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Legion Datafile: Legion of the Twilight's Hammer

:HQ:   Primary Data   :HQ:

[/center]]Founding014.M31Progenitor LegionSeveral Traitor LegionsKnown DescendantsN/AHomeworldValestosAllegianceTraitor


Notable History

Origins of the Twilight's Hammer

The Legion of the Twilight's Hammer was formed by a Chapter Master, known as Zagan. Zagan was the Chapter Master of a Chapter within the Iron Warriors Legion. He was typically armed with a Power Sword and a Power Fist, slowly he made a name for himself among his Chapter as "Mad Hammer" for his reckless acts during combat. During the Horus Heresy, he kept his position, and liked being the one to give orders while still heading into combat. He was almost unstoppable against the Imperium of Man, his typically ridiculous forms of killing the enemy actually confused the enemy often. It was at this point, that Zagan truly began to stand out, however it did not last long. After the defeat of Horus, Zagan realized he didn't want to take commands from anything less then the Gods of Chaos, and so, he, his Chapter, and a few other Chapters of Chaos Space Marines, from different Legions that served all four of the Chaos Gods, left together into the warp to form their own Warband, with Zagan as the Leader. Zagan decided to name this Warband "The Twilight's Hammer" and he treated it as his own Legion, keeping the standard structure of the Chapters and Legion. He named himself Primarch of the Legion.



At the head of the Legion is the Primarch, Zagan, once Chapter Master of a Chapter within the Iron Warriors. Directly below him are the Consular Representatives which are made up of Greater Daemons, Navigators, Masters of the Fleet, High Sorcerers, Cultist Commanders. Then would be normally known as the Vexillarius, the Legion Standard Bearers who carried the mark of the Twilight's Hammer into every battle. Following would be the Honour Guard, this is made from the single Chapter that was originally commanded by Zagan.


Below the Honour Guard is the Chapters, the Chapters are organised as follows: Chapter Master, Senior Officers of Cultists, Chaos Lords, and Greater Daemons. Then would be the Sorcerers of the Chapter, and following that the Chapter is split into ten Companies. The first being made mainly of Veterans and Daemons. Second, Third, Fourth, and Fifth made of generally anything were the Battle Companies, those that were for mainly battle over anything else. The Sixth, Seventh, Eighth, and Ninth were Reserve Companies, carrying similar troops as the Battle Companies but only there if needed for a full scale invasion. The Tenth Company was made mainly as a Scouting Company, made mainly of Cultists.


Each Company is split in three areas, HQ which is made up with the Chaos Lord, Sorcerer, Warpsmith and the Standard Bearer. Then there are the Squads that have Cultists and Daemons and Chaos Space Marines. Following is Support which are the Heavy Machines, the Daemon Engines and the Vehicles. 



<<description of the Chapter's homeworld>>


Combat Doctrine

<<description of the Chapter's combat doctrine>>



I have yet to finish building the models for the second Company of the first Chapter of this Legion, and I am still writing everything for this story and this Legion.

<<description of the Chapter's gene-seed source, mutations, and defects>>


Interaction with the Legio

<<description of the Chapter's interaction with the Legio>>


Related Articles

<<link any related articles within the Librarium>>



Scheme and Chapter Symbol


<<list references>>

Edited by Lich King
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An interesting start, I've got a couple of questions:

  1. What or who is Twilight ? If it is just a reference to the time around night (a bit like the dusk raiders), I'd recommend sticking to "Twilight Hammers" as it is closer to marine naming conventions. Feel free to ignore this, or to find a meaning behind the name Twilight, which could be potentially more interesting.
  2. Just how big is this legion ? few chaos warbands are large enough to merit breaking down into component chapters, and they are generally led by the big players of chaos (Abaddon, Typhus and co.)
  3. why are the chapters organised like their loyalist counterparts ? the legions before the heresy all had divergent organisations, and the marine chapters only chose this organisation when they adopted the codex astartes during the scouring. Also, the equivalent of chapters in the iron warriors were known under perturabo as grand companies, but nothing stops yours being slightly different (the legions were big enough to have varying organisations between chapter level units)
  4. Where is Valestos ? if it is in the material realm (conquered after the scouring), you'll want to replace greater daemons with daemon princes in the council, as daemons would not be able to maintain their form in the Materium.


