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So, I have a dilemma of sorts and would like to ask for your thoughts. I have a Deathstorm box and the latest edition of Space Hulk, both of which contain a number of Blood Angels miniatures. Now, I have always found myself somewhat indifferent to the Ninth Legion and their "present-day" First Founding Chapter, however, I have always liked the Lamenters fluff and background. As such, I had a thought to paint up the Space Hulk terminators and the Deathstorm marines as Lamenters and representing them with a Blood Angels codex on tabletop (if/when I get a game in; I am not a competitive/tournament gamer, so the inherent weaknesses of the list are not a concern for me).


This is where I am stumbling a bit. The miniatures are practically decked out with the Blood Angels iconography and symbols; while filing it off would be an easy solution, I prefer not to do it (especially with Space Hulk miniatures). A number of BA successors do use the same iconography as a part of their heraldry or decoration, so it would not be too out of place for many such Chapters to essentially have the same symbolism in perhaps alternate color schemes. That said, I am not sure if the Lamenters are known to use the same iconography, or if seeing the winged blood drop on a Lamenter miniature would be inappropriate/ill-fitting.


So, would you expect the Lamenters to use Blood Angels imagery on their armor and weapons? If not, I can always paint the miniatures as Blood Angels or, failing that, another successor Chapter (the Blood Drinkers are somewhat interesting to me thanks to their portrayal in "Death of Integrity", or I can always do a homebrew Chapter)... what are your thoughts?

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I'm sure you'll get some viewpoints either way, but I do collect and paint Lamenters and I keep most of the Blood Angel iconography. I avoid anything that is the actual symbol of the parent chapter. My rationale is that the Lamenters are a successor chapter and 'Sons of Sanguinius', so icons like chalices and blood drops would not be out of question. Even wings by themselves could fit. There is no firm threshold, just a matter of taste. There are some considerations also regarding what timeframe your Lamenters are representing. Post-Badab/Hive Fleet Kraken, their armory must be totally depleted. Post-Slaughterhouse III era? They'd have plenty of shiney things.
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Your money, your models. That's my initial reaction to your proposed conundrum. But I will go into a little more detail, as I too recently started to collect Lamenters.


Like Boudan, I have chose to avoid as many winged blood drops as possible, and the best way I thought to do so, was to combine the regular tactical kit with the BA one (also some DC sprinkled in for taste). I went 2:1 in my ratio, that way each model can have a little bit of bling. A winged pauldron here, a chalice clad helmet there... So far the force is coming along nicely. I just ordered 40 pauldrons from shapeways, and am excitedly awaiting their arrival!! This decision is only based on my interpretation of the fluff surrounding the chapter. I see them looking a little more vannila, and less the ornate craftsmen the other Blood Angel chapters are suggested to be. The Lamenters fight hard, and with usual high losses. I see little time for craftsmanship when you are just trying to survive/wander the warp/fight bugs!!


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I am going to 'hijack' this thread, since I too have a Lamenters question.


I have been reading what I can find on the chapter, and nowhere do I see any mention of armor color for both the Sanguinary Guard, and the Death Company. Anyone out there know anything about that?? I would think they would follow the parent chapter, but I know there is some deviations in color with the Angels Encarmine, and possibly other successor chapters.


Thank you


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The only Blood Angels successors that change the colour of either of these units are the Angels Encarmine. Because they LOVE white they paint their SG in white. As for DC most BA successors paint them black as far as I can tell. If you want to indicate they are lamenters make like the deathwatch and paint one shoulder pad in lamenters colours. 

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For the DC, I think I am going with THIS:




Not my models, but I love the yellow X's on the armor, coupled with the red weapon casings... Really nicely done.


As for the SG, I am going to do a similar suggestion to yours, Aznable. Except I think I will go with white wings instead. And plenty of checks!!


Thanks for the feedback, all!!


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Wait, what??!! You say I should not use the neon yellow paint set I just bought to cover my entire army with?? msn-wink.gif

I have a test model with a base yellow down now, and I'll be hitting it with washes and such throughout the day today. I'll throw up some images once I progress a little further.

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Washes definitely. My WIP 1st company Lamenters for reference:


I like this for Lamenters because it's about halfway between lemon and mustard. It's lived in without being too dull, I think, and bright-ish without being painful to look at.

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I am using Army Painter Daemonic Yellow as a primer, Citadel Yriel Yellow, Citadel Reikland Fleshshade, then glazes with VGC Amarillo Flat Yellow working up to a final white edge highlight. It won't be too bright, but I do want a more lemon yellow than mustard yellow. I'll post pictures soon.

Aznable, I looked at your Lamenters blog the other day. Nice looking stuff. Have you made progress in the last couple years?? msn-wink.gif

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