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Strange army list


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Well I'm not sure where to put this, its not really an army list. More of an army list element/theory. I don't know.


So I've been toying around with the idea of ig in rhinos.


The fluff for rhinos is that they are extremely common, easy to manufacture, etc etc. We all know that.


They are also super low point cost as are ig. And I've wondered how cheap of a mech force could be built with them... For me it would be easy since I have black templars and imperial guard and plan to field them together from time to time anyways. And also I tend to not use any of my fat attack slots with my sm ... But this could just as easily come from unbound...



You can field a minimal infantry platoon in 3 rhinos for 235 points.


You can put quite a few upgrades in and still be less than 300 points (I worked it out with 3 vox, 1 heavy flamer, 2 flamers, 2 grenade launchers and some melta bombs)


Not the most useful thing in the world but I personally find it interesting.

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Prior to the release of the 2nd edition imperial guard codex (with the 1st release of the chimera) we did have rhinos and land raiders available to guard. Rogue trader rules and even the army list that came in the 2nd edition boxed set had them as part of the IG list, So it's not that much of a stretch. There could, conceivably, be guard regiments out there that use them.


Are they better than chimeras? No. Cheaper, but not better.

Big advantage that chimeras have over Rhinos is the Command vehicle rule. You can't issue orders from inside a vehicle (unless it has the command vehicle rule). Sure it's an interesting idea, and I'd love to see it played and Id play against it. Heck I'd even be tempted to do it myself, since I run a ton of infantry, and lack vehicles to put them in. 


If only there was a transport formation, of rhinos or razorbacks that you could take, that would be something great for allies.

Yeah. As it is, to stay battle forged your best bet is to take a space marine CAD with 3 razorbacks or rhinos from fast attack. Then a Libby or tech marine HQ and 2 min Scout squads...


Which as an addition to guard they certainly aren't useless. But they aren't free...



Other then that, just go unbound and take as many rhinos as you need... 900 points is 6 infantry squads and 3pcs in rhinos with cheap special weapons distributed through out...



Perhaps if you are already running marines and ig together and have a spare fast attack slot for the marines the rhino would be a good cheap way to move a special weapon squad around...




If only there was a transport formation, of rhinos or razorbacks that you could take, that would be something great for allies.


End quote...



Why they aren't in squadrons like everything else I'll never know... Then you could take 9 in a CAD...

I think the armies are set in their ways now, so while there aren't any reasons you couldn't in the background the game is unlikely to provide that. I'd argue that the transports are relatively good for their respective armies and no necessarily outside of that. A Rhino works well for Marines because it's a tin box to get them around safely as the Marines are the valuable and dangerous cargo. Not quite the same for Guard, where cheaper would let you mechanise a lot better we gain less from it.


Maybe if the Chimera went down a little in price, but fundamentally it's the better choice for Guard as it adds more guns and has better armour. That fits us much better than a box with a glorified bolter on!

There's definitely something to be said for the rhino (from a real world perspective, we have the M2 Bradley and the M113 serving concurrently) in that it's cheap, and durable enough to keep it's cargo safe until delivery. It also makes a cheap barricade for it's contents, when they disembark, and the fact that it has multiple access points to the chimera's one. Meaning your dudes don't need to be in the line of fire, so you can pull it up to cover, dump the guys out the appropriate side hatch into cover and then roll it off. 


It's not a bad option, especially if you only have three chimeras (like I do) and need some more transports for your regular guys. In my case, I'd ally in my space wolves, use the company of the great wolf detachment and get a rune priest, 2 AC dreads for infantry support, and 3 rhinos, and maybe add in some vidicators (since my guard lack in the tank department, being an air assault force, for the moment).  

I Like the Idear of the Flesh Tearers Formation (Codex Blood Angels).. for FAST Rhinos. Now that is a reason to take them over Chimerias. 


