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Dark Talon or Nephilim?


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there's no clear answer on that... and when in doubt, magnetize! I didn't magnetize, but assembled it in a way I can go either way.. the bolters and the cannon fit tightly so they can be replaces by missiles and lascannons.

Dark Talon has a lot going for him with the great cannon and the bolters. At this point, if I could pick only one, I would go for DT. But I really like the Nephilim as well.

Talon dovetails with the ravenwing


I use plasma bikes for anti air and the speeder support squad twin liked with prescience


If your running greenwing then you might want the Fighter, the s6 bolter is probably your best bet anyways at leas they sorted the missiles out.


I've magnet mine but always use the talon

I'm trying to get a Lion's Blade force together with elements of Ravenwing and Deathwing. (Probably have to go to a CAD for the Ravenwing as I don't like Sammael). So most of my stuff will be green wing. Smaller games I'll use a demi-company and have 6 RW Bikes + Landspeeder and 6 RW Knights w/command. Backed up by Deathwing if points allow. 


I don't care for magnetizing the model so I have to pick one. I guess I'll go with the Talon. Thanks.

  On 11/29/2015 at 1:23 AM, Roland said:

Talon if you have AA, Neph otherwise. I prefer to run both. If you can swing it the silence squadron would be nuts.


I don't see myself buying three kits. I don't want to commit to the Ravenwing or the Deathwing. I just want them to back up my Demi-Companies. I know I'm in the minority here but I love standard Greenwing. The robes for veterans, all of it. Plus I have Craftworld, Wordbearers(40K), Orks and starting a Sons of Horus army. Just WAY too many irons in the fire. The cost by itself is a deterrent but really I would never have the time to paint up a proper Ravenwing force. Still I'll probably get a Darkshroud to protect my bikes before getting another Talon/Nephilim kit.


As far as AA I'll have to use my Devastator squads equipped with Plasma and Lascannons. I usually load my Tac Marines with H/Bolters.

It might be worth mentioning that Unless you run a CAD/RWSF detachment the only way to get all the Lions blade goodness is a silence squadron... If you are predominantly playing Greenwing it is a shame to miss out on all the benefits of the Lions Blade. The Silence squad is really pretty good in truth  The capture run rule can swing things in the VP stakes with a well placed bombing run. On the down side its A a lot of cash to have to stump up and B a big points investment limiting its usefulness in most games. So then I guess its a choice dependent on your meta. Lots of flyers Nephillium,  other wise the Dark talon.

Its a shame you don't want to magnetize as Elmo has demonstrated how you can use magnets to have either available to choose from with only one kit....  

Posted · Hidden by Chaplain Lucifer, December 1, 2015 - Off topic
Hidden by Chaplain Lucifer, December 1, 2015 - Off topic
  On 11/30/2015 at 2:15 PM, march10k said:


  On 11/29/2015 at 6:09 PM, Malakai said:


The robes for veterans



Robes are not limited to veterans.  Any DA model can have them.


Don't start with this. Look you can put robes on your sevitors and scouts for all I care. Doesn't make it right.. From the codex: Robes are most often seen on Company Veterans, Veteran Sergeants and higher ranking officers. Yes GW went crazy putting robes on anything and everyone in the 'Eavy Metal Department when that upgrade sprue came out. I even saw some Devastators with robes during that time! Devs are the lowest on the totem as far as fully-fledged  Astartes go.


The quote does say "most often" so technically...go wild. For me however I've been a fan of the guys since 2nd edition and only character models and the like had them. I can't find the quote now but in one 'dex it says that the bone white robes are a symbol that they are a part of the inner circle. Look at chaplains. What is the best way to differentiate the difference between a regular chappy and an interrogator? Robes. 


I don't know how many times I've had this discussion online. But in the end it's your army so do what you like with your models. For me I'll be saving my robed marines to mark out important models. I have several sergeants without robes so that when I don't have the points to upgrade to veteran sergeant I can sub him in. It's fluffy and there are no confusions as to what he is.



So Masters, check. Interrogator Chaplains, check. Librarians, check. Veterans, check. 'Bill the scout marine' from the 10th company...NO.



Edit: Not familiar with Elmo. Did he do a tutorial? I haven't gotten into magnetizing models yet, still trying to figure out the sizes and things I need first. So I'd be interested in seeing it as my Deathwing will most definitely get the magnet treatment.

Posted · Hidden by Chaplain Lucifer, December 1, 2015 - Off topic
Hidden by Chaplain Lucifer, December 1, 2015 - Off topic
  On 11/30/2015 at 6:21 PM, march10k said:

critical verbiage :



most often

Nuff said!  Don't you start.

That's why I put it in quotes and told you to go wild.

