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Are These Good First Purchases?

Lunar Centurion

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I'm hopefully able to go to my FLGS today, and I'm getting ready to start the Guard. Here's what I'm planning to buy:


Militarum Tempestus Command Squad (To be my CCS)

2x Militarum Tempestus Scion Squad (To be vets)

Cadian Defense Force (For my platoon)

Leman Russ Tech-Command (For a second Russ and a Techpriest)


I'm also going to convert a Primaris Psyker, and I've already got my second Chimera (For the CCS), and other than that, I think that brings me to a somewhat good 1k list. If I should change anything, please tell me!

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Yes, that's a good start :) They will keep you busy for a bit and might give you ideas on what you might like to paint up next. Another Chimera wouldn't go amiss as well as another Russ if you can't decide. Don't forget to start your WIP topic in the barracks once you get going :tu:

Patience is a virtue comrades ;) When you fire thousands of Basilisk shells do you not have to wait before they obliterate the enemy lines? Does the xeno in front of your tanks get crushed immediately? In waiting do we fully appreciate the rewards the Emperor gives us.


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