That would be a Fun base for an army.. a whole pile of Fast Rhinos running around the table, with Autocannons out of the Top Hach. Supported by Scions in Fast Turoxs and Hellhounds! 


If you need fast attack slots the flesh tearers strike force requires 1 hq 1 troop and 1 fast attack but gives you access to 6 fast attack slots

That's not too bad! And those would be the juices up rhinos too right?


Yeah it would give you access to the blood angels fast rhinos. In addition to their fast predators (and the Baal pred too) and fast vindicators. As well as Furioso dreads...

Well. 4 veteran squads 2x3 plasma, 2x3 melta and 2ccs 2x3 grenade launchers plus some melta bombs, a librarian ml2 all crammed into 6 rhinos and 5 scouts hanging out comes to 1k on the dot... Every squad gets a vox

That's actually a pretty impressive little force. I always forget about scouts, and just how useful they can be as allies.




If you need fast attack slots the flesh tearers strike force requires 1 hq 1 troop and 1 fast attack but gives you access to 6 fast attack slots

That's not too bad! And those would be the juices up rhinos too right?

Yeah it would give you access to the blood angels fast rhinos. In addition to their fast predators (and the Baal pred too) and fast vindicators. As well as Furioso dreads...

Sounds like your starting a ba force there mate haha

Yep ba rhinos and razorbacks have overcharged engines which makes them fast vehicles and usually end up where you want them by the end of turn 2

Plus being over charged these are faster than any ig APC/IFV. And cmon you know you drive slow with chimeras and Taurus to shoot, not missing much from a rhino by going flat out...

No, you're absolutely right. And the Flesh Tearers strike force gives you everything you need to fully support getting all of those rhinos on the table. You could also use the razorbacks, because guard can always use some BS4 lascannons...



Plus being over charged these are faster than any ig APC/IFV. And cmon you know you drive slow with chimeras and Taurus to shoot, not missing much from a rhino by going flat out...

No, you're absolutely right. And the Flesh Tearers strike force gives you everything you need to fully support getting all of those rhinos on the table. You could also use the razorbacks, because guard can always use some BS4 lascannons...

BS 4 twin linked! And capacity six goes well with ccs,pcs, special weapon squads to...


Allot to consider... Might need to buy allot more rhinos... Lol...


BS 4 twin linked! And capacity six goes well with ccs,pcs, special weapon squads to...


Yeah, save for the lack of the command vehicle rule making it less than ideal for command squads that are going to issue orders. However putting SWS's and MTCS meltas in it, or a 5 man stormie melta squad, would work quite well. 




Allot to consider... Might need to buy allot more rhinos... Lol...



Never buy Rhinos. Always buy razorbacks and swap the top doors. You get more use out of the kit that way.



BS 4 twin linked! And capacity six goes well with ccs,pcs, special weapon squads to...



Yeah, save for the lack of the command vehicle rule making it less than ideal for command squads that are going to issue orders. However putting SWS's and MTCS meltas in it, or a 5 man stormie melta squad, would work quite well.


Allot to consider... Might need to buy allot more rhinos... Lol...


Never buy Rhinos. Always buy razorbacks and swap the top doors. You get more use out of the kit that way.

Of course, I assumed that that was assumed... Lol. Guess what that makes me... Lol

(a donkey by another name?:))


Not sure I'm liking this idea to be honest. I mean Chimeras are more often than not better than the squads I put in them. Using it as a bunker sitting still is great and they can do some serious movement when necessary.


Rhinos and BA supercharged ones only do the latter, and by going full tilt you cant optimally fire your squads guns anyway.


Is a 6" extra creep per turn with normal fire really all that?

Not really from the Guard's point of view, I think we're better off keeping our distance and thinning the numbers. 6" is enough mobility there, letting you shuffle around while keeping the pressure on. A potential wall of AV12 doesn't hurt either! The Chimera is a solid choice for Guard, it's why the Taurox doesn't get much of a look in.


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