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Back in the game

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I'm recently back in the hobby after some 20 years out.  Started back in September after several months of humming and hahing.

So I managed to get 500 pts painted and finished in a calender month, and since then I've been adding to my army.  I still lack all the bits, but I've played several 1000 point games and one 1500 pointer (I'm proxying drop pods, but until christmas I'm poor), but everything else is WYSIWYG and painted.

Loving the storytelling, painting and playing aspects, but wish I had more time for painting.

I run a homebrew chapter called the Sons of Ananta. 
Hopefully I can pick up some good tactics from you folks.



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Welcome back! smile.png

For painting and modeling projects, you have the WIP and the HoH forums where you can post your pictures! Don't forget the B&C has its own gallery where you can upload your images. If you'd like to share your Chapter background, the Liber is the place to go! Finally, for tactics, look no further than the Tactica subforum.

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