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Rage of Khorne

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Hey guys,


I recently made an attempt to field an effective 2000 point game using the Alpha legion right of war and I couldn't seem to get it right. After a couple games lost and not knowing where to go from there I have made a complete switch to using a more elite force using the Pride of the Legion Right of War. I am preparing the army for use in a tournament so I want it to be effective against the kind of stuff I might see there.


So far my army looks like this:


HQ - Autillon Skorr


HQ - Primus Medicae w/ Terminator Armour, Boarding Shield, Power Fist


Troops - 10 Veterans w/ Vexilla, Sniper, Power Fist, Power Dagger, Combi Melta, Rhino w/ Dozer Blades


Troops - 10 Veterans w/ Vexilla, Sniper, Melta Bombs, Combi Melta, Rhino w/ Dozer Blades


Troops - 10 Veterans w/ Vexilla, Sniper, Melta Bombs, Rhino w/ Dozer Blades


Troops - 10 Cataphractii Terminators w/ 2 Chain Fists, 1 Power Dagger, Banestrike Bolter Rounds


Fast - Primaris Lightning Strike Fighter w/ 2 Kraken Penetrators and Ground Penetrating Auguries


Elites - 3 Laser Destroyer Rapiers


Heavy - Deredeo with Anvillus Autocannons and Missiles


The idea would be to keep my mutable tactics as infiltrate or scout most games to put my units in close right off the start. I could always use tank hunters if the enemy has a more aggressive tank spearhead. Skorr would provide further tactical flexibility with each of the units (city fighting or reroll reserves would be big here depending on deployment and map type). The primus medicae would go with the terminators and walk up mid field to lay down anti infantry fire or counter charge aggressive threats.


How do you think this would field in a competitive setting?

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If you're in TDA you cant take a Boarding Shield and with Cataphractii, your 4++ is better anyways.


You also have a lot of vets who do roughly the same job but not particularly efficiently.


For Example, the most efficient and effective sniper vet squad, I've found, would be:

10x Vets, 2 Heavy Bolters, Sarge w/ gear, Vexila, Nuncio only if you have barrage or Deepstrike, Sniper USR


If you want Tank Busters, vets specialised in the job do it well too:

10x Vets, Melta Bombs, Tank Hunters USR (or Fearless/Furious Charge if taking TH as Mutable), Sarge w/ gear. Dreadclaw Transport in FA


You'd only really need these 2 Squads + Terminators. With the ~300 Saved from not taking a 3rd Squad, you can now:

Take more Rapiers.

6 Graviton Cannons infiltrated in properly can nuke 6HPs off vehicles every turn. Bye bye Spartan / Typhon

6 Thudd Guns lets you fain down some serious firepower either 12 S8 Shots or 12 S5 3" Barrage shots per 3 Rapiers.


Can give your Primaris 4 Krakens. On the turn it arrives, it can shoot all 4 at a single Target. With Bs5 and Tank Hunters + Armorbane and Ap1, things are going to vanish.


Additionally, Autillon has no squad to join.


For the Terminators, avoid Banestrike. Buy Combi-Plasmas Instead. Much more worthwhile investment at that point. But, unless they're infiltrating, they'll be stuck Footslogging and doing nothing. Slow and Purposeful does that to you.


I rejigged your idea into:


