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Relics of the Armoury in Multiple Detachments


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I'm thinking of trying out an old style AV13 list with double FTSF detachments to give me six HS slots.

I'd also like to field two Sicarans, one in each detachment. If I'm reading it correctly, the secondary detachment *must* take a Keeper of the Relics to take a Sicaran ?


Trying to avoid taking a Chaplain tax as he'd be otherwise be wasted in the list. On the other hand if I'm taking a Chaplain, the temptation would be to take more than two Sicarans....


Have people tried experimenting with 6 Baal/Pred/Vindicators/Sicarans in 7th ? Would be interested to hear what combos have worked for you. I don't play in a 'hard' enviroment so the usual marine mech shortcomings don't apply too much. I mostly play Maelstrom so the mobility of the BA tanks and Sicarans helps. 

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Solid wall of fast AV13 supported by jumpers is a stellar tactic that is unique to us. Will work wonders in a lighter meta such as yours too :)


Why not just take the two Sicarans in one detachment so only one chaplain? And why not make one a CAD/BSF? Same number of HS slots and you get some obj sec / initiative etc


Chappys are good, between furious charge and rerolls they can do a lot to even an average combat unit.

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If you want more than one Relic of the Armoury, you'll indeed need a Chaplain (or Astorath). Note that if you put want one Sicaran in Detachment #1, and put the Chaplain and another Sicaran in Detachment #2, Detachment #1 has to be your Primary Detachment and thus contain your Warlord.


Alternatively, just put both Sicarans in the detachment with the chaplain in it.

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I was hoping to take Librarian Dreadnoughts. Very roughly at 1500 :-



Lib Dread

5x Tacticals w/ HF, Rhino

Drop Pod






Lib Dread w/ Pod

Cassor the Damned

Drop Pod





As you can see, not much point in a Chaplain. May stick with just the one Sicaran to avoid having to take the Chaplain tax, but when Sicarans are so much better than regular BA tanks...

I'll have to have a play around in Battlescribe and see what it kicks out.

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At 2k I run a dual FTSF Mech list, but I haven't quite ironed the kinks out of it yet.

... probably because my most recent version of the list looks like this:

Flesh Tearers Strike Force

Furioso Librarian Dreadnought

~ Level two upgrade

~ Malefic devil.gif

~ Warlord

Scout Squad (5)

~ Shotgun (1)

~ Melta bombs

Bike Squadron

~ Grav guns (2)

~ Combi-grav and melta bombs

~ Attack Bike

~~ Multi-melta

Land Raider Redeemer

Sicaran Battle Tank

~ Hunter-killer missile

~ Legacy of Glory: Schism of Mars

Stormraven Gunship

~ Legacy of Glory: War of Murder

Flesh Tearers Strike Force


~ Auspex

Tactical Squad (5)

~ Heavy flamer

~ 2 x bolt pistol and melta bombs

Assault Squad (5)

~ Melta guns (2)

~ Combi-melta, bolt pistol and melta bombs

~ Drop Pod



~ Lascannon sponsons

~ Overcharged engines


~ Overcharged engines

~ Stormbolter

Cerberus Heavy Tank Destroyer

~ Heavy bolter sponsons

~ Pintle-mounted heavy bolter

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They said 'a Chaplain', and Astorath is technically 'a Chaplain', so I'd say legit until FW say otherwise.


Well, I would argue against it. There is an exact entry in the book, which is called 'Chaplain'. That entry needs to be present to fulfill the requirement. Astorath does not have the 'Chaplain' entry, but rather 'Astorath the Grim', which is not the same. Going purely by RAW, Astorath does not qualify. RAI is something else. Maybe ask FW sprecifically if Astorath is fine or just the regular dude.

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I’ll probably have a go with this list, can’t really make a Chaplain work at 1500 for a second Sicaran



Librarian Dreadnought w/ ML2, Drop Pod

Cassor the Damned

Drop Pod

Baal Predator w/ Flamestorm, Dozer Blade

Predator w/ Overcharged engines, AutoCannon/LasCannon, Dozer Blade

Relic Sicaran w/ Dozer Blade



Librarian Dreadnought

5x Tacticals w/ Heavy Flamer,  Rhino w/ Dozer Blade

Drop Pod

Predator w/ Overcharged engines, AutoCannon/LasCannon, Dozer Blade

Vindicator w/ Overcharged engines, Siege Shield

Vindicator w/ Overcharged engines, Siege Shield

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