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4th Tarosian Regiment - Reporting For Duty, Sir!


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Hey everyone, here's my refreshed thread for my ongoing and very heretical Guard force. The 4th Tarosian Regiment, which I've been building up in this thread for the last year or two, began as a side project for my Tau force and expanded to utterly overshadow said Tau force as I learned to love the Guard's array of Big Guns and Things What Carry Them. After a Photobucket reshuffle to organise my photo collection left my previous thread completely without images, and since I'm too lazy to go through the scattered images across 23 pages to fix them, I figured it was a good time to restart the thread and do it a bit neater and tidier.


Regimental Fluff:


Taros was left in a situation of immense political upheaval after the Imperial attempt to strong-arm the planet back under Imperial rule. Through the aid of their Tau allies, Taros had managed to survive the Taros Campaign - known locally as the Independence War - and emerge richer and stronger from it. The Fire Caste had borne the brunt of the attack, and the battle had left many abandoned enemy tanks, aircraft and other weapons ripe for the plundering in the deserts of Taros. Over the years following the war, these were collected, repaired and forged into an army of varied marks and designs. Several regiments were assembled from the local population, which had boomed following successful Tau terraforming initiatives which had delivered plentiful water and food to the populace from previously arid sands.


As a society, Taros is a client of the Tau Empire; a close ally that enjoys a comfortable symbiosis with the Xenos race. Within fifteen years of the Tarosian victory, as reports of the failure of the Taros Campaign finally reached the callous ears of the bloated Administratum who had ordered the Taros Campaign in the first place, Tarosian regiments aboard Tau-loaned vessels were engaging in invasions on multiple, small worlds that had long been ignored by Imperial Navy patrols. These fringe words were guarded by Planetary Defense Forces which were ill-equipped to withstand a co-ordinated invasion. Some fell at the mere threat of invasion, some joined willingly, and others stood with the fierce, dogmatic perseverance the Tau had come to recognise in Mankind. Human worlds were steadily being coalesced into an Empire loyal to the Tau, but separate in its destiny. Within the Tau Empire, many debated the danger of not only allowing another empire to rise on its borders, but also the feeding of such an empire to hasten its growth.


The truth was that the Ethereals in their pragmatic and sacrificial nature had already factored the fledgling Tarosian Empire as a buffer to the galactic south. The humans would be a stop-gap meant to delay the Imperial retribution along that front, to allow the Tau to concentrate on the Damocles campaign that ground endlessly on.


Within thirty years of the end of the Independence War, a firm Empire was forged from a dozen worlds, though little remained of its original war materiel. Tanks that were slain and returned to life again and again sported increasing amounts of Xenos parts in their designs. Some replaced weapons that could no longer be armed with Xenotech weapons of incredible power. As the threat of Imperial retribution faded from the memory of the citizens of the Empire, disciples of the Machine God declared their heresy in cold binary-cant, and the Imperial war machine steadily gained momentum as it began the slow process of moving to crush the Empire, once and for-all.


Even as the Imperium drew regiments from across its expanse for the endeavour of wiping both the Tau and Tarosian Empires - whom they considered one great whole - from the face of the galaxy, a disaster struck the Tarosians that may have sealed their fate. A splinter of Hive Fleet Gorgon thought destroyed had engorged itself on outlying worlds and began slaughtering its way into the Empire from the galactic east. Several worlds fell from the small empire as it hastily maneuvered to face this new threat with its full wrath. Its forces emptied from the worlds under its thrall, secession has erupted on worlds brought into firm compliance rather than peaceful union. With Imperial retribution unknowingly imminent and no replies forthcoming from the Tau Empire in response to messages for aid, the Tarosian Empire is an ember about to be snuffed out before it ever truly kindled into flame.



Commandants and High Commandants are roughly equivalent to Commissars in an Imperial army. However, Commandants are trained not to waste life where it is possible, and instead are meant to inspire the men and women of the line through example. Often equipped with advanced Combat Armour and weapons gifted from their Tau allies, Commandants show the men and women on the ground the benefits of their allegiance with the Tau. Where discourse and anti-Tau sentiment is found, they are gifted with the power to execute without question, and this is often exercised, as they consider an insult to their Tau benefactors to be an insult to all who serve the Empire.





