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Word Bearers 25K List


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So I got into 40k a few months ago, and then I found out about 30k an  loved the idea so I picked up a Mhara Gal,  a squad of Gal Vorbak and Erebus and Kor Phaeron. Then they announced Betrayal at Calth and now Im a die hard fan.  After I pick up my Box, this is the list im going to be running. Any ideas on how to fill in the extra 200+ points? and any suggestions on the list Ive already picked up would be appreciated. Thanks guys!



HQ x3

High Chaplain Erebus   195



Legion Praetor              165

*Terminator Armor, Combi-Bolter, Power Weapon

*Burning Lore


Legion Centurion            85


*Artificer Armor


Elites x4

Mhara Gal                    305


Gal Vorbak                   220

*Artificer Armor (Dark Martyr)

*Power Fist  (Dark Martyr)


Terminator Squad

*Reaper Autocannon

*Dark Channeling


Contemptor Dreadnaught   215


*Assault Cannon

*Extra Armor


Troops x3

Tactical Squad            195

* Artificer Armor (SGT)

* Nuncio-Vox

* Dark Channeling


Tactical Squad             200

*Artificer Armor (SGT)


*Dark Channeling

*Melta Bombs (SGT)


Tactical Squad            190

*Artificer Armor (SGT)

*Dark Channeling

*Melta Bombs (SGT)


Heavy Support

Fire Raptor                  220

*Armored Ceramite

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Second what Wolf Pack mentioned, especially considering Erebus has master of the Legion and fills the chaplain requirement for Word Bearers, you really don't need the diabolist.


I also think you're list is going to really struggle given all your units are footslogging. You've got all those little squads that will be picked off easily and the sludge forward, and taking 3 tactical squads in particular really lessens your killing power. However, if you're not a fan of transports, then I'd recommend bigger units. Take 2 blobs of 20 tacticals with an apothecary and ccws, something Word Bearers do fairly well considering you've got  diabolist to buff one squad, and Erebus the other. Your assault units however really badly need a transport, I'd recommend a raider for the gal vorbak and terminators. 

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I'm not apposed to the idea of transports, so a raider or 2 probably wouldn't be a bad idea. I don't really want to get any knights at the moment, but I probably will in the future. Apothecaries are a top priority for me right now. I want to obtain 4 and have 4 squads of 20 Tactical (even though I prefer assault squads, they're just so darn expensive $$). I was also considering a Kharybsis drop pod to DS a 10 man Gal Vorbak squad or even the Mhara Gal. so my next purchase will probably be the raider.

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