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In game Legion Power levels

Brother Tankred

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I'm (like many) finally starting my Heresy Army with the release of BaC.


Like many I'm still deciding on a Legion.


Currently it's down to World Eaters, Raven Guard and Alpha Legion (with Fists in reserve).


Main reasons being I can paint them easily and quickly to a good standard, and I like the fluff.


Not that it will have a major bearing on my decision, but how would you rank the Legions with rules power wise in game, and if possible why?



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Er... the legions seem pretty well-matched to me, and with the wide variety of Rites of War available, you really can play any legion you like in the way that you like. I recommend picking the legion you prefer from a background/models/color scheme perspective rather than trying to find the "best."

It is now, since theres nothing more to add, really.


Power levels and such shouldnt change until book 6 drops and even then shouldnt really be the focus of anything 30k since the variance is pretty low due to all legions sharing the same base army list.


Book 6 will come with some new fun stuff and when the time comes and we're able to reevaluate the legions I feel itd better be done in their own tactica threads rather than making comparison threads since they dont really bring much to the discussion table, imo. Since the vast majority of us dont choose legions for their percieved power levels.


But we'll see. Always open to seeing how peoples personal metas evolve with new legion stuff as well as how they percieve the different legions, especially since we dont have a "global" meta like 40k

Well, the OP said that it wont affect his decision too much.


So I'm taking executive action:


Harry Potter, you now Play Heresy World Eaters. They stand out from the other stealthy/shooty legions you mention.


Tell me how you feel about that. happy or sad?

I wouldn't mind if we discuss the power levels in this new topic :-)

What would there be to discuss that hasn't been said in the other thread?


We dont have book 6 yet to see how things get shaken up so beyond just people slotting in the UM somewhere on their Power Level Scale, there really isn't much to talk about.


But, for now, I'll play ball:


How has peoples metas evolved so far with either more people joining the fray and/or people starting another / swapping Legion coupled with people gaining more experience with the system?

So since we've already asked the question regarding legion question I would like to ask a question in regards to strength. While there may be a legion difference in power how large is the gap? In 40k for example the gap is huuuuuge. You can literally run into games where you have an almost zero chance to win. Is the same for 30k?


I would imagine the gap is too large due to the fact that all of the legions have the same unit choices but is the same when compared to the mecahnicum and imperial army as well?

When we discuss Legion strength, we need to take into account their unique units and combinations, not just the special rules associated with the particular Legions :-)

Which is better off done in their tactica section where its truly relevant to the legion in question, is it not?

So since we've already asked the question regarding legion question I would like to ask a question in regards to strength. While there may be a legion difference in power how large is the gap? In 40k for example the gap is huuuuuge. You can literally run into games where you have an almost zero chance to win. Is the same for 30k?


I would imagine the gap is too large due to the fact that all of the legions have the same unit choices but is the same when compared to the mecahnicum and imperial army as well?

Nah, not really. Some are a bit "eh?" from the first book, but otherwise things are much of a muchness.

So since we've already asked the question regarding legion question I would like to ask a question in regards to strength. While there may be a legion difference in power how large is the gap? In 40k for example the gap is huuuuuge. You can literally run into games where you have an almost zero chance to win. Is the same for 30k?


I would imagine the gap is too large due to the fact that all of the legions have the same unit choices but is the same when compared to the mecahnicum and imperial army as well?


Here's what I wrote right before the other thread got locked


"The difference between 40k "picking a better army" and 30k "picking a better legion" is that you're still playing the same army as your opponent in 30k. You can make the exact same list with different legions and it would only change how they operated slightly.


What the legions do is really enhance certain play styles: Iron Hands and Fists gun line, World Eaters and Night Lords assault, Raven Guard and Alpha Legion alpha strike, Death Guard, Iron Warriors and Word Bearers horde marine it up, Emperor's Children, Sons and Ultras are tactically flexible"

Every Legion can make a face stomping list, and a friendly list.

The most competitive units are by and large generic choices they can all take.


Unique Legion units tend to compliment the rules or themes of the Individual Legions, and they can certainly enhance the performance of the army.


Some armies have rules that are good, and don't require much list strategy. Others require more synergy to function as well, but could be more rewarding.


Emperor's children are often looked at being one of the lower tier Legions, but including their relatively cheap Primarch bolsters the army significantly with incredible bonuses to cc, deployment and so on.

This thread seems like it would work better in Tactica where heavy game discussion based on rules and effectiveness happens D: Though I do think it is something worth discussing

Well the thread is only supposed to be discussing the pros and cons of three Legions on the tabletop for the OP but yeah....... not working out.
To answer the ops question: raven guard and alpha legion are the best, world eaters at the bottom. Raven guard have hands down one of the best alpha strikes in the game, alpha legion can literally have a different chapter tactic every game. The world eaters are more or less a close combat legion, and shooting is king in this game. Yeah this would be better in the tactica.
After playing more heresy over the past year than ever before, I've come around on a number of units and legions. I fell into the trap of looking at the rules in a vacuum and marking something as objectively worse or better than another. There are definitely outliers, don't get me started, but little things go a long way when you play using the same book. SkimaskMohawk is right on with this and anther thing- some legions do certain things better. Find out what kind of game you want to play then choose the legion that compliments that play style the most.
Onemarshal's statement is only kind of true. RG and AL are very good, if you can capitalize on their inherent maneuverability. A player who's weak in deployment and the movement phase won't be able to pilot either of those lists particularly well, compare that to IF or IH who have pretty much the most straightforward bonuses; they're just better at doing something you were already doing. There's nothing that makes WE bad, in fact they can be one of the most efficient as you get true grit marines for free off their base legion rules; everyone knows how op getting things for free in 40k is.
In 30k the top-tier of armies varies depending on meta. Drop pod armies murder landraider ones, but in turn are beat by heavy interceptor ones, which face poorly against other ones... so AL, RG, IH, and WB end up varing in position based on what is commonly seen. Some legions do have the short end of the stick and are left with fewer choices and cannot adapt as easily (WE and Salamanders for instance). Also some legion play completely different with their primarch so that changes things drastically (AL and Ultras for example).


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