An interesting start, I've got a couple of questions:

  1. What or who is Twilight ? If it is just a reference to the time around night (a bit like the dusk raiders), I'd recommend sticking to "Twilight Hammers" as it is closer to marine naming conventions. Feel free to ignore this, or to find a meaning behind the name Twilight, which could be potentially more interesting.
  2. Just how big is this legion ? few chaos warbands are large enough to merit breaking down into component chapters, and they are generally led by the big players of chaos (Abaddon, Typhus and co.)
  3. why are the chapters organised like their loyalist counterparts ? the legions before the heresy all had divergent organisations, and the marine chapters only chose this organisation when they adopted the codex astartes during the scouring. Also, the equivalent of chapters in the iron warriors were known under perturabo as grand companies, but nothing stops yours being slightly different (the legions were big enough to have varying organisations between chapter level units)
  4. Where is Valestos ? if it is in the material realm (conquered after the scouring), you'll want to replace greater daemons with daemon princes in the council, as daemons would not be able to maintain their form in the Materium.


Very nice questions.

  1. Twilight is essentially the mixture of the powers from Khorne & Tzeentch. As you can see on the colour scheme, one side is blue, the other Khorne red, and the hand & eyes are purple.  If you mix the colours Red & Blue you make purple-pink-ish depending on how much blue or red added. Purple is typically represented as a colour that shows Shadows and Twilight (The magic in terms of Fantasy games.)
  2. The Legion is several chapters strong. They do replenish troops and such but they mostly have so many forces still because they've been keeping to the shadows in the void of space.
  3. The leader, Zagan, typically spent quite a bit of time watching the events of the universe while his Cultists done the work for him instead of him actually sending his Chaos Space Marines, who, at that point, were training, hoping to be forgotten so they can return as a surprise.
  4. Valestos is in the area of the Halo Stars, outside of the Segmentum Pacificus. It was once a Chapter World that was taken over by Zagan to produce more warriors for his army. On that world, there is a Daemon Gate that connects to the Warp Alternate version of the world, which is where Daemons come in. Typically Zagan spends most of his time in the Warp alternate while most of his forces train on the material version, battling contained Orks who are being used as training dummies and grown.

For Zagan to name himself a "Primarch" demonstrates self-delusion of the highest order. He may have the charisma to draw mortal (non-Astartes) cultists to his side, but any Chaos Space Marine among them will undoubtedly be the Starscream, plotting to overthrow Zagan- and possibly deliver the "False Primarch's" head to those who are now Daemon Princes, to curry favor with them and the Chaos Gods.


The Chapter scheme is a Chaotic mess, but it will certainly help your Marines stand out on the battlefield.

For Zagan to name himself a "Primarch" demonstrates self-delusion of the highest order. He may have the charisma to draw mortal (non-Astartes) cultists to his side, but any Chaos Space Marine among them will undoubtedly be the Starscream, plotting to overthrow Zagan- and possibly deliver the "False Primarch's" head to those who are now Daemon Princes, to curry favor with them and the Chaos Gods.


The Chapter scheme is a Chaotic mess, but it will certainly help your Marines stand out on the battlefield.

Yeah, there is that kind of disorder. When I have time, I'm going to fill in the blanks there. However Zagan is going to reinforce the idea of being the Primarch. Basically going to become a 2 headed Daemon Prince, one half devoted to Khorne, the other to Tzeentch.

Behold Chol'Zagan! The Twilight-Primarch, First Lord of the Dark Council, he, who brings oblivion!


I once intended to convert the twilight's hammer into a chaos warband. Therefore I'm excited of what you will do with them. :)


I do agree that your Colour scheme is quite chaotic. How about black/ abyss purple with silver trim and red details?

Furthermore I'm not quite sure if an Iron Warrior would fit the most. Most of them hate the touch of chaos and would never give in it's powers. I really don't want to interfere but have you thought about an Word Bearer Zagan. Could fit quite well the nihilistic nature of the Twilight's Hammer. :)

Behold Chol'Zagan! The Twilight-Primarch, First Lord of the Dark Council, he, who brings oblivion!

I once intended to convert the twilight's hammer into a chaos warband. Therefore I'm excited of what you will do with them. smile.png

I do agree that your Colour scheme is quite chaotic. How about black/ abyss purple with silver trim and red details?

Furthermore I'm not quite sure if an Iron Warrior would fit the most. Most of them hate the touch of chaos and would never give in it's powers. I really don't want to interfere but have you thought about an Word Bearer Zagan. Could fit quite well the nihilistic nature of the Twilight's Hammer. smile.png

How does this look?


Behold Chol'Zagan! The Twilight-Primarch, First Lord of the Dark Council, he, who brings oblivion!

I once intended to convert the twilight's hammer into a chaos warband. Therefore I'm excited of what you will do with them. smile.png

I do agree that your Colour scheme is quite chaotic. How about black/ abyss purple with silver trim and red details?

Furthermore I'm not quite sure if an Iron Warrior would fit the most. Most of them hate the touch of chaos and would never give in it's powers. I really don't want to interfere but have you thought about an Word Bearer Zagan. Could fit quite well the nihilistic nature of the Twilight's Hammer. smile.png

How does this look?


