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Chapter name: Sons of Slaanesh

Primogenitor: Ultramarines

Status: Traitor/Renegade

Current Strength: Unknown believed to be above standard chapter strength

Alignment: Slaanesh

Colours: Pink armour with one part of the armour being squad colours. Colour of trim varies from company to company

Time of fall: believed to be sometime during M:35



Incoming transmission

From Inquisitor Corris

To Inquisitor Lord Radley


Begin transmission

My lord I have some grave news for you. 5 years ago you asked me to discover what happened to the Ultramarines successor chapter the Sons of Gage. In these past 5 years I have searched for answers and I believe I have found them however what is contained within.



As you may know at the beginning of M:35 the Sons of Gage vanished from Existence and many believed that a Warband of the Emperors Children had destroyed them and that the loyalist convention of chapters which had been set up on Gorvius was a trap set by those foul heathen deviants.


However due to information I have found and knowledge that I have obtained I unfortunately have to inform you that this is not the case. It seems that the assailants who wiped out those forces of the Ultramarines space wolves and black template that day were indeed the Sons of Gage. My spies had managed to infiltrate several pleasure cults which it appears were set up by them and from what my spies were able to tell me it appears they are still as pride full and arrogant as ever. It appears to me that while they have obviously turned from the Emperors light and declared themselves not sons of the Emperor but sons of the dark prince yet they for all their pride will not admit that they have fallen to chaos. Unfortunately that is all the information my spies were able to find out for me before their true loyalties were discovered and they most likely have suffered a gate worse than death.


The reason for me sending you this transmission now is that I believe the leaders of the pleasure cults are now chasing me and I believe it won't be long before the Sons themselves are coming after me. You must come here my lord and bring with you as many loyal imperial forces as you can as it appears that a large amount of these world's in the Anphillieon sector are members of the pleasure cults whether willingly or not they must be destroyed as I'm sure you agree.



++++ End of Transmission ++++

Ok so I thought I'd add abit more about them ie company organisation


+++ Transmission incoming ++++

From Inquisitor Corris

To Inquisitor Radley


My lord it has been a while since my last transmission to you however I have since been able to infiltrate the Pleasure Cults by using my psychic gifts and by infiltrating the cults I have been able to find out more about the so called Sons of Slaanesh.


It appears that while I have no idea about the size of the chapter other than they are above the standard chapter strength that they arrange themselves into battle companies.


Each of these companies at the face of it mirrors the battle company's of the Ultramarines meaning 1 captain 1 chaplin 2 devastator squads 2 assault squads 6 tactical squads 2 dreads and 2 command squads per company. However beyond this their companies are different for each company also has Auxiliary units namely Noise Marines obliterators possessed mutilators warp talons.


In any other Slaaneshi warband Noise Marines would be seen as being highly favored warriors however it appears the Sons of Slaanesh consider these warriors weak for they have fallen to their own excesses and desires. Just like the obliterators and mutilators who have equally become addicted in the pursuit of their favorite style of warfare becoming weak enough to allow the warp to change them both physically and mentally.


This renegade chapter above all else seems to not believe that they have fallen to the dark prince and are corrupted. Rather they see it as they have chosen Slaanesh over the Emperor willingly for it appears that while most other Slaaneshi forces have lost themselves to their base desires the Sons of Slaanesh have not.


I believe the only effect of them turning to Slaanesh has been them becoming more pridefull and arrogant. In my honest opinion we should be careful when targeting these cults for we do not know just how much hold over this sector these cults have. So my lord I advise you we should proceed with caution.


++++ End of Transmission ++++

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