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Iron Hands 7th Armored (*New Player*)


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Hello everyone, I am once again looking at starting of Horus Heresy army and I'm heavily considering running an Iron Hands Tank list. This is partly due to the fact that my other two armies for 40k (Farsight Enclaves Tau and Elysian Drop Troops Air Assault) each have different play styles and are different kinds of armies, one being made up of Monstrous Creatures and Suits and the other of Mechanized Infantry. Idea behind this list is too maximize the amount of firepower possible with armor supported by a few squads of infantry. This is my first attempt at an iron hands tank list so any and all suggestions and ideas are more than welcome. Thanks for posting!


Force Org Chart:






-Spearhead Centurion Castrmen Orth




-x3 Techmarines


-x2 Techmarines




-x10 Tactical Marines

*w/ Rhino


-x10 Tactical Marines

*w/ Rhino




-x3 Predators

*w/ Predator Cannons, Lascannon Sponsons, Blessed Autosimulacra, Machine Spirit


-Sicarian Battle Tank

*w/ Heavy Bolter Sponsons, Armored Ceramite, Blessed Autosimulacra


-Sicarian Battle Tank

*w/ Heavy Bolter Sponsons, Armored Ceramite, Blessed Autosimulacra


-Sicarian Venator *Orth Here*

*w/ Lascannon Sponsons, Blessed Autosimulacra, Armored Ceramite, Dozer Blade




-Legion Malcador

*w/ Demolisher Cannon, Autocannon Sponsons, Blessed Autosimulacra, Space Marine Crew, Armored Ceramite, Flare Shields


-Legion Malcador

*w/ Demolisher Cannon, Autocannon Sponsons, Blessed Autosimulacra, Space Marine Crew, Armored Ceramite, Flare Shields



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You can fit 2 Malcador in a single LoW choice due to their low level of Hull points:

War Machine Detachment: 1-2 Super-heavy vehicles of the same unit type, each with a Hull Points value of 8 or less...


Heck, with the Onslaght FoC you could easily take 4 Malcadors!


You won't get good use out of all those Techmarines as some of the tanks are fast-moving. Better to ditch at least 2 and 1 Sicaran, then take an HQ choice with access to Rites of War (Praetor, Centurion-Delegatus, Autek-Mor). Use the Head of the Gorgon rite to allow your tanks to Outflank and they also get a free Blessed Autosimulacra each!


Additionally, it goes without saying that at 2500pts, 2x10-man Tactical Squads are going to get wasted one way or another, leaving you little means to win games bar killing everything.

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Ah, I just figured out why you had 2 Malcadors using Onslaught: with all those upgrades they're coming in at around 400pts each so you couldn't take them as a single LoW choice as it is far beyond 25% of 2500 points in a single selection.


In this case, I'd strongly recommend one of three things:

- Ditch the Malcadors. I suggest this because at 2500 you opponent could easily bring a tooled up Fellblade or a Falchion and the Malcadors just won't be able to compete. It's a shame, but there you go.

- Take a single Malcador and invest the other 400pts back into something amazing. A Contemptor Talon or a unit of Terminators in transport.

- Take 2 budget Macadors. You have 625pts available for LoW as a single choice. That's 2 Malcadors with 25pts of upgrades between them - enough for 1 demolisher cannon or to upgrade the side sponsons to heavy bolters. Probably not a great option to be honest.



Of the three I'd be inclined to ditch the Malcadors but if you love it that much, take 1. Or commit to Onslaught and take the 2, but re-jig the rest of the list to be more effective. This could include ditching a lot of the Techmarines and one of the Troops choices (you only need 1). Definitely get a character with access to Rites of War in addition to Orth; the free Blessed Autosimulacra's will pay for the cost of the character alone!


If the list was 3000pts and you had no enemy Warhounds to face, I'd be tempted to encourage 4 Malcadors, as no one would ever expect it! And you could have 50pts of upgrades on each - a Demolisher Cannon and Flare Shield.


I will come back later with an idea for a list as I do enjoy writing them...

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Here, what about this:

2500pts - Head of the Gorgon Rite of War


Castrmen Orth
Praetor-Iron Father + Cataphractii Armour, Paragon Blade, Grenade Harness
Tactical Squad; 10 men + Vexilla, Sergeant has Melta bombs
inc. Rhino + Dozer blade, Blessed autosimulacra
Tactical Squad; 10 men + Vexilla, Sergeant has Melta bombs
inc. Rhino + Dozer blade, Blessed autosimulacra
Gorgon Terminator Squad; 5 men + 1 Chainfist
inc. Spartan Assault Tank + Flare shield, Blessed autosimulacra
Heavy Support
Predator Strike Armour Squadron; 3 tanks with Autocannons + Lascannon sponsons, Blessed autosimulacra
Sicaran Battle Tank + Lascannon sponsons, Blessed autosimulacra
Sicaran Venator Tank Destroyer (no sponsons) + Blessed autosimulacra
Lords of War
Fellblade Super-heavy Tank + Armoured Ceramite, Legion Crew, Blessed autosimulacra

You've got 9 free Blessed Autosimulcra in there and every single model in the entire army can Outflank if you choose...

Orth is effective in every single battle tank and if you chose to put him in the Fellblade you could save 15pts on Legion Crew and invest them in some dozer blades for the Sicarans & Spartan. Or a Cyber-familiar for your Iron Father.


I switched up to a Fellbade to really milk that 625pt Lords of War allowance you had. Can't believe I managed to cram a Spartan in there, as well! That's enough Armour for anyone lol!


(FYI, at 2500pts you can take a Glaive if you wanted... no room for upgrades, but wow, what a tank)

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Thank you for the responses guys and I have to admit that is a pretty awesome list! However I am trying to stay away from terminators as frankly I'm just not a big fan of them. What would you suggest replacing the terminators and the Spartan with? By the way I really appreciate you helping a new player out!
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If your wanting to swap out the Gorgons you could go for the following saving you between 30 - 80 Pts depending on upgrades abd what you take.

10 man Vet Squad with Stuff in  LR Proteus

10 man Medusen Immortals Squad all with Volkite and a LR Proteus

10 man Distroyer Unit with Missle Lanchers in a LR Proteus  

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