If I were you, I'd stick to three main colours max (not including the metallic trims), more serves only to destabilise the colour scheme as a whole. I get how that might be all right in fluff terms for a chaos army, but I think it's often best to think of how to represent an army on the table, and a simpler colour scheme often goes a long way to making an army look great visually


For Zagan to name himself a "Primarch" demonstrates self-delusion of the highest order. He may have the charisma to draw mortal (non-Astartes) cultists to his side, but any Chaos Space Marine among them will undoubtedly be the Starscream, plotting to overthrow Zagan- and possibly deliver the "False Primarch's" head to those who are now Daemon Princes, to curry favor with them and the Chaos Gods.


The Chapter scheme is a Chaotic mess, but it will certainly help your Marines stand out on the battlefield.

Yeah, there is that kind of disorder. When I have time, I'm going to fill in the blanks there. However Zagan is going to reinforce the idea of being the Primarch. Basically going to become a 2 headed Daemon Prince, one half devoted to Khorne, the other to Tzeentch.


Considering Khorne and Tzeentch hate each other, I wonder how Zagan will prevent his heads from trying to kill each other. (I remember a scene in the 'Batman' comic book in which the Ventriloquist holds puppets in each hand, with one of his alternate personalities controlling each puppet. The "Scarface" puppet and the "Socko" puppet got into an argument, and shoot each other; the Ventriloquist ends up with two bleeding hands, as a direct consequence of the fight.)

Behold Chol'Zagan! The Twilight-Primarch, First Lord of the Dark Council, he, who brings oblivion!

I once intended to convert the twilight's hammer into a chaos warband. Therefore I'm excited of what you will do with them. smile.png

I do agree that your Colour scheme is quite chaotic. How about black/ abyss purple with silver trim and red details?

Furthermore I'm not quite sure if an Iron Warrior would fit the most. Most of them hate the touch of chaos and would never give in it's powers. I really don't want to interfere but have you thought about an Word Bearer Zagan. Could fit quite well the nihilistic nature of the Twilight's Hammer. smile.png

How does this look?

If I were you, I'd stick to three main colours max (not including the metallic trims), more serves only to destabilise the colour scheme as a whole. I get how that might be all right in fluff terms for a chaos army, but I think it's often best to think of how to represent an army on the table, and a simpler colour scheme often goes a long way to making an army look great visually

So how would this look then?


For Zagan to name himself a "Primarch" demonstrates self-delusion of the highest order. He may have the charisma to draw mortal (non-Astartes) cultists to his side, but any Chaos Space Marine among them will undoubtedly be the Starscream, plotting to overthrow Zagan- and possibly deliver the "False Primarch's" head to those who are now Daemon Princes, to curry favor with them and the Chaos Gods.

The Chapter scheme is a Chaotic mess, but it will certainly help your Marines stand out on the battlefield.

Yeah, there is that kind of disorder. When I have time, I'm going to fill in the blanks there. However Zagan is going to reinforce the idea of being the Primarch. Basically going to become a 2 headed Daemon Prince, one half devoted to Khorne, the other to Tzeentch.

Considering Khorne and Tzeentch hate each other, I wonder how Zagan will prevent his heads from trying to kill each other. (I remember a scene in the 'Batman' comic book in which the Ventriloquist holds puppets in each hand, with one of his alternate personalities controlling each puppet. The "Scarface" puppet and the "Socko" puppet got into an argument, and shoot each other; the Ventriloquist ends up with two bleeding hands, as a direct consequence of the fight.)

Yeah, I understand that, and that is one of the bases I'm working with. The Khorne side will be slightly stupid and the one that is sides with Tzeentch is going to keep them from fighting all the time in order to serve the gods.


Yeah, I understand that, and that is one of the bases I'm working with. The Khorne side will be slightly stupid and the one that is sides with Tzeentch is going to keep them from fighting all the time in order to serve the gods.


That scheme looks a bit better


However, making the Khorne side stupid and the Tzeentch side smart seems like the easy track. Khornate warriors are not stupid, as they wouldn't be so massively successful otherwise, however their rage makes them uncontrollable and so on and so forth. Only the Orks are allowed to be stupid and survive.



Yeah, I understand that, and that is one of the bases I'm working with. The Khorne side will be slightly stupid and the one that is sides with Tzeentch is going to keep them from fighting all the time in order to serve the gods.


That scheme looks a bit better


However, making the Khorne side stupid and the Tzeentch side smart seems like the easy track. Khornate warriors are not stupid, as they wouldn't be so massively successful otherwise, however their rage makes them uncontrollable and so on and so forth. Only the Orks are allowed to be stupid and survive.


xD Yeah, the Orks. I'll come up with something for it, when I do get to fleshing the story out more, that is

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