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Sons of Horus - 2000pt - Orbital Assault


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Hi all,


Working on my Second legion, this being Sons of Horus, having Iron Warriors as my Primary army I want to go down a different path, so deliberately handicapped myself by not taking any Heavy Support option, while still wanting to be competitive, your thoughts and comments are as always welcomed, however the pre requisite is the army must still have Orbital Assault as its Rite of War as well as Reavers as they are just too cool not to use;




-Digital Lasers

-Iron Halo

-Paragon Blade

-Master Crafted (Paragon Blade)

-Melta Bombs

4 Justaerin Terminators 

-Lightening Claws on all

Anvillus Pattern Dreadclaw Drop Pod


Centurion Chaplain

-Jump Pack

-Melta Bombs

10 Reavers

-Jump Packs

-2x Power Fists

-2x Power Weapons

-5x Volkite Chargers

-Melta Bomb on Chieftain

-Artificer Armour on Chieftain


Legion Tactical Squad

-Drop Pod

-Additional CCW

-Artificer Armour

-Melta Bomb

-Power Weapon


Legion Tactical Squad

-Drop Pod

-Additional CCW

-Artificer Armour

-Melta Bomb

-Power Weapon


Legion Support Squad

-Drop Pod

-5x Melta


Xiphon Interceptor


Idea being Reavers and Praetaor are the big damage dealers in Close Combat while tactical squads are kitted out to support them in combat if needed or stay and hold objectives, support squad offer a small amount of anti tank along with Xiphon, however if I came across a Spartan with so many Melta weapons running around I hope I could handle it.


Still got 25pts to play around with, tempted to drop the Support Squad in favor of another Tactical Squad and increase Reavers by additional 2 men


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I would consider Maloghurst for your list. He alleviates the tac squad tax and still allows for your RoW. Tac squad in drops pods just don't do much, but with vets and reavers as troops you can make those troop slots more effective. Plus, he rolls well with Justaerins.


Here's what I'm running now. Maybe this will help.




It hasn't been that competitive but is sure is fun to play.

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