Gue'vesa'el Commanders:


Gue'vesa'el are often chosen from among the ranks of Gue'vesa'ui Veterans. The Tau understand the stark difference between a soldier destined for loyal line work, and those who show the tactical acumen of a higher rank. As a result, Gue'vesa'el are not only the most veteran of veterans, but have also displayed strategic brilliance and creativity in their service that marks them as excellent military leaders. Often leading from behind, they issue orders to the footsoldiers precisely when they are needed, pushing the whole towards the culmination of their grand strategies, and the destruction of the foe. 








Priests occupy a unique niche within Tarosian culture, and while reviled as primitive mystics by the Tau Empire as a whole, their effect on human populaces cannot be discounted by Water Caste overseers. The Tau have identified physical need for belief in Mankind, and thus, rather than destroying the churches of the Emperor and replacing them with the black void of Atheism, they have begun a campaign of altering the Lectito Divinatus to increasingly revere both the Empire and the Tau. Priests began extolling the virtues of their allegiance and the benefits of siding against the cruel Imperium. Many 'Prophets' from the outside have appeared in the last few years preaching these very things in the streets of Tarokeen, playing right into the hands of the Water Caste as they pull the Tarosian Empire ever closer to the Tau.







Psykers are a phenomenon known to the Tau, but one that also defies their explanation. In the beginning, they brought many of the Tarosian psykers who cropped up among their populace into the Empire for study, but soon the numbers of psykers being rounded up dropped off as they failed to ascertain the source of their power in lab conditions. After this failure to finally grasp the link between the Psykic and the Warp, Psykers were allowed to grow within the populace relatively unrestrained to study them outside of lab conditions. After several incidents of unrestrained Psykers causing severe damage to the populace and property, the Tarosian government collected together its small pool of disciplined, trained Psykers to form schools. The most successful of these is an all-female school known as the Celestial Sisterhood, which produces Witches of considerable ability. All Psykers enter battle with whatever mystic regalia and charms they find will aid their powers, but these are often integrated with Tau micro-sensor equipment, in order to study their powers in the midst of battle.




Gue'vesa'ui Veteran Teams:


Gue'vesa'ui are considered to be one tier above the average Tarosian footsoldier. They come in a wide variety of forms and equipment loadouts, mostly dictated by their planet of origin and their customs. Many are recruited from seasoned veterans of the Tarosian military and sent deep into the Tau Empire for further training. At the completion of said training, they are as well versed in the Code of Fire as any Shas'la, and are gifted with custom-fitted sets of Combat Armour as though they were proven Shas'la themselves. Some still prefer to go to battle with the trusty lasgun and modified Imperial weaponry, while others bear Rail Rifles to function as sniper teams, mostly those descended from the Akivari jungles on Medjet, a world conquered early in the Tarosian Empire's history. Others still go to battle with Pulse Rifles and full Shas'la raiment, often appearing in support of Tau forces far beyond the Tarosian Empire's borders. Indeed, this particular brand of Gue'vesa'ui is appearing in increasing numbers on the Damocles front, much to the intense choler of the Imperial defenders.




Tarosian Footsoldiers:


The footsoldiers of the Tarosian Empire go to battle in much the same armour and attire as Imperial soldiers the galaxy over. This is in part due to the ease of manufacturing flak armour and the humble lasgun, which still stand as reliable equipment that can be cheaply made by Earth Caste manufacturing facilities. The Footsoldier himself is part of a varied group hailing from a dozen worlds at the peak of the Empire's strength, drawing a variety of tactics, creeds and cultures to its ranks. All work together for one goal, drilling in the common Tarosian tongue and learning to follow the orders of their Commanders without compromise or question. While unruly and undisciplined to begin with, under the training of those Gue'vesa'ui drilled in the Code of Fire they soon evolve to form disciplined firing lines that can unleash punishing volleys of las-fire far exceeding enemy expectations. The greatest among them who prove their worth soon attract the attention of their superiors, earning them the honour of being trained in the Code of Fire by the Tau themselves, with all the benefits and responsibilities that implies...









