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Biding My Time: Reap, Rip and Tear, or Fortify Terra


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  So thanks to my brothers and sisters here at B&C, my Night Lords Terror Assault list has been perfected:



  While I am still working on assembling, converting and painting up that army, the wheels in my brain are already turning for another legion project. While I am certain I will return to my first love and do a Pre-Heresy Space Wolves force once Forgeworld comes out with their legion rules and models,  I find myself itching for another force to assemble, 3000 points worth, but something very different from my Night Lords. While I am open to suggestion, I am debating going with Death Guard, World Eaters, or Imperial Fists. As it stands, I just have a few requirements:


- No Primarchs or LOW (yet)

- No named characters (yet)

- 1 Terminator unit

- Different emphasis than my NL



So without further ado, here goes my first attempt at each:


DEATH GUARD: The Reaping

  • HQ
    • Legion Centurion (Vigilator): Scout Armour, Refractor Field, Volkite Charger, Plasma Pistol, Rad Grenades
    • Legion Praetor: Cataphractii Terminator Armour, Void Shield Harness, Paragon Blade, Digital Lasers, Rad Grenades
  • Troops
    • Legion Heavy Support Squad: 6x Space Marines, Hardened Armour, Heavy Flamers (with Chem-munitions)
      • Legion Sergeant: Artificer Armour, Power Fist, Combi-Plasma, Augury Scanner, Rad Grenades
      • Legion Rhino Armoured Carrier: Heavy Flamer (with Chem-Munitions)
    • Legion Assault Squad: 14x Legion Assault Space Marines, Combat Shields, 2x Plasma Pistol, 1x Power Axe
      • Legion Assault Sergeant: Artificer Armour, Thunder Hammer, Rad Grenades
    • Legion Tactical Squad: 9x Legion Tactical Space Marines, Legion Vexilla, Nuncio-Vox, Take an additional Chainsword or Combat Blade
      • Legion Tactical Sergeant: Artificer Armour, Power Fist, Rad Grenades
      • Legion Rhino Armoured Carrier: Heavy Flamer (with Chem-Munitions)
    • Legion Heavy Support Squad: 6x Legion Space Marines, Hardened Armour, Plasma Cannons
      • Legion Sergeant: Augury Scanner, Melta Bombs, Rad Grenades
  • Elites
    • Contemptor Dreadnought: Heavy Conversion Beamer, Plasma Blaster, Extra Armour, Havoc Launcher
    • Legion Rapier Weapons Battery:
      • Quad Mortar ('Thud Gun')
      • Quad Mortar ('Thud Gun')
  • Heavy Support
    • Deredeo Pattern Dreadnought: Armoured Ceramite, Aiolos Missile Launcher
    • Leviathan Siege Dreadnought: Leviathan Siege Drill, Armoured Ceramite, Heavy Flamers (with Chem-Munitions), Phosphex Discharger
    • Grave Warden Terminator Squad: 8x Grave Wardens, 2x Chainfists, Heavy Flamer (with Chem-Munitions)
      • Chem-Master: Chainfist, Combi-Plasma, Rad Grenades


Basic idea is the Praetor & Vigilator infiltrate with the Grave Wardens, coming in either in the midfield and using their grenade launchers to slow the enemy advance, or the backfield and creating havoc as the foe has to turn and deal with the Praetor and his Terminator bodyguard. Assault Squad is meant to charge up the field and compensate for the plodding pace of the rest of the army. Rapiers, Deredeo and Heavy Plasma Squad pound them from range and control backfield, while Tacticals and Heavy Flamers move up and seize objectives. Leviathan and Contemptor are there to hunt big game.

