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2500 IF with Siggy


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Sigismund <230pts>

Templar Brethren may be troops (attaches with Templars rides in Spartan)


Primus Medicae 85pts

Cataphractii Terminator Armour w/  Power Axe + Teleport transponder = <130pts>

(goes with Termies and Deep Strikes)

Gives Termies “Feel No Pain”



1x Apothecary w/ Augery Scanner 5pts <50pts>


Legion Terminator Squad

5 + 5 additional termies all with Power Axes and Storm Shields for 7 and heavy flamer and teleportation transponder <420pts>

- can take objectives. 


Dedicated Transport

Spartan Assault Tank + Armoured Ceramite + Flare Shield <340pts>

(actually put the Templars and Siggy in this).



Templar Brethren

5 with Vexilla and combat shields and Solarite power gauntlet + 4 extra Templars with shields <340pts>

 charges into 3+ armoured troops or elites (NOT termies!) Can take objectives.


Legion Tactical Squad

10 marines + 10 additional marines and Vox and Vexilla <270pts> - attached apothecary here



Deredeo Pattern Dread + Ailios Missile Launcher <220pts>


Sicaran Venator +HB sponsons - <210pts>


Legion Basilisk <140pts>



Vindicare Assassin <150pts>



2505 pts

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This list is okay 

I  dunno about teleporting in Termis tho that sorta makes them sitting ducks , I would much preffer them in the spartan 

Potentially put  sigismund with them 

Might take the Templar Bros stick em in  a land raider and let them go try and sweep 3+ armor squads 

The bailisk seems like arbitrary here and probably could be cut fer points 

I  havent had much luck with big tac squads it almost seems like 10 homies in a rhino is a better bet 

Deredeo is gold 

Vindacare is good cause its a threat to a lot of stuffs and helps fill a gap 

I mean im not going to sit here and tell you it wont work , it will just have a bit of a rough time with lists that are meant to deal with big spartan transports   and stranded squads suck  Good luck tho 

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yea, as far as their dataslates state they are considered "Armies of the Imperium and ally as such as described in the allies section of the warhammer 40000 rulebook," and therefore you are technically allowed to take them, however definitely check with opponent before use as they havent specifically been brought into 30k yet.

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Also, could anyone suggest any improvements on how to better get this list to pack a punch?


Seems alright, although there's a lot of fooling around you can do with this list. Here's a bucketload of ideas, any number or combination of which might help you out:


Things I would look to cut first would probably be the Assassin, Medicae and Basilisk. Especially the Medicae in the Terminators if they're DS'ing, because the things they're at risk of getting blasted by are probably causing ID already anyway, and you've already got 2+/4++/3++ in CC so I'm not sure another 100+ points to make them even more resilient is that helpful. I'm also always a fan of just running tacticals at bare minimum with a Rhino, but I definitely understand the appeal of the 20-man units feel on the table so whatever pleases you there. Still, it's only bodies and bolters, so if you're really looking to have points elsewhere you could consider cutting guys and possibly the apothecary here too.


I think I would swap the roles of the Terminators and Templars. Sigismund wants to go cut down the enemy Praetor, and he almost definitely will if he gets there, but those guys pretty frequently have 2+ save bros of some kind and the Templars actually struggle with that, whereas the Terminators can pack AP2. As scoring troops though, they're perfect for effortlessly wiping 3+ saves off an objective (but Sigismund does not want to be here). Either way you could cut points by throwing them in a Land Raider instead of a Spartan, they aren't bulky so 9 + Sigismund or something works.


If you are going to DS terminators, look into combi-weapons. They have that one-turn downtime where they're stuck, and being able to combi-nuke a unit that would threaten them can help a lot. Or just being used as a sacrificial DS combi-nuke to prevent harm to other stuff. Could even split the Terminators into two 5-man units for this or something? Shields are cool but I don't feel like they combo with the Deep Striking so well.

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As above, consider the following:


+++ New Roster (2350pts) +++
++ Legiones Astartes: Crusade Army List (Age of Darkness) ++
+ HQ +
Legion Centurion [Cataphractii Terminator Armour with Combi-bolter and Power Weapon, Solarite Power Gauntlet, Vigil Pattern Storm Shield]
··Consul [Primus Medicae]
+ Troops +
Legion Tactical Squad [Legion Rhino Armoured Carrier, 9x Legion Tactical Space Marines, Legion Vexilla]
··Legion Tactical Sergeant [Artificer Armour, Melta Bombs, Power Fist]
Templar Brethren [9x Combat Shield, Land Raider Phobos, Legion Vexilla, 9x Templar Brethren]
··Chapter Champion [Combat Shield, Solarite Power Gauntlet]
+ Elites +
Legion Terminator Squad [Cataphractii Terminator Armour with Combi-bolter and Power Weapon, 9x Legion Terminators, Power Fist, 2x Vigil Pattern Storm Shield]
··Legion Spartan Assault Tank [Armoured Ceramite, Flare Shield]
··Legion Terminator Sergeant [Power Fist, Vigil Pattern Storm Shield]
+ Heavy Support +
Deredeo Pattern Dreadnought [Aiolos Missile Launcher]
Sicaran Venator Tank Destroyer [Heavy Bolters]
+ Legion +
Legion Astartes [VII: Imperial Fists]
Should have 150 Points free on the dot for the Vindicaire.
Siggy rolls with the Termies and Primus in the Spartan who go Ap2 Killing. Re-rolling Failed Charges due to Siggy should help off-set any kills you get with the Plasma Blasters who are mostly there to soften targets up.
3 Shields in the Squad means that they're still tanky but dont give up all of their...albeit mediocre...shooting. And a 4++ is still pretty good anyways and S&P doesnt hinder you at all since you're charging out a Spartan.
Templar Bros Roll around killing 3+ Saves. I did forget to give their Phobos Armored Ceramite but you can probably find the points for it.
Tac Squad is in a Rhino to shield them from Bolter Fire and to give them more mobility.
Also, fun tidbit, the Primus in TDA technically still has a Needle Pistol. So if you remove his shield and give it to another TDA Squaddie, he technically can get +1A for having a Pistol and CCW (Sol Glove is not Specialist).
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My only issue with this would

Be that the terminator squad is too big.


10 teeminators do basically the same thing 7 would imo. 10 is such a large amount of points and foot print that they become unwieldy and very immobile once they assalt 1 thing.

If you are vs another Death Star great, otherwise I think they will struggle to get to grips with enough foes throughout the game.

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