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3k & 4k Mechanicum List


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Hey guys


Never played 30k before and its been a while since i even played 40k but I really do love the look of the mechanicum forces.

So i came up with the following,

Any help would be nice.


So the 3k list



Magos Domius

- cyber familiar

- machinator array

- Irad cleanser




5 Thallax

- destructor


5 Thallax

- destructor


5 Thallax

- destructor


5 Castellax

- enhanced targeting array



Fast Attack

3 Vortex Maniples


3 Vortex Maniples


Avenger Fighter

- 2 auto cannons

- battle servitor



Heavy Support

Krios Venarator

- pulsar fusil


Krios Venarator

- pulsar fusil


Siege Automa

- paragon of metal



Lord of War

Knight Atrapos

- occular augmetics




At 4k i add the following:




Archmagos Prime

- Malagra

- cyber familiar

- machinator array

- abeyant

- gravitation gun




Tech Priest Auxilla

+ 1 Tech Priest

+ 4 Servo Automa

- Lacyraemarta

- Triaros Armoured Conveyor




20 Tech Thralls

- rites of pure thought

- revenant alchemistry

- carapace armour

- heavy chainblades

- Triaros Armoured Conveyor


20 Tech Thralls

- rites of pure thought

- revenant alchemistry

- carapace armour

- heavy chainblades

- Triaros Armoured Conveyor





Domius joins the Castellax unit.

Archmagos joins the Tech Priests


Thallax are used to take out on light tank / transport.

If there my opponent has any large S10 blast weapons then the thallax will deep strike in.


Venarators are used to take out heavier tanks

Again, they will focus any S10 or D weapon blast templated my opponent has.


Castellax & Siege Automa are on anti-infantry duty

If there is any D weapon then they are deployed in reserve.


The Avenger is in the list of 1 reason - Rule of cool

But yes, he can help take out any light tanks, infantry or if he gets lucky a flyer


Vortex Maniples will be used as a distraction. 

Run them forward, screening the Castellax and just let them get shot at.

Again... any large blasts or D-weapons means outflanking for these guys (unless there is some hard cover in the middle of the field)


Knight Atrapos

God this guy looks cool

He has pretty awsome rules and can be a pain to kill...however i am afraid of D weapons just murdering this guy.

If he makes it to the enemy lines however he will just cause carnage.


Tech Thralls & Tech Priests.

Pretty simple tactics for these guys. The Archmagos joins the tech priests.

All 3 units then go into the armoured conveyor.

Point all 3 transports at enemy lines.

Go forward.

The archmagos is a beast in combat, but he needs a transport and a unit to get shot at (hence 8 servo automa).

After they all get out of the transports its stand around and wait for a turn getting shot at and then charge. 

40 T4 4+ and 5+ FNP should be pretty hard to remove



Any thoughts

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Well, given you're almost meeting the prerequisites, I see no reason why you shouldn't be running the Legio Cybernetica Battle Group.




1d4chan is a good source for tactics summaries. Legio Cyberntica gain the benefits listed in that link, but you will need another unit of 2-5 Castellax. Maybe drop a Thallax unit completely, bump the other 2 up to 6 each as Slipstreams suggested, and give them 2 photon thrusters each. Then add in 2 Darkfire Castellax.


Beyond that, consider making your HQ an Archmagos and giving him all the same gear, plus an Abeyant and the Cortica Primus relic. He can join the big Castellax unit still, and will do fine in combat with 5 Monstrous Creatures helping him. :)

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Thanks for your feedback


I was really tempted to put in multi-melta's and the only reason i decided not to was because it just seemed easier. Also i wanted to be a bit fluffy / not cheesy and only use lightning guns. In a competitive environment then i would probably add atleast 1 multi-melta to each squad.

Having the squad at 6 guys also seems a bit clunky and awkward to use.



I think later on when i know how the mechanicum play then i might try out Legio Cybernetica but right now i just want to get a feed for how they play.


If I was going down that route though i would probably do something like this:

Drop the thallax units down to 4 men squads and give them a multi-melta each.

Drop a vortex maniple and combine the two units to form 1 big unit.

Add in a 2 man castillax unit and make the domius a archmagos with proper gear

Probably have to drop the avenger to find the points

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