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WORLD EATERS: Berserker Assault
  • HQ
    • Legion Centurion (Champion): Artificer Armour, Thunder Hammer, Boarding Shield, Jump Pack
    • Legion Praetor: Cataphractii Terminator Armour, Void Shield Harness, Paragon Blade (Master-Crafted), Digital Lasers
  • Troops
    • Legion Tactical Squad: 19x Legion Tactical Space Marines, Legion Vexilla, Nuncio-Vox, Additional Chainsword or Combat Blade
      • Legion Tactical Sergeant: Artificer Armour, Power Fist, Combi-Weapon, Melta Bombs
    • Legion Tactical Squad: 19x Legion Tactical Space Marines, Legion Vexilla, Nuncio-Vox, Additional Chainsword or Combat Blade
      • Legion Tactical Sergeant: Artificer Armour, Power Fist, Combi-Weapon, Melta Bombs
    • Legion Assault Squad: 14x Legion Assault Space Marines, Combat Shields, 1x Plasma Pistol, 2x Power Axes
      • Legion Assault Sergeant: Artificer Armour, Caedere Weapon (Excoriator Chainaxe), Plasma Pistol, Melta Bombs
  • Elites
    • Apothecarion Detachment
      • Legion Apothecary: Artificer Armour, Caedere Weapon (Excoriator Chainaxe), Augury Scanner
      • Legion Apothecary: Artificer Armour, Caedere Weapon (Excoriator Chainaxe), Augury Scanner
    • The Red Butchers: 7x Butchers, 4x Pair of Lightning Claws, 3x Twin Power Axes
      • The Devoured: 2x Chainfists
  • Heavy Support
    • Leviathan Siege Dreadnought: Leviathan Siege Drill, Armoured Ceramite, Phosphex Discharger
    • Deredeo Pattern Dreadnought: Armoured Ceramite. Aiolos Missile Launcher
    • Legion Caestus Assault Ram: Auxiliary Drive, Frag Assault Launchers

Probably the most straightforward list, and the most at risk of pie-plates. Praetor goes in the Caestus with the Red Butchers, Champion with the Assault Squad, and Apothecaries with the Tactical blobs. Caestus and Assault Squad charge, Tacticals and Leviathan follow as fast as they can. Deredeo stays put and provides cover fire. Hopefully the Butchers in the enemies face ASAP will keep some fire off of my Tacticals, followed by the imminent risk of the Leviathan and the Assault Squad closing in. 


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IMPERIAL FISTS: The Stone Gauntlet 
  • HQ
    • Legion Centurion (Primus Medicae): Cataphractii Terminator Armour, Lightning Claw, Vigil Pattern Storm Shield
    • Legion Praetor: Cataphractii Terminator Armour, Indomitan Mantle, Chainfist (Master Crafted), Vigil Pattern Storm Shield, Digital Lasers
  • Troops
    • Legion Breacher Siege Squad: 9x Breacher Marines, 2x Graviton Guns, Legion Vexilla, Nuncio-Vox
      • Land Raider Phobos: Heavy Bolter, Armoured Ceramite
      • Legion Breacher Siege Sergeant: Artificer Armour, Thunderhammer, Melta Bombs
    • Legion Breacher Siege Squad: 9x Breacher Marines, 2x Graviton Guns, Legion Vexilla, Nuncio-Vox
      • Land Raider Phobos: Heavy Bolter, Armoured Ceramite
      • Legion Breacher Siege Sergeant: Artificer Armour, Thunderhammer, Melta Bombs
  • Elites
    • Legion Terminator Squad: 9x Cataphractii Terminators, 2x Chainfists, 4x Thunderhammers, 1x Power Fist, 1x Lightning Claw, 2x Iliastus Pattern Assault Cannons, 7x Vigil Pattern Storm Shields
      • Legion Terminator Sergeant: Thunderhammer, Vigil Pattern Storm Shield
      • Legion Spartan Assault Tank: Multi-Melta, Armoured Ceramite, Flare Shield
  • Heavy Support
    • Deredeo Pattern Dreadnought: Armoured Ceramite, Atomantic Pavaise
    • Leviathan Siege Dreadnought: Leviathan Siege Drill, Armoured Ceramite

Not a ton of subtlety here either. Praetor and Primus Medicae go in the Spartan with the Terminators. They are obviously my deathstar, though the dynamic duo of the Leviathan and his bodyguard Deredeo make a strong case for a second deathstar. Both units head straight for the toughest units the enemy has to offer, ideally one up each flank. Breachers grab objectives and hold the line.