Hi Elmo is a bit of a legend on this virtual Rock his never ending WIP has a bunch of stuff about magnetization. I warn you now there are many pages but chock full of fantastic stuff on how flexible one kit can be with the addition of enough magnets. As a greenwing fan you will no doubt like the fact that he has managed to recreate the entire 4th company.    

  On 11/30/2015 at 9:08 PM, Punk possum said:

Hi Elmo is a bit of a legend on this virtual Rock his never ending WIP has a bunch of stuff about magnetization. I warn you now there are many pages but chock full of fantastic stuff on how flexible one kit can be with the addition of enough magnets. As a greenwing fan you will no doubt like the fact that he has managed to recreate the entire 4th company.    


Yeah I think I will eventually do a 3rd company. I considered the 5th but all of those checkers and I already have an Ork force to paint those things onto. I'll hunt down this Elmo and check his stuff out. Thanks.

  On 11/29/2015 at 10:56 PM, SnakeChisler said:

Everyone plays RWSF as choose your own HQ, ITC gives you as Ravenwing over in Europe you get the HQ but not Ravenwing rule


No matter 1 bike HQ + 2 ravenwing choices for RWSF no one I know has disallowed this reading of the rule

What is ITC and seriously? Really? No-one has had a problem with that? I must play with anally challenged individuals.

  On 12/1/2015 at 4:39 PM, elmo said:


Joins Brother Dean at the comfy chairs for a chat about all things magnetic msn-wink.gif

No I was checking out one of your threads earlier Elmo and it was impressive. To be honest I think I'm afraid to screw up magnetizing stuff and your level of magnetization was on a whole other level than anything I'd previously seen before!

  On 12/1/2015 at 5:18 PM, Malakai said:


  On 11/29/2015 at 10:56 PM, SnakeChisler said:

Everyone plays RWSF as choose your own HQ, ITC gives you as Ravenwing over in Europe you get the HQ but not Ravenwing rule


No matter 1 bike HQ + 2 ravenwing choices for RWSF no one I know has disallowed this reading of the rule

What is ITC and seriously? Really? No-one has had a problem with that? I must play with anally challenged individuals.




That was the most current version of their FAQ I found but I know there have been a few new rulings in the last few days. They have some nice FAQs for things since GW has just stopped putting out FAQs, ITC is a popular FAQ mostly in the US. 



I also just found out the tournament I am going to on Friday is an ITC event, did not know that, the level of suspected !@#kicking I was expecting to recieve has jumped up a notch higher. 

  On 12/1/2015 at 8:20 PM, TheAvengingKnee said:


  On 12/1/2015 at 5:18 PM, Malakai said:


  On 11/29/2015 at 10:56 PM, SnakeChisler said:

Everyone plays RWSF as choose your own HQ, ITC gives you as Ravenwing over in Europe you get the HQ but not Ravenwing rule


No matter 1 bike HQ + 2 ravenwing choices for RWSF no one I know has disallowed this reading of the rule

What is ITC and seriously? Really? No-one has had a problem with that? I must play with anally challenged individuals.




That was the most current version of their FAQ I found but I know there have been a few new rulings in the last few days. They have some nice FAQs for things since GW has just stopped putting out FAQs, ITC is a popular FAQ mostly in the US. 



I also just found out the tournament I am going to on Friday is an ITC event, did not know that, the level of suspected !@#kicking I was expecting to recieve has jumped up a notch higher. 


So....you're saying that ITC enables RAWR MAD CHEEZEZ MOAR POWAR!!!!  gaming?

In some cases just like any tournament they do but they did take invisibility down a notch, and they clarified for their events that an HQ on a bike gains the Ravenwing rule. They also clairified that a rerollable 4+ can be considered better than a 3+ save. 


They recently ruled that combined fire for tau doesn't share special rules between units, the Tau players on Dakka have entered full paranoid mode after a 4chan troll claimed to have stuffed the ballot box. It's quite entertaining. 

ITC is the independent tournament circuit and is becoming very popular in the US. A lot of tournaments use the FAQ since GW doesn't seem bothered any more. https://www.frontlinegaming.org/community/frontline-gamings-independent-tournament-circuit/. It's run by the guys at front line gaming. I'm uk based but I listen to the pod cast. The rules questions are voted on periodically to update the FAQ and generally come down on the conservative less powerful side.


To stay on topic who doesn't love a flying cathedral.

Funny...I've heard people saying how ITC is "gaining traction" for years...yet...never really met a TO who slavishly followed their dictates...they all kinda peruse the offerings, and in the end make up their own minds, adopting some, but nowhere near all, of ITC's dictates.  So...in terms of a given tourney, YMMV, and in terms of blathering on the interwebz that ITC is a suitable substitute for GW's failure to publish a suitable FAQ, you're completely out to lunch.  It's no more authoratative than my great aunt Hilda (and she's not even real), not that I particularly disagree with 90% of what they publish.


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