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Eagle Ordinary


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It's the based on a role play campaign that will spell its fate I reckon, depends entirely on how that goes as a player makes the character. That and the campaign might fall apart, but maybe it'll be pure comic then? Certainly one of the better 40k comics I've seen, bonus in being about Guard too.

  • 2 months later...

It's the based on a role play campaign that will spell its fate I reckon, depends entirely on how that goes as a player makes the character. That and the campaign might fall apart, but maybe it'll be pure comic then? Certainly one of the better 40k comics I've seen, bonus in being about Guard too.

Actually, the campaign it's based on is over, so that won't be a problem. The artist had been around the various 40k subs on reddit for a while, and some of these characters were among the ones she's drawn there. Definitely a promising webcomic, but it still needs to hit its stride properly.

  • 5 months later...


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