+++ Alpha Legion (2000pts) +++
++ Legiones Astartes: Crusade Army List (Age of Darkness) (2000pts) ++
+ HQ (255pts) +
Autilon Skorr (125pts)
········Master of the Legion [Pride of the Legion]
Legion Centurion (130pts) [Cataphractii Terminator Armour with Combi-bolter and Power Weapon, Power Dagger, Power Fist]
····Consul [Primus Medicae]
+ Troops (1035pts) +
Legion Veteran Tactical Squad (305pts) [2x Heavy Bolter and Suspensor Web, Legion Rhino Armoured Carrier, 9x Legion Veteran Space Marines, Legion Vexilla, Sniper]
····Legion Veteran Sergeant [Artificer Armour, Power Weapon]
Legion Veteran Tactical Squad (255pts) [9x Legion Veteran Space Marines, Legion Vexilla, Melta Bombs, Tank Hunters]
····Legion Veteran Sergeant [Artificer Armour, Power Weapon]
Lernaen Terminator Squad (475pts) [9x Lernean Terminator, 2x Plasma Blaster]
····Harrower [Power Dagger, Power Fist, Venom Sphere Harness]
+ Elites (180pts) +
Legion Rapier Weapons Battery (180pts)
····Legion Rapier Weapons Battery [Quad Mortar ('Thud Gun')]
····Legion Rapier Weapons Battery [Quad Mortar ('Thud Gun')]
····Legion Rapier Weapons Battery [Quad Mortar ('Thud Gun')]
+ Fast Attack (310pts) +
Anvillus Pattern Dreadclaw Drop Pod (100pts)
Primaris-Lightning Strike Fighter (210pts) [battle Servitor Control, Ground-tracking Auguries, 2x Two Kraken penetrator heavy missiles]
+ Heavy Support (220pts) +
Deredeo Pattern Dreadnought (220pts) [Aiolos Missile Launcher]
+ Legion +
Legion Astartes [XX: Alpha Legion]
Lerneans can be swapped to regular terminators to save points but, they have Stubborn, Massed Volkite Chargers, Plasma Blasters for 4 Plasma Shots at 18" and WS5 over Regular Termies which can make all the difference in the world. The Sarge also has 4 Base Attacks with The Power Fist, 5 on the Charge + Hammer of Wrath due to the Harness.
10 Less bodies but a more focused punch, imo.
Ideally, you can drop 1 Vet from the Melta Bombs Squad and Slap Skorr onto them. With the points saved buy some stuff, I guess?
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I'll definitely come back to this after getting a game or two in. I see what you're saying about the boarding shield. Thing is with infiltrate and/or scout I don't think getting the terminators in close will be that big of a problem. I like the heavy bolter idea on the veterans, giving them the option of staying at a distance or getting into rapid. I've never been much of a fan of the Laernean Terminators as in practice all the stuff I'd like to target with them would have an apothecary stuck in so it just isn't enough ablative wounds caused. I've been toying with the idea of the extra missiles on the strike fighter and will likely take it. Gotta be able to knock out something heavy quick. I'm just afraid of its fragility making it a huge point sink that the deredeos will be waiting to intercept. Don't dreadclaws not have intertial guidance systems? Doesn't that make them trying to get into melta range really risky? I just built an anvillus and tried it in a couple games and was super unimpressed because of how careful you have to be with it and its not cheap like normal pods.

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Dreadclaws dont need IGS since they drop in in Hover Mode (though it would be nice)


Which Means: Drop T1 in a safe Spot. Flat out 18" into position. T2= 6" move 6" Disembark 2D6" Charge. And melta bombs are Armorbane so Armored Ceramite is a non-issue.


If you Fear Deredeo's, remember, they only have a 45o Cone of Vision to Intercept with. Hop in outside of that and you're safe.


Lerneans only pay 5pts per Power Fist. Shave some points somewhere and you can fit a bunch more in. Like, say, giving the Primus Artificer & Breacher for +20 instead of TDA at +35 which means 3 more PFists on Lerneans.


Also, the option to take a Breaching Shield disappears the moment you're equipped with TDA. Its an illegal selection. Thats what I meant :p

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Oh no yea I caught on with the TDA and the breacher. I really like the shield for the debuf on charging units so I might stick with artificer. I did not understand that I could move the 18" the turn I arrive with the dreadclaw. I have been short changing the potential charge range by an awful lot. This also solves the problem with deredeos being able to target them easily.

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No, no tournaments per say. The most recent game is the "Battle for the captial" thread in general AoD and that was just a massive cluster of 38k vs 38k 3v3 MODELS EVERYWHERE Apoc Game.


I will be in Toronto on the 22nd ish maybe. But I might not be able to bring any minis and since its to visit family, doubt I'll have much time to be out an about :\


I'm also soooooo busy recently between school and internships that even if I'd want to, I'd have no time to devote to it v_v


But, Glad I could help in some way :p

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