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8th Jotunheim PanzerGrenadiers


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So I was giving some thought to my Imperial guard, and I decided to completely re do their fluff. I want to give them closer ties to the Space Wolves, and to stick more to a single theme. Also I wanted to be a bit more 40k, and to give them a bit more intrigue.


So here's the preliminary: 


Jotunheim is a mostly frozen death world, gravity is about 1.5x normal, located in the same subsector as Fenris, neighboring system in fact. The planet is geologically stable, and most of the land mass is frozen, being centered near the poles, what land mass that is in the lower latitudes is made up of islands and small subcontinent land masses. These are mostly mountainous, however there are enough plateaus that can be farmed to feed the relatively small population. With the need to farm what flat land there is, settlements are built into the rock faces, and living conditions are tight. 


The cities resemble small hives, but unlike a hive world they maintain an egalitarian society. Necessary goods are produced and distributed based on ability and need. Luxury goods are the only things procured with currency. Crime is harshly punished, even for seemingly minor offenses, as these people realize that cooperation was going to see their survival on this frozen hellscape.


Each city is self sufficient, and each city maintains a military force. These military forces make up the entire planetary defense force. From each of these, the Imperium draws its tithe.


The Jotuns tend to be noticeably taller and stronger than baseline humans. The higher gravity demanded that their bodies adapt by strengthening their bones, and muscles, coupled with their lifetimes of difficult, laborious, work make them exceptionally strong. The mountainous terrain and high altitudes also bred them with more efficient repiratory functions, as such they have incredible stamina. They tend to be stubborn and pragmatic. Despite their world being a death world, the Jotuns are quite intelligent, and knowledgeable of the universe at large. They are aware of the enemies of man, and the dangers of the warp. They also retain much knowledge from long before the great crusade, though they lack the means to produce much of the lost technologies. They do retain manufactorums that produce Valkyries, Vendettas, Sentinels, and lighter vehicles. Since their rediscovery by the Imperium, their manufactorums have been overseen by the Mechanicum, as the Jotuns refused to completely automate the ancient facilities, valuing the hard work involved in production. 


The military forces of Jotunheim are very disciplined, and they have a mastery of airborne and mountainous terrain warfare. From a young age they are trained to survive. They are expert trackers and hunters, which has made them invaluable assets to the Imperial Guard. The academies of Jotunheim produce soldiers of the same quality as the Schola Progenium. While the PDF Regiments are trained and equipped as the standard Guardsman, the Jotunheim regiments are all veterans, highly trained and equipped.


For millennia after the Horus Heresy the Jotuns were known only to the Astartes of the Vylka Fenryka. Serving them as Skaerls, the guards of their keep on Fenris. It was considered an honor, to serve the Rout, as they knew they could never become Astartes of the Chapter. Now the Imperium of man calls them directly, and has for the past 4 millennia. 


As there is little flat ground on Jotunheim they do not make extensive use of armored vehicles. However given their close ties to the Space Wolves, Logan Grimnar has supplied small detachments of warriors and equipment to assist the regiments when needed. 



Special rules  (house rules):

Regimental Doctrine:

Jotunheim Veterans gain a combat knife and may take an autopistol for 1 point per model.

Lord Commissars gain the Senior Officer Special rule. 

May not take Storm Troopers.


Veteran Doctrines: Veterans may only take one doctrine per squad.

-Jaegers (20pts):  Camo gear, snare mines, infiltrate

-Grenadiers (30pts): Gain Carapace Armor, Exchange Lasguns for Hotshtot Lasguns

-Sturm: Demolitions as per C:AM


Chose one regiment type:

Fallschrim: Infantry gain deep strike.

Panzer: Infantry must take dedicated transport. Units may still disembark after moves greater than 6"

Volks: May not include veterans, Platoon squads may take veteran doctrines


This allows you to create regiments like FallschrimJaegers or PanzerSturm regiments. You even can create VolksGrenadier, which are shorter ranged, heavily armored, but less well trained, than a FallschrimGrenadier force. Mix and match.



As for the cities, imagine Minas Tirith from Return of the King, only a bit more advanced, and you'll have some idea. Put them in Fjords, and on mountains, and pretty much anywhere you can think. 


*/ Edited rules. /*

*/Edit: Named the Regiments Gebirgstruppe or mountain troops/*

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I feel like you totally need Ogryn/Bullgryn in there as well, big, angry Norse Ogryn.

