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[Commission] Knights of the Chalice for Space Hulk


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Good day, ladies and gentlemen!

Here's the latest set of Space Hulk minis I painted. The chapter is Knights of the Chalice (I really like the look of Ultramarines Terminators, the client didn't want them painted as Blood Angels, but didn't mind the BA iconography, thus the Knights of the Chalice were born. While I painted them I made up some fluff about the Knights. They're an UM successor chapter [as most SM chapters are IIRC] with the main job of escorting ships along important trade and supply routes. Once they were to transport a big chalice filled with the blood of a saint, possibly Guilliman himself, and thus an important relic. The Knights of the Chalice's chapter master was a really amazing dude. He killed like all the big wardaemon things with his chainsaw sword. Really top awesome guy, but he was rather prone to warp sickness whilst travelling. In one such an instance he stumbled around, probably towards the latrines, when he knocked over the relic and the blood collected in it was spilled. Since then the chapter had to change their icons accordingly and get sent out on the crap jobs, like cleansing Space Hulks of Genestealers):












..tried something new with the power sword. msn-wink.gif

The above minis are meant to compliment the Space Hulk Chaos Space Marines I painted for the same client last year (which is why these fellas above are blue too. The idea was "anything but red").

Anyway, I hope you like the pictures! smile.png

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