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1000pt Zone Mortalis - Iron Warriors


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HQ: Siege Breaker(Artifice, Thunder Hammer) - 130


EL: Dreadnought(Flamestorm, Plasma Blaster) - 160


EL: HB Rapier x2(Shrapnel Bolts) - 80


TR: Breacher x15(2x Meltas, Flamer, Sgt Power Sword + Meltabombs) - 330


HS: Iron Havoc x9(Autocannons, Sgt Meltabomb) - 290




Any comments? Advice on where to spend that last 10 points would be very useful - I'm wavering between giving the Siege Breaker a combi-weapon or a refractor field.


The plan is to attach the SB to the Havocs, who should be able to put down most things you can expect in ZM through weight of fire/Wrecker & Tank Hunter. Breachers are Breachers, what can you say. The Dread is a low-AP death machine if positioned well, and the Rapiers with Shrapnel can be used to discourage attacks down any particular corridor.

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10 havocs seems excessive especially in ZM, too many boards where you just won't have a good place to put them to take advantage of their long range. Instead why not take tyrant terminators, I think they would be awesome in ZM. Shred any MEQs at long range, or go fight on close combat with fists to beat up other terminators.
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10 havocs seems excessive especially in ZM, too many boards where you just won't have a good place to put them to take advantage of their long range. Instead why not take tyrant terminators, I think they would be awesome in ZM. Shred any MEQs at long range, or go fight on close combat with fists to beat up other terminators.


I actually really wanted to include Tyrants for the rules, but I started working on a MK IV helmet variant with a faceplate that resembles the IW insignia specifically for the Havocs, and I struggled to find a way to fit both into the 1000pts without having to drop the Rapiers and gimp the Breachers. I originally had a 5-man Havoc unit but when I couldn't fit the Tyrants in I just dumped the leftover points into them on the principle that MOAR DAKKA is always better :P

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In a normal game, I'd agree more dakka the better, but in ZM I think you really need a good assault unit. Breachers are solid in ZM, but they are not going to cut it for something that can stand up to better units. Tyrants in the other hand can, and you're losing no firepower by replacing the havocs with the Tyrants. Havocs are just not the optimal choice for ZM,but if you really want to keep them you can drop half the havocs and the rapiers to free up pts.
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In a normal game, I'd agree more dakka the better, but in ZM I think you really need a good assault unit. Breachers are solid in ZM, but they are not going to cut it for something that can stand up to better units. Tyrants in the other hand can, and you're losing no firepower by replacing the havocs with the Tyrants. Havocs are just not the optimal choice for ZM,but if you really want to keep them you can drop half the havocs and the rapiers to free up pts.


Hmm. Assuming the points work out, what would you say to the 15-man Breacher squad, the Dread, a 5-man Havoc unit(switch back to HBs with Shrapnel so they can take over from the missing Rapiers - should I drop the meltabombs from the sarge do you think?), a 5-man Tyrant squad, and a barebones Cataphractii Siege Breaker?


EDIT: Nvm, the math doesn't work. To fit the Tyrants I'd have to drop the Rapiers, get rid of the Dread, and cut the Breachers & Havoks to 10 & 5 men respectively.

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