I do want some Ogryn, but the way I have it in my mind, this world isn't high gravity enough for Ogryn, and it's also not a penal colony, so that wouldn't explain Ogryn stupidity. I suppose I could fluff them as being from a higher gravity region nearby, like a moon, or a rural valley outside the cities. 


Problem is getting Ogryn into a list, and finding a good way to deliver them, maybe in land raider crusader. I like Stormies, so I want to get them in my lists as much as possible.  

Wouldn't the higher gravity make them shorter? Maybe 1.5 sounds a little high too but otherwise a good start thumbsup.gif

Well, according to the fluff Catachan is higher gravity, as are the worlds the Ogryn come from. It would also be a physical adaptation given the mountainous terrain, larger bodies for larger lung capacity, and more muscle to move efficiently. The bigger frame would also accomodate a larger, more powerful heart, to pump blood more efficiently under the higher gravity. These adaptations would make them well suited to combat.

That's my reasoning anyway. That coupled with a genetic predisposition to being tall and broad shouldered, being that the original colonists would have been of Northern European, mostly Germanic, Scandinavian, and Celtic origin. Also generally more tolerant of colder temperatures and higher altitudes. Some east asian peoples would also be present lending them some genetic diversity and additional altitude adaptations.

I don't plan on changing the paint scheme of my army but I need some help with how I should best represent my army. Should I use C:MT, or C:AM? Or should I run Stormtrooper heavy elysians and vets. I plan on using some of the formations from the Cadian Battlegroup, and probably taking the Battlegroup as just a command squad, to give them the Fire support they need.


I really want to focus on Walkers, infantry, light vehicles, and airborne assets.

I've been looking more and more into the Death Korps Assault Brigade, as their grenadiers and infantry platoons would fit my doctrine a bit better. Taking grenadiers in an allied emperor's spear, and my allied space wolves providing armor. Running 2 squads of vets in chimeras and a Company command in chimeras, with a footslogging infantry platoon and a couple of weapons platoons. For a full up list. 


Sure it's not the highly mobile airborne force that Elysians and MT are, but I'm looking more for a versatile hard hitting storm army. The null/min deployment airborne list is getting old. I just like the idea of putting PanzerGrenadiers on midfield objectives, while I hammer his forces with mortars, and then have my flyers swoop in, put down a strafing run and drop Grenadiers behind his lines to grab line breaker, and his backfield objectives. While my infantry platoon secures my backfield. 

  • 3 weeks later...

I've been looking into how to build up my guard forces, and I've decided that I'm going to jump into some forgeworld stuff, notably a Vulture gunship with a couple of weapon options. 


I've also been trying to think how I want the army to play, and I want it to play fast and hit hard. Mountain Troops are intriguing to me, especially airmobile mountain troops, but I've been wanting to play more armor lately, which is why I had been including my space wolves in lists so I could offer my guardsmen up some armored forces.


Here's the Basic List I've been using for guard:

Death Korps of Krieg CAD:

1 CCS (2 Flamer)  w/Chimera

2 Grenadier (2PG each) Squads w/Chimeras

1 Platoon (basic)


I'm considering adding the following CAD to my forces:

Armored Battle Group CAD:

2 Company Command Vanquisher Tank, Coax Stubber, Beast Hunter Shells

2 Leman Russ Battle Tank Squadrons (basic)

2 Armored Sentinel Squadrons (Plasma Cannons, 1 sentinel each) (already owned)

1 Vulture Gunship


The platoon is just cannon fodder, which I'd use the forlorn hope rule with, just to make it fluffy and fun. This is an 1850 list, for larger games I'd kit out the platoon, add a third grenadier squad, with chimera.


I'm actually really thinking about adding rough riders to my list because it fits with my fluff and I really like the idea of having cavalry in my army, especially since my regiment is supposed to be a hardened and fearless force. 


I can also run the Emperor's Spear to make the force airmobile if I so desire. 


How does this sound?

Yeah, I'd be adding 4 LR chassis and a Chimera as well as the vulture. 


Additionally I just looked up the Planetstrike rules from the Red WAAAGH! Just a thought, but would it be overpowered to use the planetstrike attacker detachment and treat all missions as if they had the Planetary Assault and Shock Tactics special rules?

I just got my airbrush from my parents and I'm all set to start using it! I shall be all set for painting up tons of stuff for ETL this year! And with the Additions I intend to make before then and my plan to paint very little between now and then so I'll be able to bang out tons of models during ETL.