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Considering night lords special rules are fairly assault oriented, right off the bat I'd say discount playing World Eaters. Of course they are different, every legion had their unique perks, but as an assault oriented legion they are going to play similar to night lords in some ways, if you want a legion with radically different tactics, I'd pick one of the other two. 


As far as the imperial fists list goes, why take a leviathan with no ranged weapon arm and no drop pod? He's going to take a long time to get into combat, he's far too big an investment to not be in combat before turn 3, unless he had some of the firepower goodies leviathans can take. Grav flux bombard in particular is my favorite, I'd recommend taking at least one ranged weapon. I also might increase the size of the breacher squads, or add an apothecary to each unit, they just feel like they could be fleshed out a bit more, maybe 15 men per unit. To free up some points, you definitely don't need so many thunder hammers in the terminators and on sergeants, I find power axes do the trick you can just stick with cheaper power fists.   

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World Eaters feedback:


Caestus relies on reserve rolls, so your foe will have an undistracted first, maybe second, turn of shooting pieplates on your blobs.


IIRC Caestus is 305 pts, why not swap it for a Kharybdis? 260 pts gives you spare points to play with (Probably more Butchers) and allows you to drop assault turn 1 for maximum distraction? I think.


That way you can close with your assault marines, while your tacticals edge ever closer and all the while the enemy are panicking because RED BUTCHERS IN THE DROPZONE AAAWWWW YEAAA skulls for the 12th Legion etc

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@LordAsvaldir: Ave Dominus Nox, brother. Thanks for the feedback - that's a really good point about the similarity between NL and WE play-style. I love my Night Lords, and my Space Wolves, and those are both assault-heavy legions... three might be too much. I like the XIIth Legion, and I know how to play that style of army, but I am trying to stretch myself tactically, so I'll have to think on that...

As far as the Imperial Fists Leviathan goes, I was planning on running him up the board under the umbrella of the Deredeo's pavaise. That's why the Leviathan just had cc weaponry, basically the Deredeo shoots and the Leviathan fights anything that gets close. It's a tactic I'd read about but never tried myself, so I don't know how feasible it is in practice. I'll cut back on the thunderhammers and the shields and shuffle some other points and come back with another list.

@The God-Potato of Mankind: Thanks for the feedback, mate. Total face-palm moment for me regarding the Caestus - hard to be a first turn threat when you're not on the board at all for the first turn... wallbash.gif. A Kharybdis is a MUCH better option for the strategy I had in mind. Also, I loved your "RED BUTCHERS IN THE DROPZONE AWWW YEAH etc." Cracked me up, so thank you for that!

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Unfortunately, the atomantic pavaise only buffs Infantry saves, so not really going to gain much out of it. I was making the same mistake for ages.


Completely agree with mixing up your Legions playstyles. Plus, if your new Legion has a different style, it will help to cover any weaknesses when used as an ally. And speaking of Allies... Death Guard and Night Lords have a good relationship! Even if you don't ally them, they still play differently to one another. They are also my pick to be in the ascendant soon, given a new Rite of War and the ever-increasing Solar Auxilia/Imperialis Militia/Mechanicum player base.


Onto the list then! Vigilators are great, but taking scout armour for Infiltrate is wasted - latest 40k FAQ means you can't confer the rule from an Independent Character, and Move Through Cover is redundant with "The Reaping". They can still Scout a unit though, so maybe add a Jump Pack and join the Assault Squad? They could load up with power weapons and be a decent melee unit! Vigilator will also add 6" of free movement to a unit that cannot Run but wants to see combat...