Hammerfall Teams:


An invention of a desperate time, Hammerfall Teams are a result of a small Empire aiming to hold its ground against a far greater foe. Those soldiers who are unfit for combat duty due to permanent injury, illness or maiming may elect to join these teams, allowing them one last chance to defend their home and sell their lives dearly. Whether by Tyranid spore infection, crippling injury or cancer, they are often men and women who have already been marked for death. Each is gifted an improvised Gravity Bomb, an invention that, once triggered, creates an intense, high-gravity zone that crushes even mighty Terminator plate to scrap. These inventions are unwieldy, and their carriers often weakened by their ailments, meaning that the Hammerfall Teams are often killed in the activation of these devices themselves. However, when death is inevitable, many consider the option to go down swinging and taking some of the enemy with them to be preferable, and the high reward for low cost in manpower is greatly valued by the Tarosian Command.


In recent times, these three man teams have been supplemented by a minder for each Gravity Bomb bearer. These soldiers escort their charges to the intended target, whether aiding their movement to the target or grav-chuting from a Vendetta Gunship right alongside them. Despite the additional cost in manpower the increase in efficiency was well-regarded by Command, with more Gravity Bombs reaching their intended targets, and the survivors being equipped with Krak grenades in order to cause maximum mayhem with minimal squad members.






Mostly descended from the local mining populace, as they were in industry, so are the Bullgryns respected in battle for their strength and tenacity. Organised into squads known as Bulwarks and issued with shields that allow them to form quick, fluid walls to protect their comrades wherever the fire is thickest, Bullgryns are a welcome sight for many during battle preparations. In combat their exploits are legendary, with them taking down mighty foes that no man could hope to stand against with nothing but shield and fist. It is for this reason that a statue stands in the rebuilt ruins of Innuviet, depicting the 14th Bulwark holding off two Carnifexes in a narrow street. This memorialises their sacrifice as they held back the titanic creatures, while the rest of their regiment evacuated civilians from the area. No survivors were found by the Reclamation teams sent in to eventually retake the world, with six Bullgryns found still entangled with the corpses of their many foes.




Air Power:


Much of the Tarosian airforce is comprised of the aircraft taken from the Elysian forces that evacuated from Taros, following the Imperial rout of that planet. Somewhat aged, many craft were left in the desert for some time before they could be brought back into working condition. The Tarosian airforce fields a variety of Fliers, a hodge-podge of craft maintained in working order only by the diligence of Gue'fio'vesa, Earth Caste-trained human engineers.


Vulture Gunship:













Vendetta Gunship:







Valkyrie Transport:







There's a lot to get uploaded, so bear with me, this is gunna take a while. :tongue.:


Artillery Division:


No army can hope for a successful campaign without the backing of solid artillery support to rain death upon their enemies. The Tarosian Empire is no different, fielding a variety of captured Imperial artillery and retro-fitted Tarosian designs in every role from infantry suppression to anti-armour roles. Often the first wave of an assault, the heavy bombardment of both shell and ion pulse heralds the imminent ground invasion, with mechanised troops rolling through the ashes and sparse survivors as they take previously-entrenched ground.


















Strigoi Ion Mortar:


The first mass-produced artillery piece combining Imperial vehicle platforms with Tau weaponry, the Strigoi is a long-distance support piece. The Chimera chassis are manufactured on the nearby industrial world Algolis, and the Ion Mortars by the Tau Empire itself. Both these items are assembled in Tarokeen, where they produce a dozen prototypes a day for export all over the Empire. Mobile and possessed with an in-built compact fusion reactor, they are capable of producing potent spheres of ionised matter, lobbing them across cities to impact in spheres of blinding, immolating light. Everything from tanks to the inviolate armour of the Astartes is rendered into ash by its impact, and this combined with its deeply heretical design makes it an immediate target for retribution by the enemy. The Strigoi is aided in counter-battery operations by being entirely unmanned, though it can be manned for human-guided fire. A Drone intelligence handles the locomotion systems, and interlinks with other allied systems to place its ion fire with cold efficiency.




