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2000/2500/3000 pts Alpha POTL/Solar Allies (starting 2000)

Cry Wolf

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Hey guys, trying to get a list togerther for the 30k tournament at Warhammer World in Jan

Only just got back into the hobby so pressed for time on models so looking to use my guard to pad out my force as allies

Not actually tied to using Alphas, just like the idea of using mutable tactics either Infiltrate or Counter attack to represent my space wolves.
My other idea was to run stone gauntlet with allies as im currently working on doing breacher squad modelled as a true shield wall and this may expand into it being the full force with shields as I like the look of Spacewolves with shields OR to run ultras as the idea of the interlocking attacks appeals as the 'pack' closing in on a target


So many ideas.....

Anyway heres a list, don't know if I need more anti tank or if any flanking vets and flanking exterminator as well as the pred and sicarian will be enough, please rip it apart!

Preator:  digis  paragon  combat shield dagger melta bombs : 155

Chaplin  Arti Armour combat shield melta bombs: 105

Vets 4 extra guys, 4x Power Weapons,  melta, combi, Rhino, seargent mb: 290

Vets 4 extra 4x Power Weapons  melta combi Rhino seargent mb: 290

Vets 4 extra 4x Power Weapons  melta combi Rhino seargent mb: 290

Pred Magna Melta Lascannons      160

Sicarian  Lascannons             175

Legete Comander             45

Lasrifle Section X 3           300

Russ Exterminator   Lascannon           185          
TOTAL  1995

On expanding the force to 2500/3000 im thinking of adding a primach maybe, Command squad With Shields (as Id like to get a combat with shields squad in, this could be the Ultras breachers or phalanx guard if I did those legions as theyre modelled with spears)
other options are  termies maybe, Ive got a dread ready that can have multi melta and melta,
OR buy another Sicarian as ive got a little bit of cash
So many options im in a paralysis by analysis....

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Couple of ideas for you:


I know combat shields are cool, but you really should take an iron halo on your Praetor instead.


Close combat Veterans in Rhinos are going to take a hiding on the turn they disembark (because they're not Assault Transports, they can't charge). Have you considered 2 units in Dreadclaws instead?


Sicaran is great. Would be better seeing 2 Predators with only magna-meltas than 1 with magna-melta & lascannons.


Why not take a Tank Commander as your Solar Auxilia HQ and put him in a Vanquisher? Solid anti-tank there, and he's only non-compulsory in a Primary Detachment. :)

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