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Yellow angels


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Greetings Brothers. 

I've finally taken the plunge into the hobby after following the fluff for a while so this is my very first army and for that i decided to join the sons of sanguinus with my interpretation of the Lamenters chapter. I'm very open to critizism both fluff- and gameplaywise. I plan to document my erratic efforts here, hopefully with some pictures to show. 

My plan is to try to represent the lamenters as they are in their current form, which is a chapter with extremely depleted resources at the end of their hundred year crusade. As such im planning on having a mostly power armored force, with a low amount of transports and tanks. 

I'm toying with the idea of the chapter commandering some human auxillary forces to act as scout troops (thus working around the decree that they take on any neophytes) which seems like the sort of thing the lamenters would do, as they seem to have a fondness for the lowly imperial citizens. For this i'm considering using some imperial guard snipers as count as scouts. Thoughts? 

The army as it stands now with what i already have and plan to purchase in the near future is as follows: 

The Lamenters chapter Pentinent crusade;
Operrating out of the Battle Barge - Mater Suspiriorum/Mater Tenebrarum
Battlegroup Mysjkin (Name pretty much set in stone, battlegroup is up for debate, crusade group mb?)
Captain Rogozjin
2nd company 4th Tactical squad

Imperial Auxillary Scout squad x2
5th company 3d Assult squad (Mayhaps veteran Squad?) 
Death company squad "Tikhon
Death company squad "Theosis
Death company squad "Amartia

Thought of the day: "Try to know yourself, your own wickedness. Think on the greatness of the Emperor and your wretchedness. Meditate on the suffering of the Emperor, the magnitude of Whose love and suffering surpass our understanding. Ascribe the good that you do to the Emperor alone. Do not think about the sin of a brother but about what in him is better than in yourself .... Flee from glory, honors and praise, but if this is impossible, be sorry that such is your lot. The lowlier we are in spirit, the better we know ourselves, and without humility we cannot see the Emperor."
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Oh man, Lamenters always make me sad and yet happy due to their astounding manliness. Seriously, the 40k Imperium does not deserve these kind of awesome heroes. Always happy to see someone tackle them. For those we cherish, we die in Glory! *weeps a single tear of manliness*


Anyway, you may want to check the FW rules for the Badab war. The Chapter Master of the Lamenters has some rules there. Maybe they appeal to you and you can use him as your Captain?


As for your human auxiliaries, remember that every Chapter employs Chapter Serfs to help with mundane tasks, keep the ships running and so forth. Given how the Lamenters are constantly undermanned, maybe they started using those Serfs in combat as well. I think it is pretty likely given their situation and more believable than lugging around IG soldiers. You will need to justify their S4 and T4 stats though, given how humans are usually S3 T3.

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Yeah they seem to be one of the few guys that you can actually sympathize with. Malakim certainly seems really awesome, but maybe he could be more justified in bigger point games? Seems likely that he would only deploy in major engagements and not take part in every little skirmish. When i read of him i think of the Helbrecht black templar model.  

Hmm, maybe chapter serfs with some enhancements sort of like servitors? They would probably be pretty strong and tough and since ordinary scouts are ws/bs3 it doesnt seem like such a stretch.

I really like they steampunky look that I've seen the inner workings of a space marine chapter depicted as having and I imagine that would carry over to the chapter serfs aswell. Then the question is how practical it would be for someone trying to stay sneaky when you have torches and purity seals all over. But rule of cool i guess.. 

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I guess it's not inconcievable to let the world advance 13 years or have them crusade a bit through the warp while time in realspace stood still a couple of years in the warp so that the hundred year crusade finally have ended. That would save a lot of bother, but it feels like a cop out. I'll have to think it over, if I find a reasonable enough explanation for them using superchapterserfs ill maybe go with that. 


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I've always viewed the Lamenters as more in line with vanilla marines. They resist the red thirst uncannily, and only succumb to the black rage in the most dire of straights. We don't know where Malakim Phoros is currently, or if he's a live or dead.


The forge world rules for him are free on a .pdf and easily added as a lord of war to your army. I love his rules, and use that profile as my chapter master. Since he doesn't have a model he is an awesome addition aesthetically, because it is your own vision of him. However I think a generic BA captain or vanilla marine chapter master would make a good acting lord of the 200-300ish remaining astartes. Plus they are a fleet based chapter. But it's really all about how you perceive them and interpret their story.

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The cheque I can live with but the mustard, it's just never right. But the emperor shall prevail! 

