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Bad models


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So I've just built 2 bad models. Not that they look bad but they were a pig to build for various reasons.


- drop pod.......getting this thing to line up was terrible


- astorath the grim........wow first time with finecast and that axe..oh god the axe, breaks if you even look at it wrong.


Who has suffered similar for the VIIII th

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I've done several resin models now. They require more work but they can look quite nice. Here's the albumn for my Astorath. I quite like how he turned out with the extra gold.


Anyway, I've made a few models with the finecast resin and it can be quite nasty at times. Here's some tips I've found for working with it:


1. As soon as you cut it off the sprue and trim any mold lines and flash, get a slightly-warm (not hot!) and soapy water bath and scrub it with a (soft!) toothbrush. It seems to have some sort of chemical (setting agent?) on the outside of the resin that interferes with painting.


2. Again using warm water, this time to soften the resin, bend any parts that need to be bent into shape and then use cool water to re-harden the resin while holding it where you want it. I have used a lighter to provide heat for this step in the past, I absolutely do not recommend this though, the water is much safer and doesn't risk damage to the model.


3. After everything is set and dry (dry is important!), fill any holes with greenstuff.


4. Base-coat.


5. Now you can finally paint.

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Drop pod seemed pretty easy to put together IMO, I sprayed it first so maybe that's the bit extra it needed. Still a bit janky though admittedly, but that's just the nature of the kit.


I got a fine cast chaplain from eBay and man, yes, that stuff is awful. So brittle.

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I don't like working with resin even when it comes from FW, so I'm not an unbiased surce here, but yeah, finecast is absolutely vile. The way it manages to be both so soft and so brittle at the same time is a truly hideous miracle of science. I just don't buy minis made of it anymore, which is why any Astorath I field will be converted or counts-as. Fortunately, the new chaplain looks like he'd make that pretty easy...


Also, it's the IX ;)

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I don't know maybe I'm just lucky but I've never had the problems with resin that everyone complains about and I built an entire Death Korps of Krieg army, plus most of my =][= stuff is resin ...


Although I guess that's all Forgeworld not Finecast.


Nicodemus Doloroso is fine cast though ) some Ultramarine character) same with the honour guard I built as well as a few random =][= stuff and no issues there either.


EDIT: fixed some iPhone autocorrect-induced mistakes

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I quite like FW resin even if the cleaning is just plain annoying.


The finecast has good details but that axe is so damn soft. Built a drop od last night and it was going so well until i started to put the sides on and attach them to the engine.


And yes sorry your right its IX not VIIII i was having a moment

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Nothing too bad for my Blood Angel specific models. My metal Astorath always comes apart during play. Most of my space marine model issues are poor kit: the drop pods (I did 8 the summer and only like half of them), land speeders (I always have issues with the passenger's heavy weapon for some reason), and the sensor at the top of the predator sponsons.

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Before I started collecting my beloved Redeemers, I was an avid Tyranid collector.

You dont know pain until you've tried to build a Finecast Venomthrope. sleep.png

Fortunatly by the time I started collecting BA they had started phasing Finecast out, so my current army is 99% plastic with a little FW resin in there. smile.png

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Before I started collecting my beloved Redeemers, I was an avid Tyranid collector.

You dont know pain until you've tried to build a Finecast metal Venomthrope. sleep.png

So much pinning. On a BA related note, the backwards tail on the Raven still makes my inner OCD twitchy.

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Finecast metal Venomthrope. sleep.png

So much pinning. On a BA related note, the backwards tail on the Raven still makes my inner OCD twitchy.

Ugh yes. For all the problems finecast has, I've always preferred it over the metal models. How many hours I've spend on filing down metal Zoanthropes where the two halves are misaligned, only for them to constantly topple over from being far to top-heavy, chipping the paintjob and/or breaking at the thin waist... Once the finecast and plastic versions came out I replaced all the metal models and never looked back.

My OCD works the other way around. While I also would have preferred the tail to not be backwards, having the flaps on the front side of the tail makes me itch that much more badly. smile.png

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One Pod is fine. Two is on the verge of being acceptable. Five was not a pleaeant experience at all.


Also, while not directly related, I was looking at Prosecutors as Sanguinary Guard. They are fine, but the wings! Oh Lord, the bloody wings! Go buy third party ones if you dislike carrying your models in a titanium bunkers.

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