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Help with DIY Campaign Relics


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Lo again B&C,

I've been tasked to come up with some campaign relics for a campaign we are looking to start and I thought I'd ask some questions.

It will essentially be astartes vs astartes Blood Angels vs renegades/chaos. There will be no formations, or allies allowed, no grav-weapons and 0-2 squads of 2+ And no daemon princes. We are also revamping the boons on chaos. Heroes will be allowed 2+ saves, but other than that this campaign is representing prolonged warfare and we are trying to set a tone of beleaguered soldiers.

Anyways, we've come up with the idea that the first mission will be seize the relic with a built in item that you can roll for, if you win the match holding the relic you are allowed to pick your item, if you lose it is a D6 roll with no re-roll allowed. Like you happenstance upon salvage. If no one controls the relic it the. Goes to victory points, with the winner allowed a re-roll but only 1. The item may only be carried by the warlord. Unless the warlord is killed in which case it will go to the acting champion with the highest leadership.

So here is what I have so far:

The Imperium of Man:

1) The Spear of Chrona:
Replaces both melee & Ranged weapons
Melee, two-handed, +2 Strength AP2 Amourbane
Ranged, Range 12" Assault 1 Strength 6 AP2 Armourbane
Special Ability, Eternal Warrior +1 Wound
​This ancient spear was a relic during the early days of the Great Crusade, it is said this graceful spear was bestowed upon the world of Chrona, by the Emperor himself to a long forgotten captain for his deeds before the angels were re-united with their gene-sire

2) Alternis
Replaces Ranged Weapon 
Range, Rapid Fire Strength 5 AP3
Special Ability, Rage, Relentless, Rampage (if the model already has Rage or Rampage it then gains +1 attack for each special rule it has in the first round of combat)
This ancient bolter gleams with a raging machine spirit that cries for the blood of heretics and the enemies of the Emperor. It feeds off the fury of its owner, giving the wielder uncanny ferocity in all facets of warfare. 

3) The Golden Chalice
Artifact, will not replace special war gear, melee, or ranged weapons.
Special Ability, Feel No Pain (3+) character only. All models within 6" of the bearer of the golden chalice gain the Feel No Pain special rule (5+) and +1 WS. Once per game, during the movement phase, the Warlord may choose to drink from the Golden Chalice, he immediately recovers 1 wound losses earlier in battle, and gains the following abilities until the controlling player's next movement phase. +1 initiative, +1 Strength, Eternal Warrior, and the Rending special rules. If the chalice has not been used. The first time the model would lose its last wound roll at D6 on a 3+ the model retains its last wound but loses both Feel No Pain (3+) and Feel no Pain (5+) but retains the +1 WS
It is said, that  Sanguinius himself drank from this beautiful ruby laden chalice. To this day it still holds a sliver of the Primarchs essence. It gives its holder uncanny vigor, and is said when drunk from, can heal even the most grievous of wounds.

4)The Crimson Glaive
Replaces melee weapon
Melee, +1 Strength AP3 Rending
Special Rules, Blood Drinker, +1 Attack
Blood Drinker: Any unsaved wound caused by a 6, this model inflicts returns 1W to the wielder of The Crimson Glaive up to the maximum wounds of the model. All excess wounds that would heal the controller, caused in this way are lost.
This ancient blade is a double edged sword to those blood angels and their descendants willing to wield this red menace. The weapon is capable of spraying such gore that even the noblest of Astartes are hard pressed to hold back the red thirst. It is said that those who wield this weapon succumb to the red thirst but are healed of minor wounds almost immediately.

5)Armour of the Red Lotus
Artifact that replaces the wearers armor. 
Artificer Armour with a built in 4+ Invulnerable save
Special Rules, Eternal Warrior, Resist Poison, Fate's Messenger
Resist Poison, all poison wounds the wearer of this armour on a 6+ Re-rolls for strength higher than the models toughness are still applied
Fates Messenger, may re-roll invulnerable save rolls of 1.
One of the last true pieces of Artificer armour created during the Horus Heresy. The armour was made to resist almost all manor of toxic weaponry. Blessed by the machine spirit within, The armour protects its wearer with great zeal doing all in its own right to keep its owner from danger.

6)The Hammer of Dawn
Replaces the Melee Weapon
Melee, Strength x2 AP1

Special Rules, 2-handed, Concussive, Specialist Weapon, Unwieldy, Instant Death, Amourbane, Hatred Chaos Space Marines
This ancient Hammer gained its name from the Captain of the Blood Angels 12th company during the Horus Heresy,  during a battle of eternal night against great enemy. It is said that as the 12th captain smashed the chest cavity of a contemptor dreadnaught, obliterating the entombed traitor inside, dawn broke into the sky.


And I'm stuck. How do you feel about the first two? I've come up with 6 relics for the blood angels and their army. I hope you enjoy it. There is definitely some work to be done, and I still have the Chaos marines to add as well.

