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Contemptor Conversion


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The shield is from a dread knight.


It's slightly concave, but so shallow that when the icon goes over the top it's completely hidden.


The icon is a trimmed back Baal Predator badge. It's had a couple of spikes removed from the halo to fit onto the shield surface, but that done the scale matches well.


The benefit of the dread knight shield is it has a designed back that is shaped to fit a curved surface which works well against the dreadnought arm.

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I'm terrible with green/grey stuff so this looks good to me. My only dis-like is the way the sword and board don't match. You have one gauntlet that is very humanesque and one that is definitely a dreadnought. Otherwise I don't mind the static pose. But unless you're good/confident with cutting and green/grey stuff I would leave it as is; except for the board arm, which I would change with either a dread knight or space wolf arm..
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I know what you mean about the miss matched fists. It's kind of been bugging me too. I'm torn as I like the guns mounted in the BaC Dreadnought palm, but keeping them denies the space where a more "human" fist would go.


I think the solution is to start on a second shield arm, which has the weapons mounted to the underside of the forearm, a "human" hand, and shield onside. Then compare and contrast.


Will get round to that eventually, and post an update.

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