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I'm new to the site but I've been doin 40k almost all my life.

I play a Blood Angles or chaos army. I play mostly a fast attack army with a lot of jump troops.

I don't paint alot of my stuff but eventually Ill get around to it.


Unfortunately I wont be able to post any photos of my stuff right now cause its all at a different house and Im not going to be able to get it for a while. 

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Welcome to Bolter and Chainsword!

For all things Blood Angels, we're located over here. We're quite the friendly bunch too so feel free to ask should you need anything. The Chaos boards start here and whilst friendly Chaos is a contradiction in terms, they are an alright bunch too happy.png

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Do I spy Lamenters DC?

I dont like the Lamenters colors but there army is similar to mine.

Hail and welcome, brother!

A hail and welcome to you too brother Olis.

Welcome to Bolter and Chainsword!

For all things Blood Angels, we're located over here. We're quite the friendly bunch too so feel free to ask should you need anything. The Chaos boards start here and whilst friendly Chaos is a contradiction in terms, they are an alright bunch too happy.png

Thanks I'll check them out.

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