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New Skitarii/Ad Mech Player: Some Questions


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Hey guys, I am looking at resurrecting and starting my Skitarii/Ad Mech army once again and I have a few questions as I really don't know much about them since almost no one around here plays them. My questions are:

-Best Loadout for the Onager? I am going to have a minimum of 1 with the Icarus Array for Skyfire purposes but I am planning on getting at least 2 more, so any input on the best way to run these guys would be great!

-Vanguard or Rangers using allied transports? Just curious how many of you utilize other armies Formations or books to ensure our guys get to where they need to go safely.

-How many Kataphrons and better to put them in a big squad or MSU? I am currently running x3 Squads of them (x2 squads of Destroyers with Grav and x1 squad of Breachers with Heavy Arc Rifles). Also would taking a 4th Onager be better then taking the squad of x3 Breachers with Heavy Arc Rifles?

Thanks for your input guys!

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Onagar neutron and Icarus array are both great. The Eradication beam is good as well, but vanguard do waht this gun is best at. Plus you can't guarantee that you'll get the power level of the ray that you'd like. 


I still hold vanguard are life. With transport there is no reason to bring rangers. 


I like 3 man destroyer squads led by tech priest. Tech priests are great tanks for the unit letting you pass out wounds or take advantage of invuls/armor/FNP where needed; then repair the after math later.  Small units do well camping a terrain piece as well.


arc rifles are the best breacher option, but I don't think it's super great for a take all comers list if you already have grav.

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I run 1 single Icarus Onager and a squat of 2 with neutron laser. Pretty solid in my opinion. Te Lasers are good against AV, high toughnes AND hordes, very flxible.

Additional Stubber is a must have if you ask me.

Phosphor can also be a cheap(er) option for AP3, never tried it.


Can't help you with allied transports, I like my Ad Mech as Ad Mech only (Cult, Skit and Knights).

I never felt mobility is to big of an issue since Skit have a lot of rules that help with their movement (Scout, MTC, Dunestrider, Dunecrawler, Infiltrate). But I am only a beer and pretzel gamer.


Kataphrons already have a lot of Dakka with just 3 or 4 in a unit. Everything bigger is very expensive and might be overkill most of the time. I have absolutely no idea why you can put 12 (!!!) of them in just 1 unit O_o

And I would stick to the breachers. They can also be good against Flyers and are better against Landraiders & Co.

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Onagar neutron and Icarus array are both great. The Eradication beam is good as well, but vanguard do waht this gun is best at. Plus you can't guarantee that you'll get the power level of the ray that you'd like. 


I still hold vanguard are life. With transport there is no reason to bring rangers. 


I like 3 man destroyer squads led by tech priest. Tech priests are great tanks for the unit letting you pass out wounds or take advantage of invuls/armor/FNP where needed; then repair the after math later.  Small units do well camping a terrain piece as well.


arc rifles are the best breacher option, but I don't think it's super great for a take all comers list if you already have grav.


rangers are a fun choice to take now and again and they have the range the vanguard lack, the appeal is there but it requires you do things like not rely on allied transports to bail you out of your armies flaws. there also good in low point games where allied detachments are just off the table. you can try all you like but your not making a practical army with allies at 900 points all your doing is making lukewarm oatmeal your making a generic stew thats devoid of punch

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Hey guys, I am looking at resurrecting and starting my Skitarii/Ad Mech army once again and I have a few questions as I really don't know much about them since almost no one around here plays them. My questions are:


-Best Loadout for the Onager? I am going to have a minimum of 1 with the Icarus Array for Skyfire purposes but I am planning on getting at least 2 more, so any input on the best way to run these guys would be great!


-Vanguard or Rangers using allied transports? Just curious how many of you utilize other armies Formations or books to ensure our guys get to where they need to go safely.


-How many Kataphrons and better to put them in a big squad or MSU? I am currently running x3 Squads of them (x2 squads of Destroyers with Grav and x1 squad of Breachers with Heavy Arc Rifles). Also would taking a 4th Onager be better then taking the squad of x3 Breachers with Heavy Arc Rifles?