Grave Wardens are good. Not great, but I still love them. And like I said, against SA, IM or Mechanicum their Assault Grenade launchers are awesome. Might want to consider a Spartan though.


Everything else is pretty good! Don't take rad grenades on everything though, just on combat units and only 1 per unit (your Praetor, Vigilator and Grave Wardens all have them, for instance). I'd also consider 1 ranged weapon on the Leviathan, as otherwise he'll have nothing to do as he moves slowly up the board.


And for fun, why not swap the Heavy Flamer Squad's Rhino for a Prometheum Relay Pipes fortification? :)

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@Caillum: Once again you come to the rescue, my friend! And as usual you are so nice about it I'm not even mad my Deredeo umbrella-plan and my infiltrating Grave Wardens scheme imploded before they even got off the ground RTBBB.gif. Thank you for the detailed analysis and feedback, I appreciate as always the insight you bring to the discussion.

I like all of your suggestions regarding the Death Guard list, and implemented most of them in my updated list. Having eliminated the World Eaters, now I'm down to Death Guard and Imperial Fists. Both have a lot to offer, both as stretch armies tactically and in terms of unique models and units that will also push my skills as a painter and converter. The fact that both legions have great backstories and character appeal is a welcome bonus as well smile.png ​.

HH Death Guard - The Reaping (3000pts)

  • HQ
    • Legion Praetor: Cataphractii Terminator Armour, Paragon Blade, Digital Lasers, Grenade Harness
  • Troops
    • Legion Heavy Support Squad: 6x Legion Space Marines, Heavy Flamers (Chem-munitions), Hardened Armour
      • Legion Sergeant: Artificer Armour, Power Fist, Combi-Plasma, Augury Scanner, Rad Grenades
    • Legion Assault Squad: 14x Legion Assault Space Marines, Combat Shields, 1x Plasma Pistol, 2x Power Axes
      • Legion Assault Sergeant: Artificer Armour, Thunder Hammer, Melta Bombs, Rad Grenades
    • Legion Tactical Squad: 9x Legion Tactical Space Marines, Legion Vexilla, Nuncio-Vox
      • Legion Rhino Armoured Carrier: Heavy Flamer (Chem-munitions)
      • Legion Tactical Sergeant: Artificer Armour, Power Fist, Rad Grenades
    • Legion Heavy Support Squad: 7x Legion Space Marines, Plasma Cannons, Hardened Armour
      • Legion Sergeant: Augury Scanner
  • Elites
    • Legion Rapier Weapons Battery
    • Quad Mortar ('Thud Gun')
    • Quad Mortar ('Thud Gun')
  • Heavy Support
    • Deredeo Pattern Dreadnought: Single twin-linked Hellfire Plasma Cannonade, Aiolos Missile Launcher, Armoured Ceramite
    • Leviathan Siege Dreadnought: Leviathan Siege Drill, Armoured Ceramite, Phosphex Discharger, Chem-munitions, Legion Dreadnought Drop Pod
    • Grave Warden Terminator Squad: 7x Grave Warden Terminators, 2x Chainfists, 1x Heavy Flamer (Chem-munitions)
    • Legion Spartan Assault Tank: Multi-Melta, Laser Destroyers, Twin-Linked Heavy Flamer (Chem-munitions), Armoured Ceramite, Flare Shield
    • Chem-master: Chainfist, Combi-weapon, Rad Grenades
  • Fortifications (Fortification)

