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Taghmata Cabrakan (Mechanicum 2500pts)


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After some scouring through my inventory of things I have and things I want I settled with a 2500pts Mechanicum-list.

Please give me your thoughts!


Archmagos Prime, rides on an Abeyant, Macrotek, cyber-familiar, machinator array, cortex controller, meltagun, djinn skein - 270pts  


20 Tech-Thralls, Rite of Pure Thought - 80pts

6 Thallax, 2 plasma-fuses, 2 melta bombs, 4 heavy chainblades - 315pts

6 Thallax, 2 multi-meltas, 2 melta bombs, 2 heavy chainblades - 285pts

2 Castellax, 2 darkfire cannons, frag grenades - 260pts

2 Castellax, 2 flamers each, frag grenades - 240pts

Tech-Priest Auxillia, Enginseer, cortex controller, 2 servitors with servo-arms - 90pts


6 Secutors, 4 plasma-fuses, 4 maxim bolters, 4 gravitation guns - 540pts

Rides in a Triaros


Krior Tank Destroyer - 150pts

Thanatar, Paragon and Enhanced Targeting Array - 300pts


I imagine the army being a "two-parter", where Triaros, Krior, Castellaxii, Priest and Prime take the center, with one flank to the Thanatar and one flank to the Thallaxii. The Thralls could be kept in reserve for later objective-grabs in the home territory.  

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Nice start mate! Good to see more Mechanicum armies.


I'm not too sure why you're taking Macrotek. It makes your Tech-Priest Auxilia Troops, but you have 3 other Scoring units already (and 3 free Elites slots) so it's only a small bonus. And you haven't taken a pair of Fortifications either. Almost any other choice would be better for your army.


For 20 points, it's totally worth giving the Tech-Thralls carapace armour, given bolters will negate their flak armour. They want to survive; nothing more.


Thallax have a fair bit of gear, but it's good stuff. Melta bombs are an all-or-nothing upgrade though. Maybe swap the heavy chainblades for an upgrade like Tank Hunters? They're at their best when shooting.


Castellax are always good. Giving the Darkfire ones ETA will help a lot (and the Archmagos can use his Djinn-skein to bump them further to BS6 and get past those "Get's Hot" rolls). Frag grenades are probably not going to help much against I4 Marines.


Finally, the Secutors are equipped with the weapons that the models come with, right? It's a bit annoying that they come like that, but with some very simple conversions you can equip them all the same way. Simply buying a set of graviton guns and cutting them to fit will give you 12 Haywire blasts on a Relentless platform. Or find some Betrayal at Calth plasma guns (to use as phased plasma-fusils) and drown your opponent in 18 S6 AP3 shots! Might also be an idea to split them into 2 units so you have some versatility.


Krios is great. Thanatar is great. In fact, everything you've taken is great, but adjusting the options would probably work nicely for you. Hope this helps! :)

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Personally I think you're light on anti-tank for 2500 points. Expect super-heavies at this points level (at the very least a Typhon). You also don't have a whole lot of AP2 (mainly the Darkfire Cannon's). You should also expect to see Primarch death stars at this points level at well, probably inside a Spartan!


Maybe give the Secutors Graviton Guns, or swap them for Destructors with Imploders? I would also try to give all the tank hunting Thallax melta bombs, as that will be far more useful than the MM's when you come across ceramite (which you will).


Unfortunately the few times I've proxied Mechanicum armies, against both 30 and 40k, Thallax have proven to be very squishy and their damage output isn't great. I've found the best use is melta bombs, Destructor and use them to assault vehicles. They're really expensive for what they do. 6 with 2x MM, Destructor and melta bombs is about the same as 3x Castellax with DFC's and arrays :/

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Ok! So I changed the Prime from Macrotek to a Lachrimallus for FnP and boosting the Thralls.

I also split the Darkfire Castellax for more surviability.

But daaamn it's hard to find the points to do everything you want... I mean, sure I want ETA on the Darkfires, but how?!

So, melta bombs on the MM-Thallaxii and gravitation guns to the Secutors! 



