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last 5 rhinos

The last 5 Rhinos I had to do, since treated with two tones of Mig powders on the running gear, soot round he exhaust and two coats of W&N matt varnish


Cribbed the idea from FW, non flying assault squad to follow breaching squad.

Sternguard Squad

Sternguard squad made from one box and spares from Bits and Kits, 

landspeeders with ring mountings

i added gun rings so they could shoot their own tails off...

landraider 02 waiting on razorback pintle

Afreebie land raider i stripped and rebuilt.  I've the guns and armour for the razorbak turret but am baulking at paying six quid for the turntable and mount.  Will probably scratch build, ditto the sponson armour.

landraider 01

Another freebie landraider i did up.

Librarians Squad and raised razorback

Librarian, honour guard and a dedicated ride for them, i raised the body to make a sort of pulpit and rationalise fitting a terminator in there.  need to do the faux writing on the books and all the name scrolls on the vehicles.

autosquad and MG squad rhinos

dedicated rhinos for the Autocannon and HMG squads, since finished and weathered.

Autogunner Squad

Auto cannon squad, FW parts

Breaching squad

Breaching squad, FW parts
The rest of the lads Reinforced Company is on my gallery


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