    Promethium Relay Pipes: Barricades

​What do you think?
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HH Imperial Fists - The Stone Gauntlet (3000pts)
  • HQ
    • Primus Medicae: Cataphractii Terminator Armour, Lightning Claw, Vigil Pattern Storm Shield
    • Legion Praetor: Cataphractii Terminator Armour, Indomitan Mantle, Chainfist, Vigil Pattern Storm Shield, Digital Lasers, Mastercraft a Single Weapon
  • Troops
    • Legion Breacher Siege Squad: 19x Legion Breacher Siege Space Marines, 3x Graviton Guns, Legion Vexilla
      • Legion Breacher Siege Sergeant: Artificer Armour, Combi-weapon, Power Fist, Melta Bombs
    • Legion Breacher Siege Squad: 14x Legion Breacher Siege Space Marines, 3x Graviton Guns, Legion Vexilla
      • Legion Breacher Siege Sergeant: Artificer Armour, Combi-weapon, Power Fist, Melta Bombs
  • Elites
    • Apothecarion Detachment:
      • Legion Apothecary: Augury Scanner
      • Legion Apothecary: Augury Scanner
    • Legion Terminator Squad: 9x Cataphractii Terminators, 2x Chainfists, 2x Thunderhammers, 2x Power Fists, 4x Vigil Patter Storm Shields, 2x Iliastus Pattern Assault Cannons
      • Legion Terminator Sergeant: Thunderhammer, Vigil Pattern Storm Shield
      • Legion Spartan Assault Tank: Multi-Melta, Armoured Ceramite, Flare Shield
  • Heavy Support
    • Leviathan Siege Dreadnought: Leviathan Siege Drill, 2x Twin-Linked Volkite Calivers, Armoured Ceramite, Legion Dreadnought Drop Pod
    • Deredeo Pattern Dreadnought: Single twin-linked Hellfire Plasma Cannonade, Aiolos Missile Launcher, Armoured Ceramite
    • Legion Heavy Support Squad: 8x Legion Space Marines, Heavy Bolters, Hardened Armour
      • Legion Sergeant: Artificer Armour, Augury Scanner


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One thing about both lists is that neither Rites of War allow Deep Strike, so the Dreadnought Drop Pods are illegal. That leaves the Leviathans in the lurch a bit. :/



- Don't ever take laser destroyers on a Spartan - they're Ordnance weapons and will make everything else Snap Fire (including the other laser destroyer).

- I liked the Vigilator in the first list. Like I said, the Assault Squad needs all the help it can get to make it into combat with no Running available, so I'd think about working him back into it.

- Eveything else is good (apart from foot-slogging CC Leviathan). Quad mortars are great. :)



- I'd give your Praetor a Paragon blade - it's the only model that can take it and it is well worth it. Your Terminators (or even your Primus Medicae) have chainfists as an option, so you can switch it around easily.

- I'd seriously consider a Fortification. The Imperial Fists love the Wall of Martyrs Bunker! Tank Hunters is too good to pass up, but will require anti-tank weapons. You can save some points by dropping a marine, the artificer armour and hardened armour. BS5 heavy bolters is cool, but not that amazing.

- Apart from that, maybe swap graviton guns for meltaguns on one unit of Breachers? They can move and shoot with them and still do fine against a range of targets. :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Alright, apologies for the late reply, Caillum, holidays pulled me away for a while. Thanks again for the additional feedback - once again you politely point out the holes in my best-laid plans lol. I really need to go back over my basic rule book - I'm missing a lot of obvious stuff, probably due to excitement.

I dropped the Leviathans from both lists - makes me a bit sad, as they feel very XIV and VII Legion, but I do have 3 in my Night Lords list so I can't really be too sad about that devil.gif. ​Here's the revised Death Guard list:

