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Question: Highlighting black by inking down from grey spray


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I'm doing a Ravenwing army and was looking for a  good way to highlight the black. I found this excellent tutorial a few weeks ago and quite fancy the idea of priming black, spraying in the highlights then toning them with ink. However, I don't have an airbrush. Would using Army Painter Uniform Grey work or would it be too stark and the lack of pressure control difficult?

I did something similar to some Iron Hands using a tutorial I found on here. Instead I sprayed the miniature black, then painted it with Adeptus battlegrey(was the darkest I had) leaving the recesses black. Then I washed the whole miniature with Nuln Oil three times. After the third time it was dark enough then highlighted the edges. Came out really good in my opinion.

I did something similar to some Iron Hands using a tutorial I found on here. Instead I sprayed the miniature black, then painted it with Adeptus battlegrey(was the darkest I had) leaving the recesses black. Then I washed the whole miniature with Nuln Oil three times. After the third time it was dark enough then highlighted the edges. Came out really good in my opinion.


Mind posting a pic with the result?

Cool beans, thanks for the tutorial! That's a pretty gritty Ravenwing. They certainly aren't as eye catching as something that's edge highlighted super high, but they do have a really unique realistic matte look to them I really dig.


I'm guessing using a brush with AP uniform gray wouldn't be too much of a jump, but I'm betting it would take longer. I'm thinking the key is going to be a bunch of super thin coats to build up shadows where you want them (think like reverse edge highlighting) so that'll take a good deal of patience on your part. But it should also give you awesome control compared to an airbrush!


@ Kreig - That sounds pretty sweet. Do you have any pics?

Thanks I'm painting them as they're shown in their Index Astartes article hence the white bolter. One tip captain_volos said in his tutorial is to shake the Nuln Oil wash a lot or else it will look glossy. Also there's a patch of grey on the bare headed marines right boot. It's not that noticeable in person the flash must be exposing it more.

For iron hands I found drybrushing the grey over the back base coat effective as multiple layers of wash hides the messiness. Before the final wash I slapped the metallics with boltgun and the washed the entire thing.


I'll dig up some pics.


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