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countering wave spam and intercepted list with rhino rush.


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I am bring back my blood angles to table, been using 30k alphas for pass few months.


The first few matches ended very bad for them. Drop pod list shot to :cuss by tau and rip apart by eldar spams.


Jump heavy list didn't stand a chance. Brought 3 raven formation and that was quick game, more time a bar that night.


I don't care if I win or lose its just plastic with paint on them, however not bring challening list is boring for both sides.


So planing on list to handle next weeks matches. Eldar with clown allies, tau full retard mode, and ork list that not overly worried about its either massive foot slogging or speed list that's heavy with flyers


My first draft is centered around 3 relic sicarans with lascannon. 3 fast tanks that can destroy jink save and turn enough high S attack to bring down the big guys. The lascannon are they crack open anything on heavy AV side.

2-3 rhinos to screen them for extra protection.

DC jumpers or maybe small unit sang guard.


How do the rest of you deal with tau and wave spam?


Any thing I missing or overlooking?

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Really, Sicarans are your best bet. You've nailed it there. Otherwise just making them jink is enough to stop the firepower so that's good.


Tau is all about saturation, make it so they can't kill everything. Also use scouts to eat overwatch.

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Fragioso dreadnoughts with heavy flamers in a pod have done really well for me against Eldar and Orks. Heavy flamers on the tac squads also help.


Tau are a difficult matchup for BA, no doubt. I've found that it is best to bring mass OS (MSU) against Tau and play to the objectives. You're not going to out-shoot them. If you get them into assault, you should do well, but be cautious of the new stormsurge GC models and their stomps.

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