HH Death Guard - The Reaping (3000pts)
  • HQ
    • Vigilator: Artificer Armour, Refractor Field, Jump Pack, Plasma Pistol, Melta Bombs
    • Praetor: Cataphractii Terminator Armour, Paragon Blade, Digital Lasers, Grenade Harness
  • Troops
    • Legion Heavy Support Squad: 6x Legion Space Marines, Hardened Armour, Heavy Flamers (with Chem-Munitions)
      • Legion Sergeant: Artificer Armour, Power Fist, Combi-Plasma, Augury Scanner, Rad Grenades
    • Legion Assault Squad: 14x Legion Assault Space Marines, Combat Shields, 1x Plasma Pistol, 2x Power Axes
      • Legion Assault Sergeant: Artificer Armour, Thunder Hammer, Melta Bombs, Rad Grenades
    • Legion Tactical Squad: 9x Legion Tactical Space Marines, Legion Vexilla, Nuncio-Vox
      • Legion Rhino Armoured Carrier: Heavy Flamer (with Chem-Munitions)
      • Legion Tactical Sergeant: Artificer Armour, Power Fist, Rad Grenades
    • Legion Heavy Support Squad: 7x Legion Space Marines, Hardened Armour, Plasma Cannons
      • Legion Sergeant: Augury Scanner
  • Elites
    • Legion Rapier Weapons Battery
      • Quad Mortar ('Thud Gun')
      • Quad Mortar ('Thud Gun')
      • Laser Destroyer Array
  • Heavy Support
    • Deredeo Pattern Dreadnought: Single twin-linked Hellfire Plasma Cannonade, Armoured Ceramite, Aiolos Missile Launcher
    • Grave Warden Terminator Squad: 7x Grave Warden Terminators, 2x Chainfists, 1x Heavy Flamer (with Chem-Munitions)
      • Legion Spartan Assault Tank: Multi-Melta, Twin-Linked Heavy Flamer (with Chem-Munitions), Armoured Ceramite, Flare Shield
      • Chem-master: Chainfist, Combi-Weapon, Rad Grenades
    • Legion Sicaran Battle Tank: Heavy Bolters, Armoured Ceramite
  • Fortification
    • Promethium Relay Pipes: Barricades

Basic strategy is as you advised. Heavy Flamer Squad is dug in behind the barricades on the Promethium Relay Pipes, with the Sergeant's power fist and combi-plasma there to deal with anything that can wade through the wall of fire. Deredeo controls the backfield, bodyguarding the Plasma Heavy Squad and Rapier teams from deep strikers while also providing anti-air when necessary. Rapiers provide artillery, while Plasma Cannon HS Squad aim for anything the Deredeo misses. Praetor and Grave Wardens go in the Spartan and head for hard targets, while the Sicaran provides even more firepower and, more importantly, a much-needed boost to the army's speed. Vigilator goes with the Assault Squad, who then jump up the field and rush the opponent, who (hopefully) isn't expecting that kind of mobility from a DG list. Lastly, the regular Tactical Squad moves up in their Rhino, sets up either on an objective or finds a good spot to provide target assistance to the Rapiers with their nuncio-vox.

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HH Imperial Fists - The Stone Gauntlet (3000pts)
  • HQ
    • Primus Medicae: Cataphractii Terminator Armour, Power Axe, Vigil Pattern Storm Shield
    • Legion Praetor: Cataphractii Terminator Armour, Indomitan Mantle, Paragon Blade, Vigil Pattern Storm Shield, Digital Lasers, Mastercraft a Single Weapon
  • Troops
    • Legion Breacher Siege Squad: 14x Legion Breacher Siege Space Marines, Legion Vexilla, 3x Graviton Guns
      • Legion Breacher Siege Sergeant: Artificer Armour, Power Fist, Combi-Plasma, Melta Bombs
    • Phalanx Warder Squad: 14x Phalanx Warders, Legion Vexilla, Nuncio-vox, 1x Thunderhammer
      • Veteran Sergeant: Artificer Armour, Power Fist
  • Elites
    • Contemptor Dreadnought: Chainfist, Kheres Pattern Assault Cannon, Graviton Gun, Extra Armour
    • Legion Terminator Squad: 9x Cataphractii Terminators, 2x Iliastus Pattern Assault Cannons, 2x Chainfists, 2x Power Fists, 2x Thunderhammers, 4x Vigil Pattern Storm Shields
      • Legion Terminator Sergeant: Thunderhammer, Vigil Pattern Storm Shield
      • Legion Spartan Assault Tank: Multi-Melta. Armoured Ceramite, Flare Shield
  • Heavy Support
    • Deredeo Pattern Dreadnought: Single Twin-Linked Hellfire Plasma Cannonade, Aiolos Missile Launcher, Armoured Ceramite
    • Legion Sicaran Battle Tank: Heavy Bolters, Armoured Ceramite
    • Legion Whirlwind Scorpius: Extra Armour
Fortifications (Fortification)
  • Wall of Martyrs Imperial Defence Network
    • Imperial Defence Line: 2x Barricades
    • Imperial Defence Emplacement: 1x Barricades
    • Imperial Bunker: Ammunition Dump

