I'd change the staff, it's very Chaosy)




As mentioned above, Privateer Press have a few models that might work. Stormsmith Stormcallers, Choir of Menoth, Reclaimer, Orin Midwinter. Maybe Greylord Escort if you had Valhallans.


Unfortunately these are all metal, so you'd have to be pretty OK with the original model to use them. Maybe just changing out weapons or something simple.


Here's the two Psyker models I use, Tarja from Raging Heroes, and Sister Herja from Kromlech.


How is the scale on those models compared to GW? I've heard that Raging Heroes stuff is a bit too tall and thing to fit.


I like the look of the choir of menoth from war machine. They might be metal though.


They are.

Raging Heroes stuff seems pretty much the same as GW in terms of scale. Models themselves are much slimmer-built, but height-wise they're the same.

If you're talking about those KST yaga-girls, they're not really of the same scale. Height of the models is ok, but their poses make me think that those girls are a little taller than your average guardsman.


Raging Heroes stuff seems pretty much the same as GW in terms of scale. Models themselves are much slimmer-built, but height-wise they're the same.

If you're talking about those KST yaga-girls, they're not really of the same scale. Height of the models is ok, but their poses make me think that those girls are a little taller than your average guardsman.


 it can be also incorporated fluff wise, not all psykers were born on planets with normal gravity, in my opinion, height differences  it adds a little bit of fluffiness to an army  

Height isn't an issue... proportions can be. Much better a taller character in the same style/proportions than a character that is the same height but proportionally different.


There are some excellent suggestions here... what about a Cadian/fantasy Dark Elf combo?


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