Autonomous Drone Mortar:
A cheap emplacement that can be easily carried by two men, or move at a running pace under its own power, the Drone Mortar is an incredibly simple design that lends itself to reliability during long deployments. Often emplaced in high ground or deep cover to evade enemy attack, the Drone integrated into the weapon scans the environment using multiple sensor arrays and the communications network of the Tarosian forces to find distant Infantry. With cold precision, they then launch volley after volley of mortar shells into the calculated position. The weapon they carry is a modified Autocannon that loads small-but-potent fragmentation missiles of Tau design, making them highly explosive, yet small enough to be fired at a significant rate of fire from a compact system. With appropriate direction from a Commander, the Drone Mortars can augment their fire further for suppression, or even place shots in distributed firing solutions to shred targets in cover. When the position is threatened, the Drone Mortars can even relocate under their own power, lifting themselves up on thrusters to move to a better position.



The backbone of any mechanised assault, Chimera transports themselves are often repeatedly repaired both in the field and back in the regimental hangars on Taros. A sturdy and reliable transport that can handle almost any terrain, the regiment's loyal steeds still take incredible punishment during deployment, necessitating constant refit and repair. The latest generation of Chimeras to be fielded are the Taros Pattern, currently fielding a unique automated turret assembly with a modified autocannon, removing the need for a gunner and loader to save on manpower. This up-gunned setup has allowed the Chimera to compete against other light tanks in a manner that it couldn't with its Multi-Laser, and further research is being conducted to improve the armour and mobility of this vehicle.










Hydra emplacements and their vehicular counterparts are popular throughout the Empire, due to their cheap manufacturing costs and dependable anti-air ability. Hydra platforms are a common emplacement outside high-value targets, such as military bases, cities, and other installations that require reliable anti-air cover. When on the offense these emplacements are difficult to deploy and too static for an aggressive assault, thus the Hydra turrets are able to be mounted on the Chimera chassis for additional mobility. These vehicles often hide in foliage or other cover, waiting for their time to strike. Air forces often co-ordinate with Hydra batteries, flushing an opponent into the open and onto their guns. This is especially useful for the likes of Valkyrie Transports, which cover a ground-attack role rather than Air Supremacy.





Fast Attack:


The Tarosian Empire has learned from the Tau in more than just technology. Much like the Xenos they ally themselves with, they favour fluid, reactive tactics to static defense where possible, utilising fast-moving element to press enemies into kill zones, or harass weakened flanks. This is exemplified in their Fast Attack core, which comprises a significant portion of their armoured forces and is maintained in stellar condition so that it can be depended upon. Many times have enemies exploited a vulnerable chink in a defensive line, only to find themselves under fire from stalking Sentinels, or Hellhounds racing to the fray to pour deadly promethium onto their forces. Eyewitness accounts have also spotted prototype tank-hunters with Tau Fusion Colliders mounted on the nimble Hellhound chassis. While no reliable picts of this design have been taken to this date, the testament of many slain tank crews is evidence enough of this new, dire threat.















Easily the largest section of the Tarosian military, the Armoured Corps of the Tarosian Empire numbers in the hundreds of heavy tanks. Most of them were recovered, purchased or outright stolen from depots, storage facilities and battlefields on dozens of worlds. Some are repaired remnants of the Tallarn regiments ' vehicles deployed to subjugate Taros. Others are mothballed units left to rust by neglectful Planetary Defense Forces. Tanks of a hundred different patterns and designs are organised according to their combat ability, marrying complementary designs to form the backbone of a steady armoured assault to exert pressure on a foe. This, combined with fast-moving elements that pick off would-be tank killers and fleeing, broken squads alike are what make the Tarosian military a force to be reckoned with.


Destroyer Tank Hunter:








Leman Russ Eradicator:







Leman Russ Vanquisher:






Leman Russ Executioner:






Leman Russ Demolisher:





Superheavy Tank Division:


Rarely deployed in standard combat theaters due to the high cost in fuel, difficulty to transport, and rarity of the vehicles, the Tarosian Superheavy Tank Division has only seen combat in engagements of significant scale that require their strength as mobile firebases and command platforms. Each tank possesses significant firepower even when compare to the heavy battlesuits fielded by the Tau, and some have been significantly augmented to further enhance their firepower to terrifying levels.