Archmagos Prime, rides on an Abeyant, Lachrimallus, cyber-familiar, machinator array, cortex controller, meltagun, djinn skein - 275pts  




20 Tech-Thralls, Rite of Pure Thought, carapace armour - 100pts


6 Thallax, 2 plasma-fuses, 2 heavy chainblades - 295pts


6 Thallax, 2 multi-meltas, 6 melta bombs - 295pts


1 Castellax, 1 darkfire cannon - 125pts

1 Castellax, 1 darkfire cannon - 125pts

2 Castellax, 2 flamers each - 230pts


Tech-Priest Auxillia, Enginseer, cortex controller, 2 servitors with servo-arms - 90pts 


6 Secutors, 12 gravitation guns - 540pts


Rides in a Triaros




Krior Tank Destroyer - 150pts


Thanatar, Paragon and Enhanced Targeting Array - 300pts




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Definitely looking like a tighter list now. The Archmagos can still buff a Darkfire Castellax to BS5, so that's almost as good as ETA (though personally, I'd combine them into a single unit of 2).


As with all list-building, points are the problem... Probably more so in 30k as everything is pricier!

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I would perhaps drop the Secutors in favor of Destructors with Imploders, but that's just me and my love of Imploders!


Can you find a way to make all the Castellax Darkfire? Maybe drop the two chainblades from the Thallax squad (don't have my book handy so can't remember the points cost)?


It is looking tighter though! And at the end of the day it's 30k, not WAAC 40k. If you love big Thallax units (and they do look awesome) then go for it!

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Noooo! Then there goes the chainblades... Thanks for the look out! :)


If I should someday move to 3k, would Knights be a good addition?


Thanks for all the comments, guys! This is crucial for me before I start ordering my miniatures. The Castellax with Mauler Bolters do already exist, so they will stay. ;/

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No worries mate! Always a good idea to work towards something once you've had the forum help flesh it out, if only to save money spent on something really hard to play with. :)


Knights are solid. Melta wrecks them though, so watch out for that.

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You can take up to 2 as a single Lord of War choice, points permitting (and overall still have to be 25% or less). Atrapos is the Super-heavy killer, plus it has an extra hull point. Definitely seems good on paper, but have not played with or against it yet. Of the others, some work better in the Questoris Knights list, and others are fine as is - Paladins and Errants are safe and cheap. Actually took on a Paladin in a 1000-point game of 40k last night!


At 3k you could also just go for a Warhound Titan! :)

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  • 1 month later...

Hello again!


So... After some testing I can say that my love for the Secutors dwindled to nothing. So I started to look over the list

and thought about bringing some more Castellax and kriors. Thoughts? As have been said before, there is an abscence

of AP2 in the list, so any advice to make it a bit more frightening would be awesome!

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Okay folks! 

So the new list looks something like this;


Archmagos Prime, rides on an Abeyant, Lachrimallus, cyber-familiar, machinator array, cortex controller, meltagun, djinn skein, rad grenades - 285pts  




20 Tech-Thralls, Rite of Pure Thought, carapace armour - 100pts


6 Thallax, 2 plasma-fuses, 2 heavy chainblades - 295pts


6 Thallax, 2 multi-meltas, 6 melta bombs - 295pts


3 Castellax, 3 darkfire cannon - 375pts


4 Castellax, 2 flamers x2 - 440pts




Tech-Priest Auxillia, Enginseer, cortex controller, 2 servitors with servo-arms - 90pts 




Krior Tank Destroyer - 150pts


Krior Tank Destroyer - 150pts


Thanatar, Paragon and Enhanced Targeting Array - 300pts




Boosting the Castellaxii(?) was my primary wish (loving the models), and giving the Magos rad grenades will make his bodyguard unit (the 4 Castellaxii) some chance to hurt marines all over the place. I bought another Krior Tank Destroyer because I really love the stats on its main weapon, and thought it would give me some more Ap2 to the army. What do you think?

I still got 10pts to play with!

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I am working on a similar list so I was wondering if you considered running it as a Legio Cybernetica with Archmagos Dominus.


That way you can tuck him in with the mauler bolt cannon castellax thanks to Patris Cybernetica. It would also give you a 24 inch Cortex controller range increase and +1 initiative for your automata.

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