I made some purchases today for my guard, I got 2 leman russes (one battle tank box and one demolisher box), and I picked up a fourth chimera, as well as put in my order for my vulture with my preferred options (TL Lascannons, 6 HKM, and TL Punishers).


I'm still learning my way around the airbrush, but I'll have it down come ETL time, as I have plenty of Space Wolves to practice on between now and then.

Could a Rhino be used as a decent Centaur counts as, if I take the top hatches off? Mine are all modular so I'm just wondering if people here would be ok with that until I can either replace my vet squad with a Leman Russ, or until I can get an actual centaur. I kinda want to keep some ties to my Space Wolves

Leman Russ tanks and my 4th chimera have been assembled, and primed. My unpainted Kasrkin and guardsmen have also been primed. As of now, paint will wait for the ETL, but we'll see how long that lasts.


WP 20160111 001


I've also ordered a Commissar Yarick model, because I like his rules, And my plan s to sink him into an MTCS in my MT platoon. I'll be using his rules as my Colonel.

  • 2 weeks later...

I've just built a Combined SW/DKoK:AB/C:AM army list. The list has no 2+ saves, and very few 3+ saves. I kept most of what was available to the DKoK, save the combat engineers, and I added Sentinels, Vultures, Vendettas, and Valkyries. I also added some IA1.2 goodies, like the Vanquisher's specialty shells. The army is based on the DKoK, and grenadiers gained an autopistol (it seemed only fair for their cost). I also took the Penal Legion Squad's desperados from 5th edition, called them doctrines, and assigned points costs to them, and assigned them only to the Infantry platoon squads, as it seemed that being unable to take transports they needed something to get them into CC. I also ported over Commissar Yarrick, but I renamed him, because he's great.


I'll be using the standard C:AM orders for this group, and I'll be play testing this to see just how broken it is. I doubt it will be, since you can essentially do the same thing with allies, it's just that this way it comes out cheaper in points for the overall list (theoretically). The army list is pretty much made up of stuff I'd take anyway. But I've made sure that there are multiple builds, so you can experiement. Vultures and Vendettas cannot be taken in squadrons though, Valkyries can. Valkyries are using the old points costs, to encourage their use, but they lose out to the vulture in my mind.


The SW stuff I integrated was: Thunderwolf Cavalry, Fenrisian Wolves, Skyclaws, Rune Priests, Dreadnoughts. I plan to add Wolf Scouts and Ogryn from the C:AM book. Wolf Scouts will become a troops choice, and Ogryn/Bullgryn will stay an Elites choice.

  • 1 month later...

So back in January, when I ordered my vulture, it took forever and a day to arrive. It was lost in the mail for a few days, but I ultimately received it. Well I had complained that I had not received it at the time. About a week ago, I received an email from forge world, telling me they had shipped me a new one. Well, It arrived yesterday, and I picked it up this morning.


I now have two vultures, and I'm ecstatic! This one is definitely going to wait for the ETL, and will be painted pretty much the same as my last one. I have to say that FW's customer service is fantastic, I had forgotten all about that complaint after receiving the package, but FW came through. I'm Impressed, as I had almost vowed to never purchase from them again after that experience. If you're reading FW, you've got a return customer, eventually.

I found a great deal on the tech command box, so I decided to go ahead and get it, so I have that on the way. That will go a long way to rounding out my armored forces, needing only one more leman russ tank, a wyvern, a manticore, and a CCS in a chimera to round out my forces. I'd also like to do a baneblade, but that's a significant chunk of change to drop on a tank, that I wouldn't get to use often. And I feel like that money would be better spent on something I can actually use like more bodies.

Yes, "only one more" Russ. Good luck with that Ulrik ;):lol: The Baneblade is a great kit especially if you magnetise it to get the variety. It's a lot of points (for now, perhaps..?) yes but damn killy and cool to boot. I don't regret getting mine at all :D

Yes, "only one more" Russ. Good luck with that Ulrik msn-wink.giflaugh.png The Baneblade is a great kit especially if you magnetise it to get the variety. It's a lot of points (for now, perhaps..?) yes but damn killy and cool to boot. I don't regret getting mine at all biggrin.png

Yes, only one more, for now. 5 is the minimum I need to run the armored fist company. As it sits, I only ever really put 2-3 leman russes in my lists, because I put them there to support my infantry. I also need a couple of Hellhounds, to run the Vet company.


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