  In keeping with trying something new, I'm embracing a defensive stance rather than the "I have a plan of attack: Attack" strategy favored by my Space Wolves and Night Lords. As I said, I dropped the CC Leviathan for more ranged firepower and some fortifications. Basically, as I envision it the Breachers and the Phalanx Warders hunker down in their fortifications and hold the line against whatever comes. Praetor and Primus Medicae are with the Terminators in the Spartan as my deathstar, while the Contemptor hunts Armour and anything heavy. Deredeo, Sicaran, and Whirlwind bang away.

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I might be wrong about this, but I think with the stone gauntlet RoW you need to take two breacher squads as compulsory troops, phalanx wardens don't work. Not too bad considering you can just take another breacher squad with some special weapons, maybe plasma since you already have a graviton squad.


With plasma on the breachers, I'd drop the plasma on the deredeo. It's autocannon gun is so much better anyway, sunder with 4 shots is awesome anti tank.


I have no experience using fortifications but seems like that would work with stone gauntlet.

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Holidays have slowed my response time too. :)



Looks like good fun! Some personal suggestions:

- I would be taking 3 of the same Rapier rather than mixing them up - graviton cannons & laser destroyers do anti-tank and both come with Mark III crew, so they'll look good. Quad mortars are all the rage right now, but you have plenty of S7-S8 shooting.

- I agree with Lord Asvaldir; autocannons on the Deredeo are simply better.

- You have a few heavy flamers on things that might not need them. Your Rhino will mostly be going flat-out or being used as mobile cover. Grave Wardens have a template weapon already, so paying to have another plus losing your grenade launcher isn't worth it to me.

- at 3k you will see a few Super-heavies. Maybe a Sicaran Venator will be better than a Sicaran Battle Tank?



- Lord Asvaldir has it right - Compulsory Troops must be Breachers in Stone Gauntlet. Phalanx Warders can be taken as additional Troops.

- can't say I've played with lots of Fortifications, but I have considered it. Imperial Defence Network is good for 2 infantry squads (Defence Lines), a battery of Rapiers (Defence Emplacement) and a Heavy Support Squad (Bunker, for shooting 8 heavy weapons out of it). You only have the 2 infantry squads, so there's a lot of wasted potential.

- as with the Death Guard, autocannons on Deredeo are better IMHO. And you need a Super-heavy deterrent.


Slipstreams is the Imperial Fist expert, so he will probably be able to give the best advice, but if you like I can PM you some lists to peruse? Will keep them close to what you have here. :)

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@LordAsvaldir: Thanks for the continued support. Clearly it's time for me to pick up my rulebook again and re-read some entries lol. That being said, I thought breachers couldn't take plasma? Caillum suggested melta guns, so unless I hear differently I think that's the best option if plasma is off the table.

As far as the Deredeo, I actually preferred the autocannon loadout, I was just jealous of my brother's gunline Iron Warriors (3 Deredeos - 1 Plasma) so I thought I'd give it a go. Fortuitously, I actually already have an autocannon Deredeo that I couldn't make fit in my Night Lords Terror Assault list. So that is a change I am happy to make.