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I'll take both, a full set even. They are wicked awesome, although maybe a little strong?


AP2 at initiative by itself is 25 points in C:BA. +2 Str means the spear wielder is typically wounding on 2+ against most likely opponents, and the campaign restricts chaos from fielding those high-toughness daemon princes. Also, armourbane 12" ranged on top of assault made me go yowza!


Eternal Warrior and +1 wound is a great idea in thematic story campaigns, especially campaigns in which independent characters are out of action for subsequent games, if defeated on the table top.


I always enjoy your input on B&C, looking forward to seeing the rest.

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Also here is one of the chaos artifacts.

Replaces the models ranged weapon
This weapon has 2 profiles when shooting, the controlling player may choose which profile is used during that players shooting phase.
Rapid fire range 36"
Warpfire rounds S4 AP2 gets hot
Hellfire rounds poison (2+) AP5
Special Rules: preferred enemy Space Marines, foolish boy, notches on the hilt, dead eye

Foolish Boy: All wounds made against a model without a helmet are treated as instant death and ignore cover
Notches on the hilt: for each character removed as a casualty due to this weapon, gain 1 VP
Dead Eye: all characters treat Look Out Sir rolls with a -2 modifier.
Autreyu was once a noble weapon, wielded by Captain Sirius of the Valkyries Space Marine Chapter. What was once an hounored relic bolter with a pure machine spirit, is now a defamed and blasphemous weapon.

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I think the balance on Imperial relics 3-6 and Chaos 1 are more consistent. #1 seems stronger than the rest, #2 just a shade less, as the special rule bonuses are more situational than other relics listed. What about adding Zealot, with the duplicate rule bonus you provided for rage and rampage?


Also: agreed! Foolish Boy is inspired!

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I think the balance on Imperial relics 3-6 and Chaos 1 are more consistent. #1 seems stronger than the rest, #2 just a shade less, as the special rule bonuses are more situational than other relics listed. What about adding Zealot, with the duplicate rule bonus you provided for rage and rampage?


Also: agreed! Foolish Boy is inspired!

All the Spear of Chrona does it make the war lord Dante without a jump pack and the descent of angels special rule. With one minor difference. The Warlord can throw a strength 6 armourbane weapon that on average is only going to glance AV13 with a chance to pen and a lower percent chance to glance AV 14 and even less to pen. Since Dante is banned for this campaign, it gives the option to roll for it.


I think having rampage and rage with/if the warlord rolls red rampage or gets the rage buff +1-2 more attacks with a power sword, lightning claw, thunder hammer or power fist is kind of brutal no? I'll talk to my friends about it and see what they think.


Edit: So far to me the golden chalice seems like the most powerful, but it is awesome to get the opinion from others.

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Per the BRB 7th ed. Page 169

If a model has the Poisoned special rule, or is attacking with a Melee weapon that has the Poisoned special rule, it always wounds on a fixed number (generally shown in brackets), unless a lower result would be required, when attacking in close combat. In addition, if the Strength of the wielder (or the Poisoned Weapon) is higher than the Toughness of the victim, the wielder must re-roll failed rolls To Wound in close combat.

Similarly, if a model makes a shooting attack with a weapon that has the Poisoned Special rule, it always wounds on a fixed number (generally shown in brackets), unless a lower result would be required. If no number is shown in brackets, the rule is Poisoned (4+)

Unless otherwise stated, Poisoned weapons are treated as having a Strength of 1. The Poisoned special rule has no effect against vehicles."

So it has only slightly changed over the last couple of editions. But you know what its like when you DO get your edition rules mixed up. It really is a bother.

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To me, health regeneration is cool, but not overpowered, because adding wounds can also effectively be accomplished by adding bodies to a 'retinue' unit. You can't add AP or other damage-producing factors nearly as easily, and when you can there is more of a trade-off. E.g. High AP in melee usually costs initiative, using rapid fire costs charge & run abilities for a turn.


Also: adding a Dante-level character in an environment where such a tool would otherwise be prohibited is, well, really strong.

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To me, health regeneration is cool, but not overpowered, because adding wounds can also effectively be accomplished by adding bodies to a 'retinue' unit. You can't add AP or other damage-producing factors nearly as easily, and when you can there is more of a trade-off. E.g. High AP in melee usually costs initiative, using rapid fire costs charge & run abilities for a turn.


Also: adding a Dante-level character in an environment where such a tool would otherwise be prohibited is, well, really strong.

Yeah, you're right, it is meant to be very powerful. But you have win the relic mission, if you don't, then you only have a chance to grab it. I haven't had a chance to talk to my friends about the relics yet. If they think it is too powerful then I can change it. Some of them are working on finals right now, others are just too swamped with work, so we are hoping this campaign can start somewhere in the middle of January or early February.



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