Thanks for your input guys!


First, welcome back to the Mechanicus!  While there's some good advice here, I can't help but throw in my 2 cents . . .


-Neutron Laser/Cognis Heavy Stubber + an additional Cognis Heavy Stubber is my standard build.  It gives you excellent anti-armor with plenty of infantry killing potential if the need arises, and all in a reasonably priced package.  I wouldn't bother with squadrons even though the Invulnerable save bonus is tempting, since you can get the same with good Cover and it just makes them a bigger target (it also prevents you from spreading them out).  Does your local meta require anti-air?  You may want to magnetize the Icarus Array setup so you can swap out when anti-air isn't needed.


-Pulling transports from allied SM armies isn't a bad idea, and Rhinos are pretty cheap.  A good option is the Blood Angels: Flesh Tearers Strike Force Formation, as it only requires a single HQ and Troops choice for three FA Rhino slots.  You can take a Librarian for Psychic Phase shenanigans, too!  Keep in mind that the Rhino top hatch will let you shoot with 2 guys; a good build (IMO) is 5-9 Vanguard w/ Arc Rifles in the Rhino to take full advantage of this.


-I personally think Kataphrons are best in 5-6 man units; minimum leaves them too open to Morale problems (especially the Destroyers).  If you do run them at this squad size, a few Cognis Flamers isn't a bad idea as it will help to ward of weenie units that try to bury your Kataphrons.  In regard to the Breachers, I'm always going to opt for Arc Rifle Vanguard first (if you want more Haywire), though if you want more ranged support a 4th Onager isn't a bad idea.  It really depends on what your Detachment/Formations will allow!

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-I personally think Kataphrons are best in 5-6 man units; minimum leaves them too open to Morale problems (especially the Destroyers). If you do run them at this squad size, a few Cognis Flamers isn't a bad idea as it will help to ward of weenie units that try to bury your Kataphrons. In regard to the Breachers, I'm always going to opt for Arc Rifle Vanguard first (if you want more Haywire), though if you want more ranged support a 4th Onager isn't a bad idea. It really depends on what your Detachment/Formations will allow!

Hmm you know lately ive lost a few games on the back of turn 1 leaderdhip rolls. Where my dice were iust abit too hot.I think I will adopt this policy is my 3 dominus army list. Take units if 4-5 kataphrons with a domi tank. Couple flamers is definitly required at this size.



... Think I've seen the light and wisdom of 5+ squad size

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I had some experience with skitarii in rhinos in an unbound list and it's fairly brutal. Zooming around and doing drive by haywire shots is fun, and the rhinos provide some protection against autocannons and heavy bolters (until they go boom) so it's fun. Don't be afraid to try out that kind of unbound list too, as it saves you some points and your only missing out on scout for your army (which you can't do in rhinos anyways)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am coming back to the Clockwork Army with the new bundles being released after selling my last brood due to juggling too many armies, I just love the models too much.

Still not a peep from the credible rumor mill about Cult and Skitarii getting a unified Dex?

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I still hold vanguard are life. With transport there is no reason to bring rangers. 


I've been musing over using a Triaros for my Vanguard when the time comes*.


* -- When I can afford it.



Update! Got one as my main Christmas present.


It shall be done.

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Yeah a unified dex won't be out until they come back around for the next round of codex updates.


Edit: of if they release a third wing of the admech. They might put it all together at that point.

There won't be any third branch. 

There were rumblings of a couple of other models that were done but have not shown up yet, but not sure of the credibility of the sources.

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Yeah a unified dex won't be out until they come back around for the next round of codex updates.


Edit: of if they release a third wing of the admech. They might put it all together at that point.

There won't be any third branch.

There were rumblings of a couple of other models that were done but have not shown up yet, but not sure of the credibility of the sources.

I suspect your right, but I didn't want any one coming around calling me q liar or something haha.

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