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Captains. When to take one?


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I've got a Sanguinary Guard kit that I'm planning on using to kit-bash me a Dante, as well as a Chaplain. I was thinking also that I might make a captain out of it. While thinking about this though, I was thinking about when I would use the captain and I honestly can't come up with a reason to ever field one.


I'm going to make one anyway because I think every Space Marines army should have one, but I just can't think of any reason to pull him out of the box and actually use him.



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The beauty of the Captain is the flexibility when it comes to wargear - you can give him whatever you want for whatever purpose you need (with some limitations due to his base stats). Which is why it's a very good idea to magnetise both arms and his back pack ;)
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good idea to magnetise both arms and his back pack msn-wink.gif

Which I will be doing. Again though I think it is almost always better to take a buffing HQ (Priest, Chaplain or Librarian) instead of the beat-stick. I think the only reason I would ever use a captain would be if the next codex allowed us to take Assault Marines as troops if we have a jump-pack equipped captain as our HQ.

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The beauty of the Captain is the flexibility when it comes to wargear - you can give him whatever you want for whatever purpose you need (with some limitations due to his base stats). Which is why it's a very good idea to magnetise both arms and his back pack msn-wink.gif

To add, with his stats and inherent 4++, he is the best non-special character (read: cheap) beat stick that we have available. If you're interested, here's a list of some commonly used builds.

Part of the fun of playing 40k is the list creation process; solving the riddle to finding the best list possible is a huge draw for most. When you have something which isn't an auto-include, it's all about knowing the how and when. In the last Codex I was strongly against the use of a Captain as I couldn't see what he brought to the table, but in the current version of the BA rules, there is a niche in various builds where he's not an auto include (i.e. some of our Formations have a Captain as a requirement).

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good idea to magnetise both arms and his back pack ;)



Which I will be doing. Again though I think it is almost always better to take a buffing HQ (Priest, Chaplain or Librarian) instead of the beat-stick. I think the only reason I would ever use a captain would be if the next codex allowed us to take Assault Marines as troops if we have a jump-pack equipped captain as our HQ.

Hmm, I see what you mean, and I must admit I always go for a Chaplain (with Death Company) or Priest (with Sang Guard). Librarian next in line but then it would probably be Mephiston for me.


Edit: @ Jolemai, good point about the 4++ - Chaplain has that too of course.

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I run an alternative captain to the old Tycho with the veritaes vitae and valour's edge sometimes. He is about the same points as current Tycho and really is a great alternative AP 2 3W model. Alternatively I usually take sane Tycho if I want a cheap good captain.


Edit: a standard captain has 3W and is a better melee oriented option with a 4++ or better option. Versus all of our more fragile 2W options, that get more expensive to protect them.

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I really like Grav Bikes, so I've had some great success with a Biker Captain.


The core is split into 2 groups and usually looks somthing like this:


Captain; Bike, Powerfist, Storm Shild, Arty Armour.

4x Bikes; Combi-grav, Grav, Grav.

Attack Bike; Multi-melta


Priest; Bike, Valours Edge, Veritas Vite

4x Bikes; Combi-grav, Grav, Grav.

Attack Bike; Multi-melta


it comes to about 600 points for the two squads but against 2+ save heavy armies like Grey Knights, Bully-Boy Orks, and Enclave Tau, its a nasty set up.

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If you're going Bike captain with a specialist I1 weapon you may as well forego the Storm Shield (2+/4++ is fair enough on T5 methinks) and pair a it with a Lightning Claw instead.  And don't ask me how he manages to ride the thing.


Me, I personally prefer Valor's Edge and Grav Pistol on my Bike captain.

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The only problem I have with BA bike squads is that we often like to use CAD/BSF for our forces. So we start using up our FA slots on two minimal bike squads. Instead we can ally in Ravenwing or Scars bikers for similar points for a lot more effectiveness. Especially scars now they can get ignore cover on the grav!


FTSF obviously fixes this, but not by much.


Personal preference really I suppose! We've had talk on the past as Dante being a sweet bike attachment, giving them seem Melta, 4++ EW tanking and hit n run, plus some monstrous combat attacks.

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Captain with Artificer Armor, Valours Edge and Grav Pistol and Jumppack is my go to.

Exspecially in smaller games he wrecks faces in a command Squad.

In larger games I like that setup as a second tough CC unit to go with Dante and his SG. But it is expensive...But none can stand the wrath of Dante and a glorious Captain!

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