@Dont-Be-Haten - I was under the impression that the augmentations made during the founding were failing and more of them was falling to the rage? I also figured the guys stuck on the prison hulk in the sagan system didnt take too kindly too their entire chapter getting savaged and then locked up in miserable conditions and that the rage therefore would be espescially prevalent among those marines. And since they were in such dire straits the chapter wouldnt hesitate to utilize their sickened brethren. 

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The cheque I can live with but the mustard, it's just never right. But the emperor shall prevail!


@Dont-Be-Haten - I was under the impression that the augmentations made during the founding were failing and more of them was falling to the rage? I also figured the guys stuck on the prison hulk in the sagan system didnt take too kindly too their entire chapter getting savaged and then locked up in miserable conditions and that the rage therefore would be espescially prevalent among those marines. And since they were in such dire straits the chapter wouldnt hesitate to utilize their sickened brethren.



I like his interpretation of the lamenters' color scheme.


The lamenters are extremely stubborn and hardnosed. Each remaining member is in his own right a veteran, the last things I read on the boys in yellow were fighting against the Kraken fleet and even though the battle was so savage, it still took a lot for many of them to succumb. I can't remember if that was a short story or some fan fiction. But it was really well written.

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I have to say that I'm really grateful for all the suggestions i've been getting so far from you guys! But the red of fleshshade feels to warm, ive been trying stuff more in the green spectrum for that cooler look. Its just that all the washes and such make things.. well green. Best shade ive gotten so far is with stuff like tallarn sand. Dijon mustard best mustard. 

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Ok so, ive finally managed to get something to show for all my efforts. Turns out getting a decent image with your cellphone is about as hard as painting when you have 3 hours of daylight and no good lamps at home. 




Ill try to get some better pictures but im quite happy with this little guy. He's a dark vengence marine with all the semi-traitory bits shaved off. The thing that seems hardest to get right color wise is the large flat spaces like the shoulderpads.

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Thanks guys, just gotta confess some sins , else the emperors fury fall on me. The edge highlight on the lower legs of death company brother Molotok isnt really edge highlights but the white undercoat showing through after handling the model while painting. Been looking up different ways to handle my models better so im off to buy me some really tiny drills and blue tac.

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Thanks guys, just gotta confess some sins , else the emperors fury fall on me. The edge highlight on the lower legs of death company brother Molotok isnt really edge highlights but the white undercoat showing through after handling the model while painting. Been looking up different ways to handle my models better so im off to buy me some really tiny drills and blue tac.

Don't fret too much. Just paint over with a second layer, and make sure to add a bit of water. Several thin layers are better than thick ones. Don't get discouraged!

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I love your yellow!! Mind sharing your recipe??!! 


As for wear from handling your mini as you paint it, try drilling a small hole in the bottom of the foot and taking a bit of paperclip and insert it into the hole. You can then grasp the remainder of the paper clip, or cut it and sink the end into a piece if cork. A wine bottle cap if you have access to one (or lots)!!


Looking forward to more, brother!!


End of Line

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Hi guys, been a bit caught up in real world stuff, had to prepare for a mock-AGM, and now coming christmas I'll be traveling so no updates then either, but here we have 3 mostly finished tactical marines: 



I dont know why i didnt just glue them to their bases, just gonna go with that now since my budget is a bit constrained being a student and all. 

The yellow is GW white basecoat, Vallejo gold yellow until im happy with the coverage, highlit up to Warpainter skeleton bone using heavily watered skeleton bone or a mix of that and golden yellow. The large surface shades are then done in GW Tallarn sand, and the deep recesses with Warpainter Leather brown. Add some spit, some coffee instead of water to thin the paints and you're probably pretty close.


And a direct translation of a common holiday greeting from where i live, Good christmas and good continuation to you all!! 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Soo, time for a post-christmas update, havent had much time at home but managed to tinker away a bit, tried making some conversions to spice up my otherwise bland marines, and seeing as everyone runs meltas when i look at lists, i thought it'd be good to have one just in case:


I also smacked together some bases trying different stuff that i had laying around, but im not sure what color theme I'll use for them:


I read up a bit on basing and using that and some color theory of what matches what, i realized that pure brown or sand would be too close to the yellow marines, black/grey would make the death company invisible. I thought about a kind of mars, rust-red look but then the blooddrops and heart wouldnt stand out. Then i saw some mostly light grey and brown bases with some grass on them (Is the static grass thingy that gw sells any good?) and thought: that's what im gonna use. Suggestions for alternatives? 

Then i saw some guy painting a titan with marble armor plates and thought that looked really cool, so i decided to try some marble for the bases aswell. Maybe i spent a little to much time browsing the forums during christmas.. :S

EDIT: Seems unnecessary to bump, but i just tried to make the marble effect and got real exited with the results, had to share: 

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