@Caillum: That would be awesome smile.png. Thanks!​

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So here is my updated Death Guard list... Imperial Fists to follow eventually...​ HH Death Guard - The Reaping (3000pts)
HH Death Guard - The Reaping (3000pts)
  • HQ
    • Vigilator: Artificer Armour, Refractor Field, Jump Pack, Plasma Pistol, Melta Bombs
    • Praetor: Cataphractii Terminator Armour, Paragon Blade, Digital Lasers, Grenade Harness
  • Troops
    • Legion Heavy Support Squad: 6x Legion Space Marines, Heavy Flamers (Chem-Munitions), Hardened Armour
      • Legion Sergeant: Artificer Armour, Power Fist, Combi-Weapon, Augury Scanner, Rad Grenades
    • Legion Assault Squad: 14x Legion Assault Space Marines, Combat Shields, 1x Plasma Pistol, 2x Power Axes
      • Legion Assault Sergeant: Artificer Armour, Thunder Hammer, Rad Grenades, Melta Bombs
    • Legion Tactical Squad: 9x Legion Tactical Space Marines, Legion Vexilla, Nuncio-Vox
      • Legion Rhino Armoured Carrier: Extra Armour
      • Legion Tactical Sergeant: Artificer Armour, Power Fist, Rad Grenades, Melta Bombs
    • Legion Heavy Support Squad: 7x Legion Space Marines, Plasma Cannons, Hardened Armour
      • Legion Sergeant: Augury Scanner
  • Elites
    • Legion Rapier Weapons Battery
      • Graviton Cannon
      • Graviton Cannon
      • Graviton Cannon
  • Heavy Support
    • Deredeo Pattern Dreadnought: Anvilus Pattern Autocannon Battery, Armoured Ceramite
    • Grave Warden Terminator Squad: 7x Grave Warden Terminators, 2x Chainfists
      • Legion Spartan Assault Tank: Multi-Melta, Twin-Linked Heavy Flamer (Chem-Munitions), Armoured Ceramite
      • Chem-master: Chainfist, Combi-weapon, Rad Grenades
    • Sicaran Venator Tank Destroyer: Heavy Bolters, Armoured Ceramite
Fortifications (Fortification)
  • Promethium Relay Pipes: Barricades


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  • 5 weeks later...
HH Imperial Fists - The Stone Gauntlet (3000pts)
  • HQ
    • Primus Medicae: Cataphractii Terminator Armour, Chainfist, Vigil Pattern Storm Shield
    • Praetor: Cataphractii Terminator Armour, Indomitan Mantle, Chainfist (Master-Crafted), Vigil Pattern Storm Shield, Digital Lasers
      • Legion Terminator Command Squad: 2x Cataphractii Terminator Chosen, 1x Cataphractii Terminator Standard Bearer, 3x Chainfists, 1x Iliastus Pattern Assault Cannon, 2x Vigil Pattern Storm Shields
        • Land Raider Phobos: Multi-Melta, Armoured Ceramite, Auxiliary Drive, Frag Assault Launchers
  • Troops
    • Legion Breacher Siege Squad: 14x Breachers, 3x Graviton Guns, Legion Vexilla, Nuncio-Vox
      • Legion Breacher Siege Sergeant: Artificer Armour, Power Fist, Melta Bombs
    • Legion Breacher Siege Squad: 14x Breachers, 3x Melta Guns, Legion Vexilla, Nuncio-Vox
      • Legion Breacher Siege Sergeant: Artificer Armour, Power Fist, Melta Bombs
  • Elites
    • Contemptor Dreadnought: Chainfist, Kheres Pattern Assault Cannon, Graviton Gun, Extra Armour
    • Legion Rapier Weapons Battery: 1x Graviton Cannon
  • Heavy Support
    • Deredeo Pattern Dreadnought: Aiolos Missile Launcher, Armoured Ceramite
    • Artillery Tank Squadron: 2x Legion Medusas
    • Legion Heavy Support Squad: 7x Legion Space Marines, Plasma Cannons
      • Legion Sergeant: Augury Scanner, Melta Bombs
  • Wall of Martyrs Imperial Defence Network
    • Imperial Bunker

    • Imperial Defence Emplacement

    • Imperial Defence Line

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