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Rage of Khorne

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Hey guys,


I am putting together a list for a 2k tournament with the following restrictions:


  • No Lords of War
  • No Fortifications over 150 points

Below is what I have so far:


Autillon Skorr - 125


Troops - 15 Marines w/ Vexilla, Power Dagger, Power Fist, Artificer Armour (240)


Troops - 15 Marines w/ Vexilla, Power Sword, Melta Bombs, Nuncio Vox (235)


Troops - 15 Marines w/ Vexilla, Combi-Melta, Melta Bombs, Nuncio Vox (235)


Elites - Red Butchers w/ Chain Fist and Power Dagger (290)


Designated Transport - Anvillus Pattern Dreadclaw Drop pod (100)


Elites - 3 Apothecaries (135)


Elites - 3 Graviton Cannons (225)


Heavy - Sicaran Venator (190) Dozer (5)


Heavy - Deredeo Dreadnought w/ Missile System (220)


Total - 2000 Points


The idea with the list is to keep the two squads of marines on the field and infiltrate them up into good launch positions where they can make best use of Fury. The one better equipped squad will come on via Outflank. The Missiles and Laser Rapiers will sit in the best cover they can find the field and the red butchers will drop in to take the attention off the midfield and the backline for a turn.


Autillon Skorr is really the Key to the list being able to unlock the ROW and pick whatever strategic trait is most useful for the field (city fighting being key). As far as I can tell the debuff to enemy reserve rolls is stackable so if the enemy doesn't field everything on the table I can start picking the force apart before I ever see their reinforcements.


What do you think? Is there any conflict of interest in the set of abilities, ROW, or Traits that I haven't seen?

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A couple things: why do you have power daggers without having a specialist weapon to give the +1 attack to.

The heavy support missile squad seems overkill. It can only Pop 1 tank per turn and it is most likely wanting to kill rhinos for your tact squads.


15 bolters simply won't do the damage you think it will in this list. Really feel like this list is lacking punch as well as ways to deal with armour.


I would just test it out and see where it needs some attention. My thoughts are in anti armour you are weak, and the tactical squads are very susceptible to melee

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I've used the power daggers as really the only fluff driven thing in the army aside from the right of war. It wouldn't be hard to switch them out for power weapons though. The power dagger on the Red Butcher leader is to get a discount on the additional chainfist attack.


The missiles are to help remedy the large number of automata I see people using and to reliably put some hurt on medium armoured tanks. The other thing is my army doesn't field any blast weapons so I wanted to add that level of versatility as well. I don't put much hope into one shot wonder weapons this edition with the adjustment to damage table and the abundance of cover on vehicles so I'd rather chip hull points over time then go for specialised one turn gambles.


I've stuck everything that can take them with Melta Bombs to help out with the Anti Armour problem. Is there a particular piece of armour you see used allot that would make this list untenable?

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Spartans and land raiders are the big ones.


Other then that in my experience laser destroyers are pretty lack luster, and very unreliable at destroying land raiders. Cover is easy to find with them because they are immobile, and three shots needing 6's to pen means you can't stop them from dropping off whoever they want to.


I wouldn't suggest getting ride of the daggers, I would suggest adding a powerfist for the extra attack with them.


At 2000 points I would go min tact squads and only go 2, unless you really want three, then roll those points into a ventator.

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Yea I think I'm most concerned with Spartans. Is there really anything that can reliable remove them though? Is the venator the answer?


I will likely mix things up and add the fist to one of the squads but removing the daggers from the other two. I don't really need the fist on the suppression units.


Also the right of war requires an additional troop, thus the three squads.

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The most reliable way is 6 grav rapiers, or 3 dual grav dreads in pods. If you don't want to do either of those you can also do a praevian with darkfire castellax unit with tank hunter, 6 infiltrating quad mortars/laser destroyers, Lightning Primaris with kraken penetrator missiles, Mor Deythan plasma squads performing fatal strike, or a scary enough CC unit that any deathstar in a spartan doesn't want to come near it (Gal Vorbak + power fist martyr and a primus medicae fits the bill).

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I like the praevian idea but I can't take it for the ROW as the only Consuls allowed are the Vigilators and that goes for the Primus medicae on the Gal Vorbak as well. The 3 Dual Grav dreds in pods would be fine but its an awful lot of points sunk into that group. I think probably the grav rapiers might be the way to go as I have all my rapiers magnetized so it won't be allot of work to get them switched.


I appreciate the suggestions. How about the sicaran venator? Just generally good for the points?

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I've always had allot of luck varying up the weapons options to ensure I have something against everything. I have edited my list above to correct some things. I have both a Venator and Graviton Cannons now for some added kick and to limit the effectiveness of enemy Deredeo. I was thinking about a second squad of the Graviton Cannons but if I see an enemy death star (considering it cant include a primarch because of the restrictions of the tournament) I should be able to just keep my red butchers behind my main line and counter charge whatever pops out of the Spartan. even without Rage I shouldn't have that much trouble ripping up most things on combat.

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Seen this issue come up before in other threads, people have emailed fw about this and they've said they intended the infiltrate malleable tactic to be a delivery system for COTH. People in my local gaming group play it as such with no problems, its a tad sketchy though but thats FW for you :P.

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Well, in that case, you can use Skorr's selection of warlord trait or Dynat's deep strike trait to fulfill the rite requirements. It actually gives you quite a lot of flexibility as long as you only have 3 units that require the ability to infiltrate. Then you can utilize tank hunter when you need it.

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I did see this and looked up allot of other people responses to the problem and figured it would be okay in most settings. I have unfortunately decided to go with a different angle though as I would like to play this army in tournaments and wouldn't want to risk building a list that could only work for some of them.


I would love to use this right of war but it is so hard to put together a competitive list while sticking to the requirements in the ROW.

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  • 4 weeks later...



I would love to use this right of war but it is so hard to put together a competitive list while sticking to the requirements in the ROW.


Not really, do as terminus suggested and drop the 15 man tacs down to 10 man with rhinos.


Keep Skorr for a guaranteed 3 infiltrators, then use mutable tactics for scout or tank hunters on all your dudes. 3 infiltrating scouting tacs in rhinos is fun. 


In this case I'd go laser destroyers to take advantage if tank hunters: ordnance rolling 2 dice pick the highest should combine with reroll failed pen rolls to do something to a spartan.

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Really not a fan of 10 mans though. Not enough efficiency for the points. I'd much rather pay the 50 points and get the vets. When it comes to bigger squads I love the normal marines but that's because they become so cheap. I played it out and the new list is a bunch more efficient and even more flexible. I can really do anything I want with it against any opponent. I just got caught up in the cool factor of playing red butchers as alpha legion.

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