Macharius Vanquisher:






Macharius Vulcan:








Taros Pattern Baneblade:


As much an icon of the power Taros wields in its union with the Tau as it is a war machine, the Taros-Pattern Baneblade is a class of one, The Light's Edge being the only tank of its class ever built. More a test of human-Tau engineering than an attempt at a viable weapons platform, the Taros Pattern exceeded expectations in field tests, but remains stymied by the exorbitant cost and difficulty of acquiring Baneblade chassis to build more.


It mounts a Co-Axial Ion Cannon for additional anti-heavy armour punch, most recently used for the purpose of engaging Tyranid monstrous creatures. This also aids in the aiming of the main cannon by the gunner-loader team, while the sponson weapons are all 'manned' by Drone intelligences, as well as the Burst Cannons used for close-defense against Infantry. A hundred, other modifications add to its combat prowess, from experimental Ion Cascade Shells being tested in the Demolisher Cannon in lieu of its original shell stock, to an advanced power plant to supply power to all its enhancements, The Light's Edge is a symbol of the future of Taros. A war machine born a mere shell, but made stronger by Tau technology tempered by human hands. It is an icon of the destiny of the Tarosian Empire as a whole, and thus it has rolled out of the testing fields for the first time in years to be deployed in Operation Maginot, the planned defense of Anniyet Prime against the encroachment of Hive Fleet Orochi.








  • 4 months later...
  • 1 month later...

Well, the ETL has given me cause to dust off old models on the painting queue and have a go at getting them painted. As a result, I've just finished my quad of Gue'vesa'ui Shock Veterans.


Gue'vesa'ui Shock Veterans:


Shock Veterans are a relatively new addition to the Tarosian armoury. The first squads were assembled from the prisoners of war of the Taros Campaign, with the Elysian forces making up the majority of the captives. These misguided men and women of the line were sent into the Tau Empire after the Taros Campaign ended, where they were thankfully shown the error of their ways, and trained into ruthless killing machines loyal to the Tau and Taros.


Taking inspiration from Tau Breacher Teams, Shock Veterans often deploy by air or ground transport, allowing them to strike at a target with swift impunity. To this end they carry modified Rail Rifles into battle. The Taros-Pattern Rail Rifle is chambered for a heavier slug than the Tau variant, sacrificing range and penetration for raw stopping power. These teams reap a bloody toll on enemy forces, with their rounds shattering even Terminator plate and shredding the organs of the Space Marines within in a storm of spalling and armour fragments. Against the mighty behemoths of Hive Fleet Orochi is where these weapons have worked to the greatest effect, making up for the regenerative abilities of some of the larger creatures by shattering their carapace and rendering their internals into slurry through a storm of shrapnel.


Among Tarosian soldiers, they are a welcome respite, arriving in a timely manner to remove powerful targets that threaten the line troops. They are always seen in their armour, respirator helmets on and comms channels closed regardless of the environ. Indeed, whispers and rumours abound of whether there are really men under the helmets at all, as none have seen the face of a Shock Veteran, though this is simply a rumour, as the Commandants have repeatedly assured their forces.




  • 1 month later...

Ghostdog Cruiser Tank:


The Ghostdog is a recent and terrifying addition to the Tarosian armoury. Following in the thread of previous hybrids of Tau and Imperial technology, the Ghostdog mounts the Fusion Collider typically issued to Ghostkeel battlesuits on the fast Hellhound chassis. The initial prototypes have performed with terrifying effectiveness, working as fast anti-tank hunters who pick off vulnerable tanks with their Fusion Colliders, eviscerating the opposition in plumes of white heat as they flank the enemy and throw their plans into disarray.


However, the Ghostdog is not a perfect weapon. Initial prototypes had issues ranging from vulnerable Deuterium-Tritium storage tanks that would react explosively under relatively light fire, problems adapting the drive mechanism to run on fusion power, and occasional internal leaks of superheated plasma into crew areas. It took several years before the design was finalised and the first field prototypes were deployed, and longer for both crews and commanders to learn to use them to their full potential.


Currently, the Ghostdog isn't considered to be economical enough to operate as a mainline tank due to the limited supply of Fusion Colliders being imported from the Tau Empire. However, long-term armament plans are to have the Ghostdog comprise the role of main battle tank, replacing a slow doctrine of heavy, long-ranged fire with precise, ferocious firepower at knife-fight ranges.





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