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Hello meatsh...I mean guardsmen


I have started working on my R&H army to get ready for ETL 5 this summer.  I am knowledgable in the chaos/IA 13 side of list building, but lack knowledge on building an IG list.  I want the army to be able to use both books, and seek advice on IG list/buils/loadouts.  I was thinking an air craft heavy, tank heavy, or transport heavy(IA 13 renegade can't do these build well imho).  I would like to start with a 1850 list, and go from their.  I found this list that I like, what do you guys think?  https://www.frontlinegaming.org/2015/10/30/mr-moretanks-harvester-of-souls-gt-report/


This is want I have(all vehicles will have magnets so I can use all loadouts)

5 HQ figures(basically cominssars)

101 guardsmen(all will have enforcer torso)

3 Russ

3 Sentiels

8 Chimeras

2 Manticores/deathstrike missles

20 catachans troop and command squad in box

4 Vendattas/vultures/valkeryies

2 FW hydras

10 heavy Weapon teams


Thanks for your time, might as well leave a picture, a wall of text is so boring. 


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Is the enforcer torso up armored compared to the standard cadian? I ask because you're right, generally R&H don't do mechanized as well as pure IG. However, with the right setup they still do it fairly well. One of the HQ options is called Bloody Handed Reaver, iirc, and you can take grenadiers as troop choices, or something similar. This will give you quality(ish) troops choices that can rock those chimeras will packing in some special weapons, but only if the model fits.


Those russ will do fine for some heavy support.


What are the flyer options for R&H? For some reason, FW likes to limit the flyers they give IG knock offs and leave the vendetta out. If that is the case, then a valk or two for maneuverability. If I'm wrong, take a vendetta or three, loaded with small and cheap squads for late game objective grabbing.


Lastly, again assuming R&H, mutant squads can outflank iirc. Modifying those catachan into mutants should not be too difficult and will give you a surprise outflank unit that has the bodies to absorb casualties.


While that might be too much at 1850, the basic plan is to force your enemy to play the entire board. Deathstars will hate you because you can be where they aren't with most of your army, taking objectives and earning points.

Is the enforcer torso up armored compared to the standard cadian? I ask because you're right, generally R&H don't do mechanized as well as pure IG. However, with the right setup they still do it fairly well. One of the HQ options is called Bloody Handed Reaver, iirc, and you can take grenadiers as troop choices, or something similar. This will give you quality(ish) troops choices that can rock those chimeras will packing in some special weapons, but only if the model fits.


Those russ will do fine for some heavy support.


What are the flyer options for R&H? For some reason, FW likes to limit the flyers they give IG knock offs and leave the vendetta out. If that is the case, then a valk or two for maneuverability. If I'm wrong, take a vendetta or three, loaded with small and cheap squads for late game objective grabbing.


Lastly, again assuming R&H, mutant squads can outflank iirc. Modifying those catachan into mutants should not be too difficult and will give you a surprise outflank unit that has the bodies to absorb casualties.


While that might be too much at 1850, the basic plan is to force your enemy to play the entire board. Deathstars will hate you because you can be where they aren't with most of your army, taking objectives and earning points.

you are mostly current(R&H only get Valk as fliers), R&H can have some great builds(I personally use mutant spam(I have about 160 mutants not pic) and rapiers).  The enforcer are generally more amoured, but the reaver is lack lustring compare to the other choices for warlords.  I am sorry if I was unclear, but I am wondering what IG(aka AM) list that work can use with the models at hand.  I am a bit lost when it come to IG list building.  Thanks for the relpy. 

Looks like a couple of standard Russ tanks and a Demolisher to me? Could be a good Vet list in the making with those Chimeras, but you've plenty of troops for Platoons if you want. That could get lots of HWTs on the table, but it depends on what sort of list you might like to play. You have plenty of flyers so might be worth looking at the FW options there as they have some nice units.


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