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1500pts DG from BaC

Small Far Away

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I'm trying to put together my first list, which I am basing on the Calth box, and have two ideas, which mostly revolve around the idea of regular tac marines vs. veteran tac marines. I may have gone slightly over in points, but that sort of fiddling is something I can work on. Thanks for your comments biggrin.png


1 Preator
- Cataphractii Armour
- Chainfist
- Pride of the Legion

1 Master of Signals
- Plasma Pistol
- Melta bombs

1 Contemptor Dreadnought
- Assault Cannon

1 Mortis Contemptor
- Twin-linked lascannons

2 Apothecaries

20 Tactical Marines
- sarge with power fist

20 Tactical Marines
- sarge with power fist

5 Cataphractii Terminators
- 3 Chainfists
- Heavy Flamer



1 Preator
- Cataphractii Armour
- Chainfist
- Pride of the Legion

1 Master of Signals
- Plasma Pistol
- Melta bombs

1 Contemptor Dreadnought
- Assault Cannon

1 Mortis Contemptor
- Twin-linked lascannons


10 Veteran Tactical Marines
- sarge with power fist and artificer armour

- 2 meltaguns

10 Veteran Tactical Marines

- sarge with power fist and artificer armour

- 2 meltaguns

10 Veteran Tactical Marines

- sarge with power fist and artificer armour

- 2 meltaguns

5 Cataphractii Terminators
- 3 Chainfists
- Heavy Flamer

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