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Shroud of Sanguinius / Cleutin


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So I've been doing some reading online and came across this little nugget on Wikia...


"Veteran Sergeant Cleutin - Cleutin is the most senior Sergeant within the Blood Angels Chapter and the current Guardian of the Shroud of Sanguinius -- one of the Chapter's most revered holy relics. It is said to be the remnants of an ancient battle standard that the Emperor used to cover Sanguinius' dead body when He discovered it on Horus's flagship Vengeful Spirit after the Warmaster had slain his former brother in the waning hours of the Battle of Terra. Soaked with the blood of the Primarch, it was later retrieved by the Blood Angels and taken back to Baal. Only a small fragment remains, preserved lovingly in an iron box with a built-in stasis field. Though a miniscule relic, its powerful psychic aura can drive any Blood Angels near its presence into an ecstatic state from the psychic emanations. As the senior Sergeant of the Chapter, it has fallen to Cleutin to be the current Guardian of the sacred shroud. It is rumoured that Cleutin is so old that he was the Sergeant in charge of Lord Commander Dante's Scout Squad when he was still an Aspirant. Whatever the truth of this rumour, there is no doubting that Cleutin is a doughty and experienced warrior, and a worthy guardian of the Shroud."


Anyone know if there was ever a model / rules for this guy?


Also - Older than Dante... That's got to make him the oldest marine breathing right?

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Does this seem a bit odd to anyone?


Bearing in mind GW business model is supposed to be models first, then rules and fluff... For them to have two pre-existing characters, with backgrounds and stat line worked out (at least for previous incarnations of Codex / Rules), and not capitalise on that by bringing out a couple more kits seems very un-GW for GW...


Either way I can feel two more proxy's / conversions being added to my "To Do" list.

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Not really. It's just that for whatever reason, some characters vanish over the years. We lost Cleutin from Angels of Death and Moriar the Damned from our fourth edition Codex. Of course we have gained new faces since then.


The Dark Angels lost Sapphon and Battle-brother Bethor from Angels of Death and Veteran Scout Sergeant Naaman from their fourth edition book. Again, they have received new faces.


It's not just restricted to 40k. The Dark Elves lost Beastmaster Rakarth, The Undead lost Nagash up until recently, and so on. Basically, if they didn't have a model or they had a really poor model, they were cut from future books.

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Fair enough. Although you would have thought they would have seized upon that as a reason to launch a model and squeeze more money out of the consumer, not drop content and then start again elsewhere.


Surely making a new model to match existing rules and fluff is an easier task for the production team than making a new model, and then also making up new fluff and coherent rules for that second model?

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So I've been doing some reading online and came across this little nugget on Wikia...


 Only a small fragment remains, preserved lovingly in an iron box with a built-in stasis field.



I'm loving the entire background of this guy, reminds me of the times when standard bearers had an actual impact on your army, in 3rd and 4th edition codizes.

The excerpt above gets me wondering....it's no longer an entire shroud, is it? So no real need for a model with a Standard, more like a pole perhaps, or slung around the waist?


I'd love to see some rules for him today, as well as a model. Perhaps Dante's fluff will have to be retconned, then.




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Never mind, just Googled it. Not sure why that lawsuit would prevent GW issuing a model for these two, but who knows, maybe there is some sort of counter intellectual property claim going on.


With regards to chapter specific models (Chaplains / Librarians / Captains / etc), and their absence meaning possible deletion from law, are they really needed?


Surely you just buy generic SM model and paint him in your colours. As everyone used to do with Terminators, Devastators, Tacticals, Assault marines etc?


I know not all troops / armourment types are available to all chapters, but surely common sense dictates that just because a specific model isn't sculpted explicitly for your chapter that this doesnt mean the choice will be unavailable to your army (especially with character types and models regularly referenced in fluff - like Chaplains).


At core a chapter is a derivative of space marine, thus most space marine kit, and certainly all core space marine troop types, would be available to every chapter. Exceptions only for unique characters tied to one specific chapter / successors. Thus no need for specific BA chaplain model, and certainly no need to remove it from BA law just because a model hasn't been cast.


Or am I hoping for too much common sense from GW there?

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I been thinking of making a banner fir this exact model. Taking a old 2ed metal stander barer I trick is trying to nail the image on banner. Maybe when book 6 drops if we get picture of sanguinius I can come up with something.

I'd go one of two routes:

Either a "Shroud of Turin" type image (referencing the death shroud).

Or an "Ark of the Covenant" type image (referencing the power exuding from a relic in a box).


Obviously both pimped with additional BA imagery.


Either would be cool.

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I think that's more to do with the Chapterhouse lawsuit. Basically, there was no Blood Angels Chaplain model so rather than write the unit out, they had to make one teehee.gif

I think (hope rather) that its a Reclusiarch model that were cut out just for that exact reason - there were no BA only model. Just like in case of DA - they got their chapter specific high chaplain.

Where the reclusiarch is basicly the same type of thing.

And also i have a strong feeling that Tycho will be retconned and his place/spot will take Karlean (as named captain character)

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I think that's more to do with the Chapterhouse lawsuit. Basically, there was no Blood Angels Chaplain model so rather than write the unit out, they had to make one teehee.gif

I think (hope rather) that its a Reclusiarch model that were cut out just for that exact reason - there were no BA only model. Just like in case of DA - they got their chapter specific high chaplain.

Where the reclusiarch is basicly the same type of thing.

And also i have a strong feeling that Tycho will be retconned and his place/spot will take Karlean (as named captain character)

I sure do miss being able to field a personalized Reclusiarch. It was my favorite model. Next favorite was Tycho for the longest. Always fancied his model. I agree though, there will more than likely be a retcon.

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So I've been doing some reading online and came across this little nugget on Wikia...


 Only a small fragment remains, preserved lovingly in an iron box with a built-in stasis field.



I'm loving the entire background of this guy, reminds me of the times when standard bearers had an actual impact on your army, in 3rd and 4th edition codizes.

The excerpt above gets me wondering....it's no longer an entire shroud, is it? So no real need for a model with a Standard, more like a pole perhaps, or slung around the waist?


I'd love to see some rules for him today, as well as a model. Perhaps Dante's fluff will have to be retconned, then.





I think the shroud was in a box. IIRC.


I would like to see shrouds return as a relic item like they were in 3rd edition.

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I have seen those items really don't care for them. I been tossing around the idea of more darker route I tend field DC heavy list. More of rising/falling image rather than just death shroud.


I would be cool if gave us back the option all other chapters got special banner, we just one for term kinda wasted the spot. When rumors leaked about us getting banner I was hoping for it would be been updated version of this.

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It's not surprising he hasn't got a model over the years. GW have a long history of producing characters with rules but no model as an option for modellers. GW has moved away from releasing models for non-centrepiece special characters in the last few years for the simple reason that they don't sell very well. Unless the character in question is a big centrepiece that you desperately want for your army, generic characters are almost always better sellers.

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Ha, first I've heard of him! You'd think after a thousand+ years he'd have been promoted to captain!


Becoming a Captain isn't a long-service award. :p


Maybe he is just a really good squad leader but not a company-level tactician. Maybe he refused promotion on the grounds that he felt he was a better soldier than a leader (ala Ulrik).

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