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Word Bearers 2000/3000 - 10 Points left to spend!

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I have been revising my Word Bearers 2000 Point list and am now very happy with the final draft - it has all the units I like in there, is fluffy (which is my main focus in any army) and from a tactical standpoint, I feel it will do well against my friends who are also new to 30k (we all started with Betrayal at Calth), although I am not sure where they are going with their armies at this point; ie. Which Legion (they all want Loyalists though), what they want to add to the BaC box etc. I would say I'm quite a bit ahead of them in terms of army planning at this time so it is hard for me to say what I will face exactly, but then I'm not into tailoring my lists to counter theirs, it's just nice to know we will be well matched.


We are building the armies up a section at a time, as none of us can afford to do it all in one go so I have planned out a starting 2000 Point list, plus an additional 1000 Points for a future expansion.


2000 Points:

Run using the Word Bearers RoW (unless the second Word Bearers specific one rumoured in Book 6 is better)

- All my friends play Loyalists, and I love Plasma, Preferred Enemy (Loyalists) are great here, with little risk of killing themselves.

- Future possible Daemon Allies as I already have a 40K Daemon Force

- I'm a fan of Psykers (as you may see by lots of Burning Lore), so the threat to opposing Psykers will make my own stronger and hopefully give my Word Bearers a powerful Psychic phase, which they should have from a fluff perspective.

- Not fussed for Heavy Support so 0-1 choice is fine.


Praetor – 192

(Cataphractii Armour, Combi-Weapon, Master-Crafted Paragon Blade, Digital Lasers)

*Joins Terminator Squad*


Centurion – 145 / 337

(Chaplain Consul, Combi-Plasma, Artificer Armour, Refractor Field, Burning Lore)

*Joins Veteran Squad​*


Centurion – 150 / 487

(Diabolist Consul, Combi-Melta, Power Axe, Artificer Armour, Burning Lore)

*Joins Gal Vorbak*​


Tactical Squad (15) – 260 / 747

(Additional Close Combat Weapons, Vexilla, Nuncio-Vox, Artificer Armour)


Tactical Squad (15) – 260 / 1007

(Additional Close Combat Weapons, Vexilla, Nuncio-Vox, Artificer Armour)


Gal Vorbak (5) – 220 / 1227

(Artificer Armour, Tainted Weapon)

*Given a Tainted Weapon for Rending Instant Death!*


Terminator Squad (5) – 288 / 1515

(Cataphractii Armour, Plasma Blaster, 4 Combi-Plasmas, 3 Lightning Claws, 2 Chainfists, Grenade Harness, Dark Channelling)


Veteran Squad (10) – 270 / 1785

(Vexilla, Power Weapon, 2 Plasma Guns, Artificer Armour, Combi-Plasma)


Sicaran Battle Tank – 210 / 1995

(Dozer Blade, Auxiliary Drive, Armoured Ceramite, Lascannon Sponsons)

*New addition to this ​list! Was cheaper than my Contemptor I had here previously, whilst filling a role this list lacked before*



Expansion to 3000 Points:​

Wanted to use some of m​y Cultists/Renegades & Heretics stuff with the Militia and Cults list for allies as it significantly reduced future purchases, whilst being very fluff based for my Calth themed Word Bearers.

- This list is most in need of revision as I have 10 Points left to spend and not sure where to put them.

- There is potential for revision here too if something else could be more effective


Cult Allies:


Cult Demagogue – 135 / 2130

(Power Maul, Carapace Armour, Cult Horde, Tainted Flesh)

*Maul and Armour based on the model I already have. Fluff based decision as this leader was influenced by the Chaplains of the Word Bearers (Maul imitation of Crozius). Provenances chosen for Zealot (Perfect for Word Bearers) and Rending/Feel No Pain.


Inducted Levy Squad (30) – 60 / 2190

(Additional Close Combat Weapons)


Inducted Levy Squad (30) – 60 / 2250

(Additional Close Combat Weapons)


Ogryn Brute Squad (3) – 205 / 2455

(Carapace Armour, Power Mauls)

*​Originally Chaos Bullgryns in my pre-R&h Traitor Guard AM force. Want to still use the models so put them in the list. Will be a bodyguard for the Cult Demagogue. Ogryns with Zealot, FNP and Rending Mauls (S7 attacks) seem awesome!*


Leman Russ Demolisher – 190 / 2645

(Hull-Mounted Multi-Laser, Sponson Heavy Bolters, Dozer Blade, Extra Armour)


Rest of 1000 Points (More Word Bearers)


Apothecarion Detachment (2) – 120 / 2765

(Artificer Armour, Augury Scanners)

*One ​in each Tactical Squad*


Tactical Support Squad (10) – 225 / 2990

(10 Volkite Chargers)



Cheer​s for any tips or advice!!


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