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Grav or Plasma?


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I was planning on running Mephiston in a Command Squad (the one I haven't even looked at since Fallout4) but I can't decide on what to equip my veterans with... plasma and stormshield, or grav and stormshield?


Looking at the maths, it looks like Grav is just plain better for almost everything, and for the things plasma is better against, you really don't want Meph/Command Squad to be messing with anyway.


Is there a reason to ever use plasma anymore?

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It really depends on the target. In general, grav is better because it can easily deal with the armour that our other weapons struggle against and it doesn't get hot. It is, however, salvo. So the range gets cut in half if you move. 


Plasma has it's advantages against lower tougness (~T6 and lower) models that are sporting 3+ or worse saves. Grav struggles against models with poor saves. 


Plasma is also nice against low AV vehicles (AV12 or lower) b/c it can hurt them without having to roll a "6" and it has the chance to explode the vehicle, whereas all grav can do is glance/immobilize. 

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I was thinking about this as well however i figured when will i not be moving towards the enemy and shooting and then assaulting. The only weapon that allows this is an assault weapon. So my command squad will be equipped with three storm shields two meltas and a flamer or just three meltas.

Please correct me if i am wrong but i did not think you can fire a rapid fire weapon and assault

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