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Brother Captain Antonius


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So for Christmas, my roommate drew me as a Blood Angel. I couldn't believe it when I got home and saw it framed and sitting on my desk. In honor of this, I decided to build him as drawn, with some slight additions:



Captain Antonius - 170pts


Artificer Armour

Fury of Baal

Valour's Edge

Jump Pack


I'm in the process of hunting down the bits I need for the build and plan to update this thread when I build and paint him!







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Bro-Captain Antonius: 170pts (jump pack, artificer armour, Valour's Edge, Fury of Baal)

Sanguinary Priest: 85pts (Angel's Wing, bolt pistol, medic censored.gif)


Sammael the Death Co Dread: 180pts (Talons, meltagun, heavy flamer, drop pod)

5 Death Co: 230 pts (Glow sword, Hulk Fist, Razorback w/ Las)

Lucifer the Furioso: 165pts (Drop pod, frag cannon, heavy flamer)

5 Sang Guard: 195pts (Venetian masks, Banner of Awesome, 3 pigstickers, 2 meat cleavers)


5 Scouts: 55pts (blades and pistols, literal red shirts here)

10 Tac Marines: 210pts (Heavy flamer, flamer, combi-flamer, Red Rhinoceros)

Fast Attack:

10 Assault Marines: 200pts (2 meltaguns, combi-melta, drop pod)

Heavy Support:

Baal Predator: 135pts (Assault cannon, heavy bolters, mo' dakka)

10 Devastator Marines: 230pts (2 missiles w/ flakk, 2 lascannons, 4 ablative wounds)

Vindicator: 145pts (Siege shield, storm bolter, sub-light engines)

So basically the idea is to combat squad the Devastators so missiles and lascannons can shoot and different censored.gif with a couple of dudes each to get in the way of incoming. I paid for flakk as it is literally the only anti-air this list has so if they die I'm censored.gif. Literally everything else is meant to distract away from deep-striking Antonius and his personal Tornado of Blades and Killy. Hopefully I can roll Descent of Angels warlord trait for that sweet, sweet reserve re-roll that, when combined with Angel's Wing, should allow for some precision deep striking.

I know, I know, some of you might say "But Panda, you could shave points by getting rid of some of those relics! He doesn't need all that gear!" To that I say: When you make a model that represents you personally on a table, you'll give him every goddamn bit of awesome you can just to shove it in your opponent's face when you start tearing through their army!

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